Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE LSD-50 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Marks D New York --
1940 Smith Dewey St.Louis KY
1940 -- Cook John Norwalk CA
1940 HM Robinson Owen Atascadero CA
1953 RD Feeney James Lafayette CO
1953 SC Feeney James Lafayette FL
1994 CPO Alexander Dave Haverstraw NY
1994 CPO Hall Steven Port Charlotte FL
1994 CPO Smith Charles Wilmington DE
1994 EN Foster Thomas Anthony NM
1994 EW Grant Brock Fulton IL
1994 FN Harris Jason Peru IN
1994 FN Pennington Timothy Warsaw IN
1994 MR Murphy Patrick Philadelphia PA
1994 PC Sullivan David I.O. MA
1994 QM Buckingham Scott Williamsburg VA
1994 QM Williams Marco Longview TX
1994 SCPO Deter Paul Jacksonville FL
1995 CPO Brice Chris Deming NM
1995 EM Clarke Jeff Rockford IL
1995 EM George David Victorville CA
1995 EM Maynard Terry Lum MI
1995 EN Donner Kerry Birmingham AL
1995 EN Fischer Dave
1995 EN Kitz Timothy Salem NY
1995 EN Lindsey Jack Fallbrook CA
1995 EN Medeiros Corbin Miami FL
1995 EW Townsend Will Rising Sun MD
1995 GM Tripp Christopher Springville PA
1995 HT Frank Paul Circleville OH
1995 OS Solomon Brannon Fayetteville NC
1995 OS Wilkins Christopher Bogota NJ
1995 PN Mazziotta Michael Staten Island NY
1995 QM Armstrong John San Diego CA
1995 RM Leathley Brian Medway OH
1995 SCPO Henning Skip East Bethany NY
1995 SH Grubbs Robert Danville VA
1995 SK Orellana Paul Bronx NY
1995 SK Reed Robert Mystic CT
1995 SM Leapley Alphonse Lincoln Park MI
1995 SM Leapley Alphonse Lincoln Park MI
1995 SN Collins Scott Augusta GA
1995 SN Fuller Ernie Ray Baltimore MD
1995 SN Hunt
1996 BM Sims Gary Sacramento CA
1996 EN Farahkhan Nathaniel Birmingham AL
1996 RM Hall Malcolm Macon GA
1996 RM Lee Aaron Lima OH
1996 RM Powell Patrick SC
1997 Carlson Michele Chicago IL
1997 BM Piccirillo Michael Staten Island NY
1997 EN Acevedo Antonio Nashua NH
1997 EN Barr Matthew Pine Grove PA
1997 EN Mcguire Brian Pecan Gap TX
1997 EN Moore John --
1997 OS Robinson Redmond Va Bch VA
1997 PN Rodriguez Heriberto San Antonio TX
1997 SH Manuel Nicanor Southfield MI
1998 COL Fuller Ernie Baltimore MD
1998 DC Sturek Thomas Chicago IL
1998 EN Jones Adrian Chicago IL
1998 EN Talibi Hatim Union City NJ
1998 ET Kwiek Stanley Syracuse NY
1998 EW Carlson Michelle Chicago IL
1998 EW Rodriguez Jessica Albuquerque NM
1998 HM Canterbury "Charles T. ""Tom""" Beckley WV
1998 MS Emptage Charmaine Brooklyn NY
1998 OS Cooper Chad Peoria IL
1999 BM Heathcock Luke San Diego CA
1999 CPO Bindel Buzz Winterset IA
1999 CPO Eide Pete Milwaukee WI
1999 CWO Weichsler Connie Waynesboro PA
1999 FC Fox Jason Ft.Worth TX
1999 HM Hendricks David J. Houston TX
1999 MM Buschbell Robert Richmond VA
1999 RM Spears Floyd Selma AL
1999 RM Stephens Donald Delmar MD
2000 CPO Garvin Belton Middleburg FL
2000 EM Evans Marcus Houston Texas TX
2000 GM Chase Misty Va Beach VA
2000 LCPL Morris Clinton Westport IN
2000 MCPO Ogborn James Washington IL
2000 SCPO Jones Eric Ossining NY
2001 EN Mcniel Ryan Hondo TX
2001 MS Stout (eastman) Tiffany Reading PA
2002 CPO Eide Pete Milwaukee WI
2002 CPO Gould Paul Middleboro MA
2002 EN Connock Shawn Chester VA
2002 SH Herbert Alan OR
2003 BM Gatlin Jevon Anaheim CA
2003 CPO Riggin Kyle Hurlock MD
2003 CS Flom Thomas West Bend WI
2003 NC Gisiner Frank Troutville VA
2006 EN Sparks Millard Cincinnati OH
2007 QM Kitchens Jessica Dothan AL
2008 EN Killian Tyler Sardinia OH
2008 ET Neacosia Joseph Oswego NY
2008 SCPO Hutson Michael Cumberland MD
2009 OS Burgess Ryan Los Angeles CA
2011 SCPO Rothgeb Timothy Columbia City IN
2013 EN Garay John Houston TX
2013 EN Pech Steven Whittier CA





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