Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE SSN-698 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1944 BM Neally William Kirksville MO
1945 BM Clinton George Fremont CA
1978 EM Bechtel Michael Hilo HI
1978 EM Herrick Scott Milton PA
1978 EM Payne Tim Cleburne TX
1978 EM Phillips Russell Alliance OH
1978 ET Sparks Jonathan Baltimore MD
1978 LTJG Alligood Cliff Massapequa NY
1978 MM Hall Donnie Denver CO
1978 MM Hankin Sean Colby KS
1978 MM Ollmann Tim Jenison MI
1978 MS Diedrich Jeffrey Valders WI
1978 MS Tucker Cardoza Fresno CA
1978 TM Buzzelli Randy Ellwood City PA
1979 ET Mcphillips Thomas Hutchinson KS
1979 FN Phillips Steve Mahopac NY
1979 IC Woods Russ Bakersfield CA
1979 LT Charuk Bill Hatboro PA
1979 MM Collins Kenneth Blackwell OK
1979 MM Puckett Mark Muskegon MI
1979 RM Crane John Gadsden AL
1979 ST Isaman Robert Hill City SD
1979 ST Reilly Timothy Lancaster CA
1979 ST Thompson Gregory Leslie MI
1979 TM Scanlan John Tewksbury MA
1980 EM Dutcher Dan Arvada CO
1980 EM Martin Ronald Winter Haven FL
1980 ENS Jensen Karl Bremerton WA
1980 ET Meren Alfredo (fred) Martinez CA
1980 IC Jones James San Angelo TX
1980 MM Collins Kenneth Blackwell OK
1980 MM Mitchell John Tulsa OK
1980 MM White Jim Springfield MA
1980 MS Hamilton Frank Ft Wayne IN
1980 MS Pasternak Neil Springhill KS
1980 SN Kervin Randall Gardena CA
1980 ST Kline Jerome C. Detroit MI
1981 ET Craw Dan Milford UT
1981 LT Nelson Erik Coronado CA
1981 MM Gilray Donn Copperas Cove Tx TX
1981 MM Jacobson John (jake) Santa Rosa CA
1981 MM Prukop John Lampasas TX
1981 MM Walton Joel Placerville CA
1981 QM Smith Guy Kalispell MT
1981 SK Seiders Steven Newport PA
1981 SN Acosta Juan Chicago IL
1981 ST Kimpel James Woburn MA
1982 ET Penney Robert (bob) Eau Claire WI
1982 FT Schneider Randy Westminster CO
1982 MM Patterson Billy Lemon Cove CA
1982 ST Holland Tom San Antonio TX
1983 CPO Briggs John Intl Falls MN
1983 CPO Lamerson Larry Greenville MI
1983 CPO Lehto Stephen Tempe AZ
1983 EM Meehan Michael Garden City MI
1983 ET Baker Jim Maricopa AZ
1983 IC Polizzotti Joseph Saddle Brook NJ
1983 MS Francione Jack Stone Park IL
1983 QM Montgomery Julius Los Angeles CA
1983 QM Montgomery Julius Los Angeles CA
1983 QM Russell Bubba (marty) Detroit MI
1983 ST Marcey Jeff Gainesville VA
1983 ST Yee Challen Palo Alto CA
1983 YN Gordon Bruce West End NC
1983 YN Jenkins Douglas Delhi NY
1984 MM Glover Patrick Salem WI
1984 MM Van Buskirk Steve Kingsland GA
1984 RM Hammons Jim Huntsville AL
1984 TM Bentley Bob Boonton NJ
1985 EM Downs Greg Vernon Hills IL
1985 ET Avery Mike New Orleans LA
1985 FT Schmeling Randy Ledyard CT
1985 IC Klocko Darren North Haven CT
1985 LT Clark Bill Parker CO
1985 MM Pyle James Amarillo TX
1985 MM Simmons Ed Colorado Springs CO
1985 MM Weller Brett Minneapolis MN
1985 SN Honshul Joe Lake Charles LA
1986 CMDR Heron Tom Tampa FL
1986 MM Evitts Terry Jasper IN
1986 MM Graham Shawn Midland MI
1986 MM Gray Lawrence (larry) Midland MI
1986 MM Simmons Ed Concord NH
1986 SN Honshul Joe Forest Hill LA
1986 YN Tigner John El Dorado Springs MO
1987 CPO Meadors Don Meridian MS
1987 MM May Stephen Port Orchard WA
