Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE MSO-466 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1954 -- Curtis Robert Morganton NC
1956 EN Wilson Lewis Kokomo IN
1957 DC Porter Donald R Van Nuys CA
1958 Cash James Rome GA
1958 SN Reese Donald PA
1959 LTJG Ellinor Thomas Pensacola FL
1961 RM Nichols Marvin Louisville KY
1962 EM Crowell John Lancaster CA
1962 EN Poole Robert Ithaca NY
1963 LT Golden Fred Long Beach CA
1963 SN Kolberg Rusty Muskegon MI
1964 BM Friedman Ronald Antioch CA
1964 EN Wade Gary Joplin MO
1964 RD Eldridge Kent San Bernardino CA
1964 RM Gonsman Mike Ventura CA
1964 RM Gonsman Mike Ventura CA
1964 RM Gonsman Mike Ventura CA
1965 BM Clark Robert Peckville PA
1965 BM Wamsley Paul Denver CO
1965 QM Cadwalader Donald Morristown NJ
1965 SM Borgens Steve Morgan Hill CA
1966 EM Hicks Gerald Evansville IN
1966 GM Smith Randall Auburn KY
1966 ST Johnston William Coffeyville KS
1967 Fiero George
1967 BM Fleming Paul Fullerton Ca WV
1967 BM Gould Rick Baker OR
1967 FN Johnson Buddy Tylertown MS
1967 GM Huckabee James Santa Fe NM
1967 IC Shank Jim Salt Lake City UT
1967 IC Shank Jim Salt Lake City UT
1967 QM Tighe Tom Lakewood CA
1967 SN Fierro George Los Angeles CA
1968 BM Fleming Paul
1968 GM Huckabee James Santa Fe NM
1969 DC Leahy Jerry Omaha NE
1969 SCPO Marshall Freeman Portland ME





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We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you... Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories.


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