Registration For Hullnumber


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IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE LSD-44 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1968 FN Scherping Fred Edmonds WA
1986 BM Price Robin Munford TN
1987 EN Coward Garry Scranton SC
1987 EN Tuccillo Joseph Deer Park NY
1987 ET Garris Roy Columbia SC
1987 FC Fritz Steven Cincinnati OH
1987 HT Harvill David Odessa TX
1987 YN Stewart Jerry Chesapeake OH
1987 YN Stewart Jerry Chesapeake OH
1988 CMDR Jeffcoat John Tampa FL
1988 CPO Beaudoin Roger Atlantic Beach FL
1988 CPO Riley Michael Cleveland OH
1988 CPO Smith Dan Gainesville GA
1988 DC Gray Chris OK
1988 DC Mirabella Thomas Follansbee WV
1988 EM Esse Jon Palo Alto CA
1988 EM Hill Keith Como NC
1988 EN Butler Jesse New Caney TX
1988 EN Butler Jesse New Caney TX
1988 EN Dinoia Thomas Tahlequah OK
1988 EN Powell Billy Blakely GA
1988 EN Van Duyn Duane Bradford IL
1988 EN Van Duyn Duane Bradford IL
1988 EN Youngblood Frederick Moscow ID
1988 ET Latwinski Alan Tunkhannock PA
1988 GM Caldwell Thomas Westfield PA
1988 GM Caldwell Thomas Westfield PA
1988 HM Baesmann Robert Columbus OH
1988 LCDR Collis Jerry Chesapeake VA
1988 LT Andrews John Toledo OH
1988 LT Laput Greg Moyock NC
1988 MCPO Mccullough Steve Kansas City KS
1988 MS Rechtin John Southgate KY
1988 PN Mcnair Daniel Jackson MS
1988 QM Stagman Glenn Tampa FL
1988 RM Baker Robert Dowagiac MI
1988 RM Bateman Retired 95 Jim Virginia Beach VA
1989 CWO Denis Paul Upper Black Eddy PA
1989 EN Bailey Bill Savannah GA
1989 EN Jacobs Eugene Cambridge MA
1989 EN King Kenny Greenville SC
1989 FC Pettit Joseph Kenosha WI
1989 LT Covington Jim Durham NC
1989 MCPO Totoris Tom Corrales NM
1989 MS Evans Delmar Queens NY
1989 QM Leon Jorge Chicago IL
1989 QM Stagman Glenn Tampa FL
1989 SK Rathel Donald Salisbury MD
1990 BM Hurt Jerry Hazard KY
1990 BM Noe Antony ( Tony ) Indianapolis IN
1990 BM Sanabria Luis Newark NJ
1990 BM Sanbria Luis Newark NJ
1990 CPL Hastings James Aiken SC
1990 DC Huitrado Stephen Whittier CA
1990 DC Kimble Parrish Little Rock AR
1990 LT Devens Thomas Rockford IL
1990 LT Devens Thomas Rockford IL
1990 MS Baker Darryl Rome GA
1991 BM Smith Richard Yorktown VA
1991 CPO Merrow Cameron Owasco NY
1991 EN Bosanko Thomas San Antonio TX
1991 RM Augustyniak Robert (auggie) Baltimore MD
1991 RM Gonsalves Christopher New York NY
1991 RM Mcknight Rodney Walkertown NC
1991 SH Eldridge Keith Georgetown MA
1991 YN Falkenberg Don Melbourne FL
1992 BM Six Edwin Beverly OH
1992 GM Wulff Jonathan Chicago IL
1992 MS Benn Charles St. Louis MO
1992 OS Gardner Mark Collegeville PA
1992 RM Connors Dave Boston MA
1992 SN Duwel Robert Mesa AZ
1993 BM Cowan Michael ME
1993 BM Decesare Louis Yonkers NY
1993 BM Meade James Marion OH
1993 DC Necaise Shawn Hobbs NM
1993 EN Sharp Kevin Troy NY
1993 MS Bryson Ron Long Island NY
1993 PC Ballentine Frederick Unity IL
1993 PC Ballentine Frederick Unity IL
1993 SK Stephenson Glen Texarkana AR
1993 SN Taylor Vince Port St. Joe FL
1994 EM Stavropulos Jim Kent OH
1994 EN Griffin David Wilkesboro NC
1994 EN Griffin David Wilkesboro NC
1994 EN Richards Tamala Mobile AL
1994 ET Ware Andrew Willard OH
1994 GM Lauridsen John Anaheim CA
1994 HT Merckel Rich Port Richey FL
