Registration For Hullnumber


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IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE LSD-46 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1987 EM Pace Gordon Paducah KY
1988 BM Head Terry Nederland TX
1988 BM Lunsford Tony Pine Bluff AR
1988 BM Truitt Thomas Dover DE
1988 DC Bruce Bill Richmond VA
1988 DC Draper Danny Illinois IL
1988 DK Hardy James Philadelphia PA
1988 EN Nelson Ron Miami FL
1988 EN Roush Lee Rhinebeck NY
1988 EN Schuck Edward Boonsboro MD
1988 FC Gokey Paul New Orleans LA
1988 FC Mazzrillo Robert N Adams MA
1988 HT Applegate David Hunlocks Creek PA
1988 IC Kilgore Curtis Augusta GA
1988 MS Whitted Gregory Cleveland OH
1988 SCPO Smith Jerry Dekalb TX
1988 SK Hayes James Miami FL
1988 SK Lundy Alan Pittsburgh PA
1989 CPO Bott Big Al Jacksonville FL
1989 DC Bruce William Richmond VA
1989 EM Smith Jerry Texarkana TX
1989 EN E Ernest Walterboro SC
1989 EN Gray Christopher Dallas TX
1989 EN Jarwin James Laredo TX
1989 EN Smith Ernest Walterboro SC
1989 EN Way Fredrick Coshocton OH
1989 FC Durant Eugene --
1989 FC Kuhlman Ralph --
1989 FC Kuhlman Ralph Shawnee KS
1989 LCDR Kennedy Herb Clearwater FL
1989 PN Hardy Duane Philadelphia PA
1989 RM Smith Michael Hazlet NJ
1989 RM White Roosevelt Indianapolis IN
1989 SCPO Kleber Michael Louisville KY
1989 SH Diaz Alex Miami FL
1989 SH Gonzalez Felipe Ponce PR
1989 SK Coleman Anthony Pittsburgh PA
1989 SK Ward Thomas Smithfield OH
1989 SN Juarez Oscar Brooklyn NY
1989 SN Tompkins Eugene Camden NJ
1989 SN Williams William Talladega AL
1990 BM Adkins Joe Coeburn VA
1990 BM Barnes Christopher Chester SC
1990 BM Schnipke Rob Ottawa Lake MI
1990 DC Baker Michael West Milton OH
1990 EN Browder Donald Prince George VA
1990 EN Corrow Jeffrey Lyndonville VT
1990 EN Mcgarry Jeffrey Hubbard OH
1990 EN Mcpherson Michael Indianapolis IN
1990 EN Paxton Jack Findlay OH
1990 EN Ross Mark Akron OH
1990 HT Reynolds Bill Cheasepeak Bay VA
1990 LCDR Kastner Kurt Suffolk VA
1990 LTJG Barber Michael Gary IN
1990 MCPO Swafford Terry Delmar MD
1990 QM Monnette Todd Marion OH
1990 SN King Jimmy Louisville KY
1990 SN King Jimmy Louisville KY
1991 BM Maglio Tom Milwaukee WI
1991 CPO Hooker Randall Lima OH
1991 DC Wittig Jeff Reading PA
1991 EN Maschke Neal West Chicago IL
1991 EN Strawser Shane Bartow FL
1991 LT Sloop Ed Portland OR
1991 OS Haggard James Jackson MS
1991 QM Cannon Robert Thomasville NC
1991 QM Wright Chris Greer SC
1991 RM Arenas Alvaro Queens NY
1991 SM Doman James New Orleans LA
1991 SN Gibson Tim Chester SC
1991 SN Matthews Fred Sumiton AL
1991 SN Matthews Fred Sumiton AL
1992 BM Quinley Anthony Brewton AL
1992 CPO Quinn David Richmond KY
1992 DT Oehlers Christopher Toledo OH
1992 EN Bartley Christopher Morgantown WV
1992 EN Bennett George Marietta OH
1992 EN Rowe Jim Kenton OH
1992 IC Hauber Mike GA
1992 LT Smuda David Waxhaw NC
1992 MCPO Keirn William Pensacola FL
1992 MR Williamson Matthew Ford City PA
1992 MS Long Jeffery Dimmitt TX
1992 OS Wengert Daniel Utica NY
1992 QM Lasch John OH
1993 BM Monyelle Alan South Beloit IL
1993 DK Moncayo Jose New York NY
1993 EM Evans Thomas Powhatan VA
1993 EN Berrier Jeffery Ft Myers FL
1993 ET Gilmartin Jeffrey Stafford VA
1993 FC Beck Steven Bradenton FL
1993 HT Marhelko Christopher Kulpmont PA
1993 QM Pehlke Brian Joliet IL
