Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE LSD-52 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Lamonica Matt CA
1940 Lamonica Matt San Deago CA
1940 CWO Jordan Larry San Diego CA
1940 YN Prade Candace New Orleans LA
1994 DK Mitchell Carolyn San Diego CA
1996 EM Winstead Albert Houston TX
1996 EW Mason Steve Detroit MI
1997 BM Johnston Joe San Diego CA
1997 BM Levert Dawn Cleveland OH
1997 BM Stephenson Tara Bedford IN
1997 BM Windom Tanesha Gary IN
1997 CPO Geibe Rodney Kingwood TX
1997 CPO Roberts Mitchell Van Wert OH
1997 DK Azurin Carolyn San Diego CA
1997 EN Cervantes Francisco Long Beach CA
1997 EN Driscoll Kristy Gonzalas LA
1997 EN Enriquez Michael Colorado Springs CO
1997 EN Irwin-pinney Mary Santa Fe TX
1997 EN Kuschel Swearengen Katie Bunceton MO
1997 EN May Allison Huntington Beach CA
1997 EN Olivas Christy Fort Collins CO
1997 EN Petersen Margaret Eureka CA
1997 EN Petersen Margaret Eureka CA
1997 EN Reed Reed Az AZ
1997 EN Savanna Andrea Rockford IL
1997 ET Stoudt Robert Lake City FL
1997 HM Gelles Steven Bossier City LA
1997 HM Pearman Mary San Diego CA
1997 IC Cavallaro Bob Cumberland RI
1997 IC Edwards Russell Weirton WV
1997 IC Johnson Jr Bernard Philadelphia PA
1997 MS Zastrow Glen Denver CO
1997 OS Gober Erica San Angelo TX
1997 OS Nelson Roger Big Rock IL
1997 PC Mason Anthony Starkville MS
1997 PN Helton Stacey Whittier CA
1997 RM Carr Michelle Baraboo WI
1997 RM Runner Edwin Dickinson TX
1997 SH Russell Rosetta Las Vegas NV
1997 SM Savitz John Kailua HI
1997 YN Smith Vevalyn NC
1997 YN Smith Vevalyn Siler City NC
1998 BM Zeller Kriss San Diego CA
1998 CPO Newsome Terry Brundidge AL
1998 CPO Runner Edwin Oak Harbor WA
1998 DK Carnacite Renato Chula Vista CA
1998 EN Simpson Richard Baldwin Park CA
1998 ET Armstrong Ronnie WV
1998 ET Eilbes Anthony Fondy WI
1998 MR O’connor Timothy Boston MA
1998 PN Majeski John Ventura CA
1998 RM Melvin Lee Portland OR
1998 SH Ash Elynda 29 Palms CA
1998 SK Brittingham Anthony San Diego CA
1998 SM Heard/turner/avalos Elizabeth Rialto Ca CA
1998 SM Petty Mario Gould AR
1999 Brittingham Anthony San Diego CA
1999 EN Liles Gary Phoenix AZ
1999 EN Rhodus Karen Hagerstown IN
1999 FC Lujan Tricia Mangilao GU
1999 GYSGT Quinn Michael Independence KS
1999 HT Yanora John Phoenix AZ
1999 IS Boyd Rodney Grundy VA
1999 LT Bustamante Raoul Los Angeles CA
1999 MSGT Lukus Aj Flagstaff AZ
1999 OS Faddis Michael Wellsboro PA
1999 QM Franklin Shane Palm Harbor FL
1999 RM Garcia Ivonne La Puente CA
1999 RM Lee Anthony Queens NY
1999 SM Hernandez Maira San Antonio TX
2000 AM Gonzales --
2000 CPO Hedman James R. Warren PA
2000 CPO O Connor Larry Augusta GA
2000 CWO Olsen Glynn Paris TX
2000 EM Gillispie Yvette San Diego CA
2000 FC Muzyka (pitchford) Sonya Joliet IL
2000 GYSGT Ponikvar Timothy Akron OH
2000 GYSGT Robertson T.E. Los Angeles CA
2000 LT Bridgewater Kendall St Louis MO
2000 MS Tobin Kian Manteca CA
2000 MS Torres Gina --
2000 OS Arnold Destiny Atlanta GA
2000 QM Hauk Sharon Revere MO
2000 QM Thomas Rachael OK
2000 SK Manglicmot Sheryl Mountain View CA
2000 SK Pugh (dibernardo) Tina New Orleans LA
2000 SM Beamon Brian Chicago IL
2000 SM Hernandez Maira San Antonio TX
2000 SM Nichols --
2000 SN Brundage Tyree --
2000 SN Palacios Dean Anthony Los Angeles CA
2001 -- Polvado Christian Austin TX
2001 BM Hessler Halee Scottsbluff NE
2001 BM Smith Laurie Milwaukee WI
2001 CPL Coe Eric Vancouver B
2001 CPL Gutierrez Anthony Joliet IL
2001 EN Hloben Amanda St. Louis MO
2001 EN Jacobs Robert Ontario CA
2001 EN Summers Sara KS
2001 ET Curtis Melissa Farwell TX
2001 SGT Coe Eric Vancouver CO
2001 SM Vobornik Pamela Staten Island NY
2001 SN Tovar Anthony Fresno CA
2002 EM Sosa Israel Driggs ID
2002 OS Quezada Angelica West Los Angeles CA
2002 SN Powers Megan Mansfield OH
2003 AN Horne Khrystal Greensboro NC
2003 CS Hall Sarah North Pole AK
2003 EN Clark Jonathan Tulsa OK
2003 EN Clark Jonathan Tulsa OK
2003 MR Miller Christopher Pittsburgh PA
2003 SN Eisenhardt Heather Anna OH
2004 BM Whitley Wesley West Columbia TX
2004 ENS Porfirio Michael Bridgeview IL
2004 LT Stucky Michael Houston TX
2005 CPO Johnston Russell Ottumwa IA
2005 DP L Heureux James Springvale ME
2007 BM Paquet Bethany Canoga Park CA
2007 LS De Moraes Marcus Vinicius Orlando FL
2009 HM Hernandez Benjamin Visalia CA
2011 SCPO Cunanan Gener San Diego CA





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