Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE MSO-490 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1960 MS Brady Richard Spokane WA
1961 EN Magee Bob Great Falls CA
1962 RD Castle William Herington KS
1962 RD Harjo Gerald Wichita KS
1963 EN Ormiston Charles Brooklyn IA
1964 RM Wiens Larry Inman KS
1965 LTJG Kohl Jack Oregon City OR
1965 QM Cabello Rafael( Chico) San Antonio TX
1965 RD Jones Dempsey Gary IN
1965 RM Van Wagner Dennis Coldwater MI
1965 SM Wright William Houston TX
1965 YN Odle Carl Wichita KS
1966 ET Wade Roger San Bernardino CA
1966 RM Murry Paul Shreveport LA
1966 SM Brown Richard Oahu HI
1966 ST Porter Robert Culver City CA
1966 YN Bagstad Virgil Detroit MI
1967 SM Wright William Houston TX
1967 YN Lurk Richard Harvard NE
1968 CS Hardacre Robert (cookie Or Flint MI
1968 ET Ross Harold West Lafayette OH
1968 ST Brown Jay Hayward CA
1969 GM Garcia Jesus El Paso TX
1971 EM Maze Brian Camanche IA
1971 ET Gordon William Nazareth PA
1971 GM Newkirk Rick Laporte IN
1971 HM Wood Charles Lynwood CA
1971 OS Goodwin Kerry Newport VT
1971 SD Pressler Curt Sioux Falls SD
1971 ST Smith David Wayne Columbus MS
1973 EN Arndt Detlef Forest Grove OR
1973 LCDR Felsinger Richard Newark DE
1974 EN Wood Bill Boston MA
1975 BM Taylor Stephen Charleston SC
1975 EM Jones Danny Lockport NY
1975 EN Hilliard Karl Manistee MI
1975 GM Nash Roger Elkhart KS
1975 HT Kelley Michael Meadville PA
1975 OS Ogara William Staten Island NY
1976 EN Fountain Ron Scappoose OR
1977 ET Phipps Mark Beverly MA
1977 MS Peebles Allenjackson Searcy AR
1977 SM Peterson Kurt Loisville KY
1978 EN Boughner Richard Mechanicsburg PA
1978 EN Chiacchiarini Joseph Watkins Glen NY
1978 IC Young Daniel Otego NY
1978 OS Dwyer Tom Patchogue NY
1978 QM Allen Dean Racine WI
1979 MCPO Spangler Mark Waynesboro PA
1979 QM Mauldin Richard Albemarle NC
1979 ST Trowbridge Richard Elmira NY
1979 ST Trowbridge Richard Elmira NY
1981 BM Kubus John St Peters MO
1981 HT Amsden Thomas Dolton IL
1981 OS Heath William Massillon OH
1981 RM Plimpton Robert Hampton NJ
1982 White David Belvidere IL
1982 BM Gullick Ron Myrtle MS
1982 EM White Dale Belvidere IL
1982 GM Mayberry William Falls Church VA
1982 OS Williams Richard Scott/ New Boston OH
1982 OS Williams Richard Scott/ New Boston OH
1982 RM Jones Myron Columbia SC
1982 SK Jones Arthur Dallas TX
1982 ST Barnes Brad Waterloo IL
1982 ST Welch Michael St. Ignace MI
1983 ENS Guest Richard Satellite Bch FL
1984 EN Lowery Thomas New Orleans LA
1984 ENS Powell Mark Grants Pass OR
1984 ET Shoenberger James Charleston SC
1984 HT Printz Brian Charleston SC
1985 Morgan Kenneth Bishopville SC
1985 EN Bradford David Cleveland TN
1985 EN Perper Bill Silver Spring MD
1985 RM Bearson Scott Alexandria MN
1985 SK West Kelly Memphis TN
1986 RM Jones Myron Columbia SC
1987 EN Christion Steven Duck Hill MS
1988 EM Beech Joseph Columbus KS
1988 MS Bell Dana Glens Falls NY
1988 MS Bell Dana Glens Falls NY
1988 RM Evans Bo Benton PA
1989 EN Jordon David Warwick RI
1989 IC Bodie John Boone NC
1989 OS Fritz Gary Erie PA
1989 SM Watts William Providence RI
1990 EM Drummond Laymond Greenville SC
1990 OS Dyer John Pennsville NJ
1991 CPO Mangini Ray Windsor CT
1991 DC Best Gary Conneaut OH
1991 QM Watkins Wayne Grass Valley CA
1991 RM Harrell Joe Columbia SC





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