Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE LPD-8 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 CPO Storts Larry Oklahoma/? OK
1940 GM Henshaw Lewis Arkport NY
1940 HT Kupec David Streator IL
1940 MM Canty --
1949 CPO Evans Robert San Diego CA
1949 EN Wittich Al Tacoma WA
1965 NC Rohdeen Steven --
1966 BT Jones Tommy Vinita OK
1966 CPO Krik Charles New Lenox IL
1966 CPO Storts Lawerence OK
1966 CPTN Ursettie Howard J Harvey IL
1966 EM Edwards Dan OH
1966 IC Silver Alton Concord GA
1966 IC Vigil M.C. --
1966 LI Oliphant Peter Great Neck NY
1966 MM Burnette Ronald Clearwater FL
1966 MM Shelton Walter Amarillo TX
1966 OM Clark Paul Brooklyn NY
1966 PN Gary Joseph
1966 PN Tresidder Alan R. Salem OR
1966 RD Moore Wade Reno NV
1966 SCPO Ewers Teddy Compton CA
1966 SCPO Rhodeen Steve LA
1966 SF Martin John Muskegon MI
1966 SN Capella Geraldo Bronx New York NY
1967 John Martin Bill Hambline
1967 Meek Phillip Chula Vista CA
1967 Walker
1967 AB Carlsen Charles New Jersey/new York NY
1967 AB Hooge Ralph San Antonio TX
1967 AB Weatherburn San Diego Or East Coast CA
1967 AE Herbert Joe Colorado Springs CO
1967 BM Hudson Matthew Starke FL
1967 BM Hudson Matthew Starke FL
1967 BM Mitchell Ronald New York City NY
1967 BM Mitchell Ronald New York City NY
1967 BM Roman Miguel New York NY
1967 BM Roman Miguel New York NY
1967 BT Dulaney Dweight Det. MI
1967 BT Judkins George Sandstone MN
1967 BT Van Hoose Tom Cedar Lake IN
1967 CPO Kimmell Doyal Scottsdale AZ
1967 DC Hamilton Bill Janesville WI
1967 DC Hamilton Bill Janesville WI
1967 EM Taylor David Naalehu HI
1967 EN Trammell William Jacksonville AL
1967 ET Burrack Randall Gainesville FL
1967 ET Burrack Randy Lamont IA
1967 ET Foster Ronald Kingston NY
1967 ET Garlington Rick Snohomish WA
1967 FN Goo Paul Kaneohe HI
1967 HM Wetzel Jackie R Buffaloville IN
1967 LT George Craig Apple Valley CA
1967 LTJG Holley Dewey Greeneville TN
1967 MM Amburn Terry San Antonio TX
1967 MM Gibson Sam Chicago IL
1967 MM Guzy Daniel Detroit MI
1967 MM Guzy Daniel Detroit MI
1967 MM Guzy Daniel Detroit MI
1967 MM Lieb Michael South Gate CA
1967 PN Reinke Tom Chicago IL
1967 QM Clark Paul Brooklyn NY
1967 QM Drummond David Atlanta GA
1967 QM Rohrbach Robert Reading PA
1967 RD Cole Richard Exeter NH
1967 RD Todd Raymond Rocky Mount NC
1967 RM Lessard Arthur Detroit MI
1967 RM Rmc Abernathy Donald Pendleton IN
1967 SF Goo Paul Kaneohe HI
1967 SF Martin John Muskegon MI
1967 SF Martin John Muskegon MI
1967 SF Miller Edward? Maybe Bill?
1967 SF Mitchell Ronald New York NY
1967 SF Walker Gerard Keokuk IA
1967 SF Walker Water Buffalo Keokuk IA
1967 SH Dawkins Tommy Shelby NC
1967 SK Brooks Jim Albuquerque NM
1967 SK Brooks Jim Albuquerque NM
1967 SM Hilgeman Ronald Keith Hudson KY