1994 MCPO Cruse Boyce Glendale KY
1994 MS Major Iii James WI
1994 SM Craig John Tullahoma TN
1994 SN Ruiz Raoul TX
1995 BM Herman/smith Teresa Lawrenceville GA
1995 BM Kruglak Michael Cobleskill NY
1995 BT Johnston Dave Norfolk VA
1995 CPO Krall Thomas Strongstown PA
1995 DC Gremp Levi Rolla MO
1995 EN Drybread Maria Kerrville TX
1995 FN Furnas Jeromy Salisbury NC
1995 FN Furnas Jeromy Salisbury NC
1995 SN Heinz Greg/bubba Dayton OH
1996 Whitsel Jerry Greenville SC
1996 Whitsel Jerry Greenville SC
1996 BM Willett Murray Honolulu HI
1996 CPTN Legg --
1996 CWO Adler Donald Marshfield WI
1996 EN Jarvis Gerald Brooklyn NY
1996 IC Whitsel Jerry Taylors SC
1996 MCPO Woodson Rickie Hayes VA
1996 MS Golding Scott Exeter RI
1996 MS Golding Scott Exeter RI
1996 OS Knobel David Levittown PA
1996 SM Cowart James Springfield LA
1997 BM Harpham Scott Portsmouth VA
1997 CMDR Legg --
1997 EM Nelson Nicole Sanford NC
1997 EN Banks Tonya Tivoli TX
1997 EN Barreras Rosalina San Diego CA
1997 EN Eddins Jamie Kountze TX
1997 EN Mcgrath Mike New York NY
1997 GM Davis John Red Oak TX
1997 IC Bartlett Mike Mount Holly NJ
1997 SN Hogue Heather Akron OH
1998 EN Cruchley David MD
1998 EN Cruchley David MD
1998 EN Parlee Andrea Braintree MA
1998 GM Beeman Martin Fort Lauderdale FL
1998 HT Rounds Zach Herrin IL
1998 PN Bertolino Margie New Bedford MA
1998 QM O Brien Kevin Federalsburg MN
1999 BM Harpham Scott Portsmouth VA
1999 BM Rickman Robert Midlothian VA
1999 EM Davis Ian NY
1999 EM Farrington Matthew NC
1999 EN Depangher Michael Anderson IN
1999 EN Lee Matt Cuyahoga Falls OH
1999 FN Davis Ian Brooklyn NY
1999 JO Borrall Will Baton Rouge VA
1999 MS Lotwick Jeremy Mahanoy City PA
1999 RM Anderson-stokes Marluis Philadelphia PA
1999 SK Duke Roland Cleveland OH
1999 SN Ewing Robert Ranger TX
1999 SN Ruiz Los Angeles CA
2000 -- Smith Brett Virginia Beach VA
2000 BM Menendez Thaddeus New Orleans LA
2000 BM Tatro Paul Lilesville NC
2000 BM Vernon Timothy Ocala FL
2000 CPO Odum David Lakewood OH
2000 DC May Lucas Lakewood CA
2000 EN Peterson Harold Wellsville NY
2000 PC Wilson Deshawn Detroit MI
2000 PC Wilson Deshawn Detroit MI
2000 QM Wellington Christian Queens NY
2000 QM Wellington Christian Queens NY
2000 SN Canham Charles Randleman NC
2000 SN Slate David Fayetteville NC
2000 SN Stricker Melissa Orange TX
2001 BM Diggles Leonard Houston TX
2001 CS Iparraguirre Liliana Bloomfield NJ
2001 FC Artis Anthony Chicago IL
2001 IC Hargitt Michelle Bahamas VA
2001 IC Jones Jason Kansas City MO
2001 SM Puno Hilda Guam GU
2001 SN Standingcrow Eileen Oglala SD
2002 EW Jackson Valerie Sarasota FL
2002 PN Eldridge Cullen Moore OK
2003 Kaut Patricia St.Louis MO
2003 BM Wesson Gregory
2003 OS Chambers Marcus Folkston GA
2003 SN Yates Danny Charlton MA
2004 GM Julian FL
2005 EM Green Charles Pennsauken NJ
2005 EM Nabutete Samuel Kakamega Kenya NJ
2005 YN Harmon Charles Butler GA
2006 BM Rink Thomas Philadelphia PA
2007 BM Garrison Kyle Vermillion OH
2007 EN Cuttis Shedricka Detroit MI
2009 BM Abstance Preston Atlanta GA
2009 BM Abstance Preston Atlanta GA
2010 OS Peltier Timothy Tempe AZ
2015 BM Juarez Ruiz (zaragoza) Hellen Chicago IL
2015 SN Pardini Remington Anderson IN





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