Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE VT-31 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1962 AD Moody James Claremont NH
1962 AN Houghton Larry San Pablo CA
1962 AN Safer Donald San Lorenzo CA
1962 AT Pruss Terry Libertyville IL
1962 AZ Moore Bob Rochester GA
1962 YN Kofnetka Harvey Neenah WI
1962 YN Kofnetka Harvey Neenah WI
1964 AD Mcdonough Terry Jacksonville OR
1964 AD Miesse John ( Jack) Denver CO
1964 AM Bubeck Ron Albequerque NM
1964 AM Woodward Norman (woody) Kannapolis Nc NC
1964 AN Niemann Larry Los Angeles CA
1964 AT Moreu Bill Ada OK
1965 AT Kramlich Roger Eureka SD
1966 AE Vandepels Rich Holland MI
1966 AM Miller Phillip Indianapolis IN
1966 PR Berry Robert Checotah OK
1966 SN Larsen N Steven Hometown IL
1968 AE Hart Alan San Antonio TX
1968 AE Murphy William New York City NY
1969 AD Love Greg Royal Oak MI
1969 AT Clark Johnnie Jewett IL
1970 BM Powell Chuck Summerville SC
1970 YN Phelps Sharon
1971 AM Mayotte Bob Fort Lauderdale FL
1972 AZ Virgil Felice Davenport IA
1973 AZ Martin Walter Lancaster CA
1973 PN Haen Paul Piqua KS
1973 PR Kowell Michael Granada Hills CA
1974 AD Lucas Marvin Corpus Christi TX
1980 AM Jordan James Bayview TX
1984 YN Willie Martin Cedar Rapids IA
1986 YN Alberts Dave San Antonio TX
1998 YN Pierce Stace Houston TX





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We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you... Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories.


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