1967 YN Chamberlain Don Moundsville WV
1968 Leyman Henry MI
1968 AB Bratcher Michael Mishawaka IN
1968 AB Bunch Stanley Columbus IN
1968 AB Bunch Stanley IN
1968 AB Carlsen Charles NY
1968 AB Gillespie Terrence Dearborn MI
1968 AB Gillespie Terrence Dearborn MI
1968 AB Gillesple Terrence Dearborn MI
1968 AB Goin Jerry Millington TN
1968 AB Goin Jerry Millington TN
1968 BT Siegfried Lynn Highspire PA
1968 DC Burke Robert Bloomington IL
1968 EM Edwards Danny Cincinnati OH
1968 EM Edwards Dan Amelia OH
1968 ET Duning John Cincinnati OH
1968 ET Van Every Robert Renton WA
1968 HM Conine Benjamin Baton Rouge LA
1968 LTJG Peterson David Granada Hills CA
1968 MM Curley Michael Seattle WA
1968 MM Linner Ronald Beaver City NE
1968 QM Drummond David Riverdale GA
1968 RM Stanford Dennis Annarbor MI
1968 SW Leibensperger David Lakewood Ranch FL
1969 AB Farabel
1969 AB Hinsberger Clayton Pontiac MI
1969 AB Robertson (robby) Gary T. Russell Springs KY
1969 BM Clinton Johnny Abilene TX
1969 BM Elliott Danny Norfolk VA
1969 BM Esparza Eusebio El Paso TX
1969 BM Judecki Henry Rocky Spruce Head ME
1969 BM Mackenzie Keith Grosse Pointe MI
1969 BM Tsunoda Dennis Honolulu HI
1969 BT Shaw Wally Montclair NJ
1969 CS Pitts William Springfield FL
1969 EM Brawner Stephen Santa Monica CA
1969 EM Plunkett Ken Fremont CA
1969 EN Rucker Jerry Wichita KS
1969 EN Wittich Al Minneapolis MN
1969 EN Wittich Al Minneapolis MN
1969 LT Allison John Swannanoa NC
1969 LTJG Herbert William Marysville OR
1969 MM Burrus Jerry Mesquite TX
1969 MM Karpinske Richard Wallace SD
1969 MM Mackenzie Gordon Arleta CA
1969 PN Claxton John Savannah GA
1969 QM Payne Christopher Charleston WV
1969 RD David Roy Austin TX
1969 SH Jones Roger Dubuque IA
1970 AG Sholder Louis Williamsport PA
1970 BM White Harold Brooklyn NY
1970 BM White Harold (whitey) Brooklyn NY
1970 BM Wilson James Tulsa OK
1970 BT Bihler Paul Chicago Heights IL
1970 CPL Voisey John Rochester NY
1970 EM Cantu Johnny San Antonio TX
1970 EN Holmes Tim Gales Ferry CT
1970 EN Lee Dave CO
1970 EN Payne Charles Ponca City OK
1970 EN Wunder Henry Bellingham WA
1970 ET Turner Darrel Chicago IL
1970 ET Zimmerman Dan Russell Springs KY
1970 HT Beckstrom Robert Minneapolis MN
1970 HT Ward Stephen Montville NJ
1970 MS Campbell Wayne Minneapolis MN
1970 OS Tonsick John Beaver PA
1970 RM Gerholdt John Oakland CA
1970 SCPO Johnston John Mt. Pleasant MI
1970 SK Snow Todd Appleton WI
1970 SM Pitts Darrell Tampa FL
1970 SM Pitts Darrell Tampa FL
1971 Lee David Canby MN
1971 AB Dennis Joseph Brooklyn NY
1971 AB Jackson Therman Brooklyn NY
1971 AB Jackson Thermun Brooklyn NY
1971 AB Williams Harvey Crown Point IN
1971 BM Harold New York NY
1971 BM Guarante Robert Gerritsen Beach Brooklyn NY
