Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE SS-396 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Neeld Lewis NY
1943 MM Kio Basil Port Allegenay PA
1945 RD Damon Harold Riggins ID
1945 ST Jones Don Long Branch TX
1949 MM Olson Steve Greendale WI
1949 TM Garcia Joe Poplar WI
1949 TM Nerison Jim Fresno CA
1949 TM Redman Tim Shelby Twp MI
1952 EM Davis Ralph San Diego CA
1952 EN Schnapp Arthur Elmhurst NY
1953 ET Allread William Jackson MI
1955 EN Engelke Bill Los Angeles CA
1955 PH Hampton Charles Bronx NY
1955 RM Patterson Dale Clemmons NC
1955 TM Mcphee James Des Moines IA
1955 TM Mcphee James Desmoines IA
1956 EM Klopf Ronald Levittown NY
1956 EN Gemmell Ron St. Augustine FL
1956 TM Mayfield Robert Fulton MO
1958 CPO Whipkey Del R Akron OH
1958 EM Esparza Ernest Harlingen TX
1958 FN Devore James San Diego CA
1958 MCPO Brock Charles A. Idontknow MI
1958 SN Hintz John Alameda CA
1958 ST Macdonald Joseph Salt Lake City UT
1958 YN Johnson Thomas Sleepy Eye MN
1959 IC Little John Caldwell ID
1959 SN Scannell William G Tacoma WA
1959 SN Scannell William G “mike” Tacoma WA
1959 SO Culver Robert Tacoma WA
1960 EM Jolly Edward Prosser NE
1960 EM Jolly Edward Prosser NE
1960 EN Bailey Owen Miami FL
1960 QM Blue Robert Camas WA
1960 YN Williams Richard Memphis TN
1961 IC Whitford Dennis Elmira NY
1962 EM Oakes Douglas Albuquerque NM
1962 EM Oakes Douglas Albuquerque NM
1962 ET Osentoski Richard Harbor Beach MI
1962 ET Tolle Charles Denver CO
1962 IC Rossell Charles Orlando FL
1962 RM Carlin John Lacey WA
1962 SO Hanson Arne Vancouver WA
1963 EM Andersen Larry Kearney NE
1963 EM Webber Jerry Baltimore MD
1963 EM Webber Jerry Baltimore MD
1963 EN Burton Wally Portland OR
1963 ST Salisbury Thomas Media PA
1964 IC Thacker Ap Canada KY
1964 IC Thacker Ap Canada KY
1964 RM Roderick Robert Fort Myers FL
1965 ST Barleen David Vallejo CA
1965 ST Barleen David Vallejo CA
1965 TM Cheesebrough Raymond H Long Beach CA
1966 EM Finney James Tuskegee AL
1966 EM Spoon Timothy Menlo Park CA
1966 EN Clift Vern Big Bar CA
1966 ET Barber Charles Waterloo IA
1966 FT Behunin Shyrl Ray Orem UT
1966 FT Carson Bob Seattle WA
1966 FT Carson Bob (kit) Seattle WA
1966 FT Carson Bob (kit) Seattle WA
1966 RM Fromson Mike Stewartstown NH
1966 SK Kiesow Dennis Goodridge MN
1967 EM Clark Jerry Gardena CA
1967 ET Beck Gary Long Beach CA
1967 ET Campbell Henry Davis CA
1968 LTJG Gaffney Neil Barrington RI
1968 MM Mccarthy Jack Cheektowaga NY
1968 MM Morrison Larry Laverne Lander WY
1969 EM Decrevel Dave Santa Rosa CA
1969 MM Blunt James Big Bear City CA
1969 TM Redman Tim Detroit MI
1970 EN Finn Mickey Wilkes-barre PA
1970 EN Waterson Jim St Onge SD
1970 MM Garner Berry Vinita OK
1970 RM Poore Jim Klamath Falls OR
1970 SM Desroches Perry Marrero LA
1970 TM Blunt Larry Fenton MO





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