Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE MSO-460 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1957 SM Rivers Richard Dick Visalia CA
1957 SM Rivers Richard Visalia CA
1958 EN Kaufmann Frank Baltimore MD
1958 SM Lineberger Ralph Lincolnton NC
1959 DC Blasko Michael St.louis MO
1959 EN Grimm Harold Paducah KY
1959 EN Sigmund Richard Medford WI
1959 ET Doerner Robert Milan OH
1960 EM Morrison Tom Detroit MI
1961 YN Harrold Jon Spencer IA
1962 EN Oppy Mike Crawfordsville IN
1962 QM Stevens Carl Wrangell AK
1962 RD Hart Charles Kernersville NC
1965 RM Erwin Bill Malvern AR
1966 BM Brown John Birmingham AL
1966 BM Kline Chip Kent OH
1966 BM Kline Chip Kent OH
1966 GM Renninger Will Lansdale PA
1966 GM Renninger Will Lansdale PA
1966 GM Renninger Will Lansdale PA
1966 GM Renninger Will Lansdale PA
1966 GM Renninger Will Lansdale PA
1966 GM Renninger Will Lansdale PA
1966 RD Davidson Maurice Clarksville TN
1966 SF Holbrook Albert.l Ft . Worth TX
1967 Vanatta Ronald Youngstown OH
1967 EN Schaefer Kerry St. Louis MO
1967 EN Schaefer Kerry Villa Ridge MO
1967 GM Renninger Will Lansdale PA
1967 HM Jackson Fred Charlotte NC
1967 LT Roberts Chet Queens Village NY
1967 RD Schuster H. Paul Minnesota Lake MN
1967 RD Schuster H. Paul Minnesota Lake MN
1967 RD Young Robert Youngstown OH
1967 RM Bachman Dale Bethlehem PA
1967 SK Windle Earl Aliceville AL
1967 ST Duckworth Henry -- MA
1968 EN Bosler Frank Louisville KY
1968 SK Gish Robert Waldport OR
1969 EN Carr Frederick Sault Ste. Marie MI
1969 ENS Harris William Huntington NY
1969 ET Koster David Denver CO





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