1971 BM Laliberte Gary Colorado Springs CO
1971 BM Maffettone Ben Brooklyn NY
1971 BM Teter Dorman Garnett KS
1971 BM White James Indianapolis IN
1971 BM Wilson James Tulsa OK
1971 HM Johnson Don Kansas City MO
1971 HM Johnson Don Kansas City Missouri MO
1971 HM Mcdaniel Robert Chicago IL
1971 IC Hamsher Dennis Duluth MN
1971 IC Wendling Patrick Dayton OH
1971 LI Buck John Kansas City MO
1971 MM Herman James Oshkosh WI
1971 MM Pottinger Terry Princeton IL
1971 RM
1971 RM Carpis Walt Detroit MI
1971 RM Carpis Walter Detroit MI
1971 RM Erwin Jimmie Malvern AR
1971 RM Finley Rodger Elkhart TX
1971 RM Gilbert Dave TX
1971 RM Jensen Albert Copper Center AK
1971 RM Rubillo Ed Lester PA
1971 RM Rubillo Ed Lester PA
1971 RM Swank Ken Erie PA
1971 RM Swank Ken Eire PA
1971 RM Taylor Tom Dumas TX
1971 SM Maffettone Benjamin Brooklyn NY
1971 SM White James Indianapolis IN
1972 Rice Samuel New Mexico NM
1972 AB Bogert John Seattle WA
1972 AB Collier K A Smyrna Mills ME
1972 AB Haight Raymond Reed City MI
1972 AM Henry Samuel Detroit MI
1972 AM Henry Samuel Detroit MI
1972 AN Reynolds Thomas Madison WI
1972 BM Geitenbeek Alexander Yorba Linda CA
1972 BM Nau Kevin Otterville MO
1972 BM Stumpf Steven Appleton Wis WI
1972 CPO Mcguire Johnny AR
1972 CS Despres Brendon Mountain Home ID
1972 EM Shoemaker Norman Kyle TX
1972 ET Coyle Thomas Summerfield FL
1972 ET Coyle Thomas Summerfield FL
1972 FT Larkin Ftg 3 Bill Detroit MI
1972 HM Dugnolle Charles Kingman AZ
1972 LT Menninger Alex FL
1972 LTJG Hopping Robert Brooklyn NY
1972 MR Biederman Ray Dunnellon FL
1972 PC Peelen Larry Daly City CA
1972 RM Ashley John B Honea Path SC
1972 RM Stephens Dean Seguin TX
1972 SH Robinson Sammie Little Rock AR
1972 SH Robinson Sammie Little Rock AR
1972 SN Bradley Mark Kansas City MO
1973 AB Caruso Louis Plainfield NJ
1973 EN Taylor Frankie Chatham VA
1973 ET Bailey James Southwick MA
1973 ET Lawler Arthur Springfield MA
1973 ET Wheeler Donald Castro Valley CA
1973 OS Brooks Rhody Plover WI
1973 PC Peelen Larry
1973 PN Woode Henry Honolulu HI
1973 RM Gilbuena James Visalia CA
1973 SM Wilson Philip Ft Wane IN
1973 SN Griffin David Brooklyn NY
1973 SN Pesce John Columbus OH
1973 SN Wells Richard J Sterling IL
1974 Tobel Timothy MT
1974 AB Westmoreland Hubert Greensboro NC
1974 BM Conklin Douglas Monterey Park CA
1974 BM Glassman Clifford Gatlinburg TN
1974 BM Leonard William Detroit MI
1974 BM Lindsay Marcus Goldthwaite TX
1974 BT Owczarek Alfred Harrisburg PA
1974 CWO Kolb Jon Oklahoma City OK
1974 EN Ruiz Rogelio Mcallen TX
1974 EW Burris Timothy Plano TX
1974 EW Steinman Steve Pocatello ID
1974 FN Ruiz Rogelio Alton TX
1974 HN Harrell Larry Youngstown OH
1974 HT Petchauer John Scottsdale AZ
1974 MA Albright David Alexandria LA