1987 MM Nelson John Harrisonburg VA
1987 RM Anderson Darrin Finley ND
1987 TM Festor Eric Sanborn NY
1988 ET Elliott John Litchfield NH
1988 ET Thomas Robert Anderson MO
1988 IC Bowers David Tucson AZ
1988 IC Hannah Walter Schlater MS
1988 MM Julien Michael Sandwich IL
1988 MM Murdock Guy Sacramento CA
1988 MM Ward Kenn Orlando FL
1988 MM Williams William Flemington MO
1988 MS Scott John Little Elm TX
1988 ST Blackburn Gary Santee CA
1988 TM Robinson Richard South Pittsburg TN
1988 YN Rogers Dale New Cumberland WV
1989 ET Smith Thomas Miami Beach FL
1989 MCPO Cotie Bruce Enid OK
1989 MM Sheppard Mike Colville WA
1989 SCPO Beckman Matthew St. Louis MO
1989 SN Nobrega Dennis RI
1989 ST Russell James Spokane WA
1990 ET Trail Michael Davenport IA
1990 MM Dobson Schawn Carlsbad NM
1990 RM Flemion Tim Clinton MD
1991 Reisinger Richard NY
1991 AD Mcfarlane Shaun Lakeside CA
1991 CPO Aldrich Jerry Warrenton VA
1991 CPO Hirst Jeff Muncie IN
1991 EM Page Shawn Eastpointe MI
1991 ET Laub Jeff Bellevue WA
1991 ET Mallory Eric Anchorage AK
1991 ET Schronick Charles Bloomsburg PA
1991 ET Sherman Daniel Murray IA
1991 MM Cyr Keith Alamogordo NM
1991 MM Rothenfluch Anthony Portland OR
1992 ET Sherman Daniel Murray IA
1992 FT Jones Terry Bellingham WA
1992 IC Bell Bryan Lubbock TX
1992 SN Pellini Paul Miami FL
1992 ST Glover Matt Desoto TX
1992 TM Antrim Michael Chicago IL
1993 EM Ford Jimmy Copperas Cove TX
1993 EM Ford Jimmy Copperas Cove TX
1993 ET Filer Travis Pueblo CO
1993 MM Reisinger Rich NY
1993 MM Vance Steven Sulphur LA
1994 ET Dodd Wyatt Kelly IA
1994 FT Smith Donald Buffalo NY
1994 ST Schmidt Stephen Louisville KY
1994 ST Swift John Waianae HI
1995 Rotter --
1995 EM Mcdowell Brian Marysville OH
1995 FT Evangelista John Pahala HI
1995 IC Fisher Rob Bastrop LA
1995 MM Erlendson Peter Boise ID
1995 MM Neely Nathan Des Moines IA
1995 RM Arnold Thomas Dyersburg TN
1996 ET Carpenter William Belgrade MT
1996 MM Armstrong Paul Astoria Queens NY
1997 EM Lawrence David Merced CA
1997 ET Little Mitchell Bellingham WA
1997 ET Schaufus Donald Tewksbury MA
1997 MCPO Beckman Matthew St. Louis MO
1998 EN Smith Adam Bakersfield CA
1998 MM Leon David East Los Angeles CA
1999 ET Horn Jeffrey Lincoln NE
1999 MM Cole Steven Garden Grove CA
1999 MM Martinez John Lancaster CA
1999 MS Johnson Brian Belleville MI
1999 RM Marsh John Cincinnati OH
2000 EM Conyers John CA
2000 ST Gault David San Diego CA
2001 Chambliss Reggie Denver CO
2001 AB Walters Tony Phoenix AZ
2001 CPO Griggs Gregory Gettysburg PA
2001 CPO Griggs Gregory Gettysburg PA
2001 ET Hernandez Jovenzki Gretna LA
2001 ET Longworth William Auberry CA
2001 MT Holback Ajai Brooklyn NY
2001 SK Steadman Luther Elizabeth City NC
2002 MM Alvarado David San Diego CA
2002 MM Alvarado David San Diego CA
2003 ET Maddox Jared Joplin MO
2003 SCPO Kemp Chris Hamshire TX
2005 CPO Kicinski Joe Myrtle Creek OR
2006 MM Dobson Taylor Boca Raton FL
2006 ST Halsall Chris Lake In The Hills IL
2008 CS Collins Cory Jefferson PA
2008 CS Collins Cory Jefferson PA
2009 ET Foley Joshua Baltimore MD





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