Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE SS-394 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 -- Hammack Paul Fritch TX
1943 EM Wilson Donald Oneonta AL
1943 RM Ouderkirk John Amsterdam NY
1943 SF Elliott Wayne Osborn MO
1944 -- Julius William Manchester NH
1944 GM Brown Talma Paris TX
1944 TM Gordon Billie Flint MI
1945 SM Evanger Glenn Emonds WA
1946 EM Reed Joseph Orangeburg SC
1946 EM Stefaniak George Apollo PA
1946 MM Gerard Vic --
1946 QM Hickman William Cimarron NM
1946 RM Gray John (Jack) Woodbridge VA
1946 TM Szymanski Ted (ski) Youngstown OH
1946 TM Szymanski Ted Youngstown OH
1947 RM Dick Ted WA
1947 SN Whitman Roger Coopersville MI
1948 EN Fuller Glenn Stanton MI
1948 YN Johnson James Louisville NE
1949 CS Baker Robert W. Paso Robles CA
1949 EM Walker Stanley Sebring FL
1949 LT Perkins Ron Scottsdale AZ
1949 LTJG Ettner Edward R. Manitowoc WI
1949 PFC Chapman Rick Grants Pass OR
1950 EN Grinstead Dick Atlanta GA
1951 EN Wright Robert Lake Havasu City AZ
1952 SD Amargo Isidro Paliparan, Dasmariñas, Cavite PI
1953 EM Pastor Marvin Columbus OH
1954 EM Giarrante Donald Port Charlotte FL
1954 EM Sebek Joel Claire City SD
1954 TM Caruso Anthony Jackson Heights Queens NY
1955 EN Foster Dennis Colby WI
1955 IC Dale Johnny Corsicana TX
1955 SN Hickey Robert Brockton MA
1955 YN Apling Freddie Toleddo Washington WA
1956 EN Wilson Edward Hayward CA
1956 HM Blythe Carter Anaheim CA
1956 MM Howard Robert Portland OR
1956 QM Underwood Donald Elgin ND
1957 CS Palm Donovan San Josa CA
1957 EN Childs Richard Florence OR
1957 QM Gorence Ron Leadvile CO
1957 RM Mabry George Baldwin Park CA
1957 SN Houston Gilbert El Cerrito CA
1957 TM Butler Harold (hal) Kankakee IL
1958 CPTN Gullette --
1958 EN Borud Curt Wyndmere ND
1958 EN Holland William New London CT
1958 ET David Don Baton Rouge LA
1958 ET Howard Thomas Wichita KS
1959 EN Bassett Max Middleburg FL
1959 ET Gerow Harold Vactorville CA
1959 ET Gerow Harold Vactorville CA
1959 FN Evans Roy Hayward CA
1960 CS Barksdale Maurice Lee Lockhart TX
1960 EM Thrall Gary Milwaukie OR
1960 EN Sagaert Ron Detroit MI
1960 QM Sonnenburg Eric San Diego CA
1960 SN Mitchell John Albia IA
1960 YN Ranguette John Fort Myers FL
1961 EM Kirkey Terry Tucson AZ
1961 LT Myers Mike St. Joseph MO
1961 QM Reynolds Michael Newberg OR
1961 RM Snyder Don Idanha OR
1962 EM Daugbjerg Jorn Houston TX
1962 IC Rice Loyal Fresno CA
1962 LT Hildebrand Wayne Whittier CA
1962 SN Hand Larry La Puente CA
1962 YN Terney Edward Pendleton OR
1962 YN Terney Edward Pendleton OR
1962 YN Terney Edward Pendleton OR
1963 EM Derosia Edward Waukegan IL
1963 LT Bowers Fred Van Nuys CA
1963 MM Shellen Jay Swayzee IN
1963 QM Sharpe Jim Van Nuys CA
1963 RM Kunch Bob Chariton IA
1963 RM Lung Frank Los Angeles CA
1963 SD Alvarado Dominador Roseville CA
1963 ST Jones Thomas Sidney MT
1963 ST Knievel Leon Tilden NE
1963 ST Meier Fred Saltlake City UT
1964 BM Wolfgang Maurice ? --
1964 CM Corwin Roscoe ? --
1964 CM Sauders Milton ? --
1964 CPO Lewkouski? """Ski"" ""Cob""" ? --
1964 CPO Riggs """Chief""" ? --
1964 CPTN Sears Glenn R. ? --
1964 CS Bass Black - Sam --
1964 EM Owens """Big O""" ? --
1964 EM Stroope John ? CA
1964 ET Morehouse James Pensacola FL
1964 ET Tretheway Leonard --
1964 FT Kyle Mike --
1964 IC Miller Joseph Mt. Washington KY
1964 LT Gordon Donald ? --
1964 MM Grooms Frank --
1964 QM Kaiser Nicholas Los Angeles NM
1964 RM Crites George ? KS
1964 RM Olesen Ron Streator IL
1964 RM Ray Dale --
1964 SN Bryant Dave Renton WA
1964 TM Green Dave --
1965 Lewis James? ? --
1965 CM Conroe """Connie""" ? --
1965 CPO Duremberger? A.J. ? --
1965 EM Bell Bill Lawrence MA
1965 EM Hensen? Gene ? --
1965 EM Vanarsdale? Tom ? MT
1965 ET Morehouse Jim ? --
1965 FT Adkins James Cleveland ? OH
1965 IC Di Bari Bob Oakkand CA
1965 QM Fordney Donald Alpine CA
1965 RM Cartwright Gerald (jerry) Wichita KS
1965 SN Gerhard Bernard Sanliandro CA
1965 SN Wiley? Percible D. ? --
1965 ST Di Bari Joseph Oakland CA
1965 TM Munoz Albert ? --
1965 TM Theriot? ? --
1965 YN Murphy Terry Galva IL
1966 -- Lyle Roger --
1966 CPO Dibsie Sandiego? CA
1966 CPO Merideth Norbert Sandiego CA
1966 EM Trinidad Enrile Palauig Zambales Philippines CA
1966 EN Brothers Francis Battle Ground WA
1966 EN Davis Frank Ventura CA
1966 ET Melvin Ed West Lawn PA
1966 SN Fleming Don Albuquerque NM
1966 SN Huffstutler ? Sandiego? CA
1966 SN Ochoa Salvador Jr. Elpaso TX
1966 TM Haller Gary Tucson AZ
1966 TM Helm Millard Seattle WA
1967 EM Welsh Richard
1967 FT Henry James Anacortes WA
1967 FT Henry James Anacortes WA
1967 FT Henry James Anacortes WA
1967 FT Henry James Anacortes WA
1967 SK Space Robert Newton NJ
1967 TM Braunschweig Richard Mt. Prospect IL
1968 EM Medearis Robert Little Rock AR
1968 RM Blue Lowell Cleveland AR
1968 RM Collier Skip Riverton WY
1968 SD Trinidad Salus Zambales PI
1968 TM Braunschweig Richard Mt Prospect IL
1968 TM Miller Byron Portland OR
1969 CPO Lehmann
1969 EN Kamphausen William Chicago IL
1969 EN Paino Larry Orange CA
1969 IC Richter Steve Denton TX
1969 QM Horan Jerry?
1969 QM Willis Sid Dallas TX
1969 ST Hartman William J Houston TX
1969 TM Givens Roy Phoenix AZ
1969 TM Givens Roy Phoenix AZ
1989 CPO Sutculer Senol Golcuk-Turkey AL





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