1974 MM Boyce Ernest Arcadia FL
1974 MM Branson David Maplewood MO
1974 MM Branson David Maplewood MO
1974 MM Croix John Manvel TX
1974 MM Martin Stephen Buena Park CA
1974 MM Plumlee Darrel Norman OK
1974 MM Welch Warren Roswell NM
1974 OS Kuder Robbin Tallahassee FL
1974 OS Reed Bertrand Columbus Georgia GA
1974 RM Crawford Vincent Lakewood WA
1974 RM Emmons Steven Tulsa OK
1974 RM Nicholas Dale Hartford AL
1974 SH Edwards Jerome New Orleans LA
1974 SN Leonard William Detroit MI
1974 SN Stewart Michael Prattville AL
1974 SN Stewart Michael Prattville AL
1975 AB Mantz Martin Dunellen NJ
1975 AB Taylor Cameron ( Scooter Sacramento CA
1975 BM Uss Dubuque Lpd 8 Sab Diego Calif CA
1975 BM Allen Dale Indianapolis IN
1975 BM Crawford Terry Tc Archer City TX
1975 BM Uberti Robert Milford CT
1975 EM Lohman Dave Bloomfield NM
1975 EM Wilson Jeffery Lindon UT
1975 EM Wilson Donald Lorain OH
1975 ET Hagood Phil Memphis TN
1975 ET Onick Vernon San Diego CA
1975 HM Ziel Tom Grand Rapids MI
1975 IC Heinen Kurtis Moreno Valley CA
1975 LT Warren Lobs Plymouth Meeting PA
1975 LTJG Mayo
1975 MM Davis Gordon Elk River MN
1975 MM Williams Richard Simi Valley UT
1975 MM Williams Richard Simi Valley CA
1975 OS Romkee Dale Grand Jct. CO
1975 PC Green Daniel Johnstown PA
1975 SM Green Tim Tacoma WA
1975 SM Moore Ricky Burbank IL
1975 SN Jackson Murry Anchorage AK
1975 YN Howton Marc Tampa FL
1976 -- Bentley Roderic New Orleans LA
1976 AS Smith John Dallas TX
1976 BM Ehling Sam Spring Valley CA
1976 BM Eppley Steven Tucson AZ
1976 BM Morrison William (bill) St. Louis Mo. CA
1976 EW Hilbish Forrest (bill) Tallmadge OH
1976 FN Murphy Gary Pittsburg CA
1976 HM Cornish Robert Jacksonville FL
1976 HT Smith John L Anaheim CA
1976 IC Kellond Dave Santa Rosa C
1976 IC Lavallee Mike Rotterdam NY
1976 LTJG Delbando John Los Angeles CA
1976 LTJG Denk Helmut San Jose CA
1976 MCPO Haupt Edwin Gloucesterr MA
1976 MM Barthell Fred Santa Maria CA
1976 MM Mcmordie Wd Houston TX
1976 MM Self Lloyd Centennial WY
1976 RM Shalz Donald Wathena KS
1976 SM Glaze Charles Cleveland OH
1976 SM Rivera Felipe (phil) Houston TX
1976 SM Vanegas Eddie Watsonville CA
1976 SN Martinez Ken Boise ID
1977 Peck Monty
1977 AB Arguello Steve San Diego CA
1977 AB Ortiz Felix Cabo Rojo PR
1977 BM Albert Rickey Collinsville IL
1977 BM Ihde Mark Billings MT
1977 BM Thorgrimsen Steven Vancouver WA
1977 BM Thorgrimsen Steven Vancouver WA
1977 CWO Kangas Carl Aiken SC
1977 ET Impastato Tony Mobile AL
1977 GM Dodge Jack Idaho Falls ID
1977 HT Holley Thomas Sacramento CA
1977 OS Aguilar Bob
1977 OS Carli Tom NY
1977 OS King Bill Oklahoma City OK
1977 OS Lahmann Greg Sullivan MO
1977 OS Owens Bob Elkhorn City KY
1977 OS Rodriguez Alex Phoenix AZ
1977 OS Shaw Tom