1994 CPO Mccoy Willy Genoa AR
1994 DC Holmes Adrian Barre VT
1994 DC Ross Jason Arlington OH
1994 EM Ord Keith   GA
1994 EM Thompson Michael Casper WY
1994 ET Brown Chesley Mcbee SC
1994 FC Lockman Jim Virginia Beachv VA
1994 FC Mccurdy Jeffrey Dallas TX
1994 FN Carmack W.allan Hagerstown MD
1994 LCDR Lugenbeal/Beverly Mary Skipperville AL
1994 LT Lugenbeal/Beverly Mary Skipperville AL
1994 MCPO Turnbull Ronnie Virginia Beach VA
1994 SK Chavez Gilbert Oakland CA
1994 SN Flynn John Sandwich MA
1994 SN Govan Anthony Orrum NC
1995 EN Courthers Bonita Birmingham AL
1995 SCPO Dawson Ed T-Town AL
1996 Columbus Shaka
1996 BM Diaz Christina Eloy AZ
1996 BM Oshana Christopher West Barnet VT
1996 EN Hawkins Charles Hermitage Spring TN
1996 EN Hernandez Freddy Jersy NJ
1996 ET Burt Chris Triangle VA
1996 HM Peele Michael Winston Salem NC
1996 HM Peterson William Fayetteville NC
1996 HT Alexander Mark Cedar Hill TX
1996 IC Evans Bill Buffalo NY
1996 IC Foster John Elizabethtown Ky KY
1996 IC Renfrow Leigh Fairfax VA
1996 QM Kowalis (palmero) Jason Glen Carbon IL
1996 SH Canyon Jc OH
1997 CPO Rodriguez Luis Bayamon PR
1997 DC Thompson Kevin Goldsboro NC
1997 EN Waldroup Sean High Point NC
1997 EN Woolbright Steven Virginia Beach VA
1997 ET Mobbs Jason Medford MA
1997 HT Boyer William Buena NJ
1997 SM Miller Jacob California AZ
1997 SM Orourke Kevin Allen Park MI
1997 SM Orourke Kevin MI
1997 SN Gallardo Evalinda Laredo TX
1997 SN Gallardo Evalinda Laredo TX
1998 CPL Jaeger Robert Orange CA
1998 CPL Lichterman Ian Philadelphia PA
1998 CPL Lichtermann Ian Hans Philadelphia PA
1998 CPO Adams Robert Scottsville NY
1998 CPO Harden Patrick Gillette WY
1998 CPO Jackson Orbery Cosby TN
1998 DC Thornton Fred Bedford TX
1998 GM Monroe Jeffery Klamath Falls OR
1998 HM Guidry Julian Rayne LA
1998 IC Ware John Lubbock TX
1998 LCPL Armstrong Daniel Montpelier ID
1998 LCPL Hatch Scott Greeneville TN
1998 LCPL Hatch Scott TN
1998 LCPL Malham Kristopher Port Saint Lucie FL
1998 OS Franklin Cort Phenoix AZ
1998 QM Lovett Jerrod Myrtle Beach SC
1998 RM Woodson Terrance Dallas TX
1998 SCPO Coleman Jerry Virginia Beach VA
1998 SM Mcquain Jason Clarksburg WV
1999 EM Payton Sean Tallahassee FL
1999 ET Clark Thomas East Palestine OH
1999 FC Barrows Jacob Virginia Beach VA
1999 LT Edwards Chris San Diego CA
1999 LT Sim Scott Arlington VA
2000 -- Borden Brian Bedford IN
2000 CPO Orris Paul Johnstown PA
2000 EN Borden Brian Bedford IN
2000 EN Hubbard Jerome Charelston WV
2000 EN Kurth Andrew Milwaukee WI
2000 FC Artis Anthony Chicago IL
2000 MS Miley Jimmy Lakejackson TX
2000 SH Aguirre Juan Jackson Heights NY
2000 SN Strickland Bryson Voorhees NJ
2000 SN Whisler Amy TN
2001 OS Amos Felicia Sumter SC
2001 OS Lange Daniel Woonsocket RI
2001 OS Masten Greg OH
2001 QM Mcquain Jeremy Farmington MI
2001 RP Miller Charles Ethelsville AL
2001 SN Rainwater Phillip Rochelle IL
2001 YN Hubble Anthony Brentwood NY
2002 ET Bey Paul Queens NY
2003 ENS Jessop Ernest Brooklyn NY
2003 GM Bushner Michael Savannah GA
2003 LT Rincon Lionel El Paso TX
2005 CT Evans Jacob Bremerton WA
2006 CS Bell Michael New Orleans LA
2006 OS Riddle Harry (fred) Argillite KY
2008 EN Saint Adam Albany NY
2008 GS Rasmussen George Lake Placid FL
2009 BM Campbell Maeghen Moccasin MT
2009 EN Lovell Ronald Bangor PA





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