Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE SS-555 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1949 SN Pretiger Willie El Paso TX
1954 Turner Luther Petersburg IL
1964 LTJG Abbott Richard Port Jefferson NY
1964 MCPO Harris James --
1966 ET Mullis Murray Milledgeville GA
1967 EM Gadreault Henry Westfield MA
1967 LTJG Mcwilliams George (Randy) Powell OH
1967 MM Arons Michael Riverside CA
1968 ET Smith Ronald(pat) Belton TX
1968 SCPO Rowe Ken Palestine AR
1969 EM Pelini Gary Peoria IL
1969 ST Baines Albert Arnold MD
1970 CWO Haight Dexter San Antonio TX
1974 EM Connelly Thomas Branchville SC
1974 MCPO Fletcher Robert San Diego CA
1974 SCPO Petersen Dennis Norfolk NE
1978 CPO Hunter John Gainesville FL
1978 EN Jensen Eric Yucca Valley CA
1978 MCPO Calabria Joseph Akron OH
1978 MCPO Calabria Joseph Akron OH
1978 MM Owens Rick Mcminnville OR
1978 QM Erhardt Warren South Bend IN
1979 LCDR Skille Alan Boise ID
1979 ST Stephens Carl Delano CA
1980 ET Stell Jack Fairfax VA
1983 MCPO Aguilar Larry Vallejo CA
1985 CPO Martin Mark Saratoga NY
1985 IC Bullock Jimmy Fredericksburg VA
1986 MM Rushton Donald Somerset MA
1986 YN Block Ken Prairie Du Sac WI
1987 LCDR Testa Ron Jackson Heights Queens NY
1987 PVT Lopez Luis --
1988 MM Ivie James Kingston ID
1988 SCPO Lawrence Brian Butte MT
1989 EN Clements Kenneth Avon NY
1992 MM Ragan Jonathan Pocahontas AR
1993 LCDR Capron Dan Hartford AL
1994 ST Flores Stephen Seffner FL
1995 SK Guettler David San Jose CA
1996 ET Miller James Des Moines IA
1996 MM Pepe Donato La Puente CA
1998 CPO Wright Dewayne Pensacola FL
1999 CPO Taylor Bryan Scottsburg IN
2001 MS Hudson Donnell Kansas City KS





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