1977 RM Healey Jon Ashley IN
1977 SM Jones Dennis Indianapolis IN
1977 SN Landeros Alfred Chicago IL
1978 AB Bridges David Miami FL
1978 BM Allen Dale Indianapolis IN
1978 BM Moriarty Bill Springfield MA
1978 BT Kite Ted Clinton IN
1978 EM Gauna John San Antonio TX
1978 EM Vandenberg Timothy Pipestone MN
1978 EM Vandenberg Timothy Pipestone MN
1978 ET Ragatz Carman Pontiac MI
1978 LCDR Dean Michael Oklahoma City OK
1978 OS Garrison Mark Atlanta GA
1978 RM Geltmacher Scott Columbia PA
1978 SK Malone Richard Bettendorf IA
1978 SN Acosta John Miami FL
1979 AB Cianci Peter Blue Island IL
1979 BM Cruz Reynaldo San Diego CA
1979 BM Kavelowski MN
1979 BM Shirley Ralph Castle Rock CO
1979 BM Wines Steven Mattoon IL
1979 DK Clark John Gladstone MI
1979 EN Schwebke Rickie Lancaster CA
1979 EW Ackerman William Hayward CA
1979 HT Davi Rick Sacramento CA
1979 HT Davis Rick Sacramento CA
1979 MA Kierman Jeff Boston MA
1979 MM Massingill Randy Austin TX
1979 OS Brewer Ron AR
1979 RM Price Edward San Antonio TX
1979 RM Weaver Calvin (charlie) Dekalb IL
1979 SCPO Logsdon William Mount Sterling IL
1979 SH Williams Doug Torrance CA
1979 SN Dalton Michael Blairstown NJ
1979 SN Hunt Robert MA
1980 AS Ballestamon Arthur Kawit NJ
1980 BM Foster Robert Louisville KY
1980 BM Margarini Johnny Bronx NY
1980 BT Hanneman Craig Lakewood CO
1980 EM Dankert William Dubuque IA
1980 EM Stageberg Brett MN
1980 ET Bowen Shawn Mt. Vernon TX
1980 GM Frank John Cincinnati OH
1980 MA Tatman Bruce IN
1980 MM Rice Frank Florence KY
1980 MM Veal Walter Erin TN
1980 MS Argueilles Alex Fort Monmouth FL
1980 RM Holloman Jerald Atlanta GA
1980 RM Price Edward San Antonio TX
1980 RM Sullivan Edward Oviedo FL
1980 RM Webb Haywood Rome NY
1980 SK Arcangel Gabriel Olongapo --
1980 SM Brogdon Sam Detroit MI
1980 SM West Fred Fort Monmouth NJ
1981 BM Sledge Thomas Northport NY
1981 BT Osborne Dan Rochester NH
1981 CPO Macdougall Mac Mid Pacific Ocean AL
1981 CPO Parmley Harry Las Vegas NV
1981 EM Schmidt Bellville IL
1981 EN Robertson Terry Kansas City KS
1981 GM Keenan James Quincy MA
1981 LI Mc Dowell Robert Ironton OH
1981 MM Nordhus John Morro Bay CA
1981 OS Donaghy Sam San Diego CA
1981 OS Hudgens Mike Port Orford OR
1981 SN Bates Larry South Boston VA
1982 BM Brown Todd Phoenix AZ
1982 EW Tancsik John Rochester NY
1982 GM Miller Joe Asheville NC
1982 HT Carter Robert Auburn CA
1982 LT Dabose Michael Dunedin FL
1982 MM Benefield Andre New Haven CT
1982 MM Benefield Andre New Haven CT
1982 OS Straley Chris Santa Clara CA
1982 PN Russell Michael Knoxville IA
1982 RM Nicholas Dale Franklin WV
1982 RM Nicholas Dale Hartford AL
1983 BM Anikas Vincent Baltimore MD
1983 BM Stockdale J. J. Panama City FL
1983 CPL Ashworth Tim Lititz PA
1983 CPO Stewart Eric Portland ME
1983 CPTN Mcmanis Robert Stafford VA
1983 EM Miller Daniel Slidell LA
1983 GM Dawes Michael Larned KS
1983 LT Buckley Steven Fayetteville AR
1983 LTJG Simerlein Steven Milwaukee WI
1983 MM Klein Ross Pittsburgh PA
1983 MM Thomas Richard Cumberland MD
1983 SH Hulme Michael Voorhees NJ
1983 SK Tiongco Delfino L. Tagkawayan Q
1983 YN Glodowski Stanley Dodge WI
1983 YN King Joseph Portsmouth VA
1983 YN Perez Roger Willcox AZ
1984 BM Patridge Rodney San Diego CA
1984 BT Allen Charlie Chicago IL
1984 BT Cummins Barry Cypress CA
1984 HM Hamilton Brian Fresno CA
1984 HT Strickroth Darrin South Psasdena CA
1984 LCPL Rick Defazzio
1984 LCPL Lehman Shell CA
1984 LT Brodette Brian Somerville MA
1984 LT Husted Frank Parma MO
1984 MM Figgins Jesse Seattle WA
1984 OS Ard Bob Independence MO
1984 PFC Castillo Ronald Pearland TX
1985 BM Lewis Gabriel Groton CT
1985 BM Mccutcheon Lee Homestead PA
1985 BT Campbell Michael Montgomery City MO
1985 BT Rauffer Ron Middletown NJ
1985 CPO Ball Ed Sidney OH
1985 CPO Smith Stephen Somerville MA
1985 EM Gunter Gerry Longview WA
1985 EW Sallot Jeffrey Decatur IN
1985 EW Strebel James Kalamazoo MI
1985 LCDR Etter Randy Mexico MO
1985 LCDR Reuter Paul Wrightstown NJ
1985 LCPL Stubbs Lewis Angleton TX
1985 LT Holloway Marion Oklahoma City OK
1985 MM Croll Bob Attica NY
1985 QM Joyce Robert Seattle WA
1985 QM Skaggs Curtis Norman IN
1985 RP Spicer David Akron OH
1985 SM Lawson Randall Frankton IN
1985 SN Behnke Robert Mccook NE
1985 SN Fitzgerald Brian North Brunswick NJ
1985 YN Ceska Timothy Paoli PA
1986 AB Rogerson Andrew Rohnert Park CA
1986 BM Baker Scott San Diego CA
1986 BM Martin Randal Corona CA
1986 BM Mccrary Darrell Detroit MI
1986 BM Taylor James Telford PA
1986 BT Bautista Ricardo Las Vegas NV
1986 CWO Andresen John Orange Park FL
1986 CWO Lister Cecil Orange TX
1986 DT Akkerman Marcus Ellensburg WA
1986 HT Rust Henry Deming NM
1986 LT Johnson Kevin St.louis MO
1986 LTJG Mann David Portland OR
1986 MM Degroot Dennis Chicago IL
1986 OS Johnson Carl Wisconsin Rapids WI
1986 OS Lucka Chris Hammond IN
1986 SM Schnoebelen T B Abq NM
1987 BM Cantu Adan La Blanca TX
1987 BM Contois Matt Momence IL
1987 BM Mason Bobby Lonaconing MD
1987 BT Avilez Adrian Brownsville TX
1987 BT Giblin James Derry NH
1987 BT Strasser David El Paso TX
1987 CPO Early Michael Waterloo IA
1987 DC Archie Dale Portland OR
1987 EM Gallegos Steven Barstow CA
1987 FN Starr Bill Forest City IA
1987 HM Palokas A. Scott Pottsville PA
1987 LTJG Moore Robert Chicago IL
1987 MM Bisson Kenneth Keene NH
1987 OS Payton T.l. Oklahoma City OK
1987 RM Garner Johnny Chicago IL
1987 SM Gonzalez Jaime Brownsville TX
1988 BM Isabel Hawaii HI
1988 BM Foley Charles
1988 BM Foley Charles Hotchkiss CO
1988 BM Huffman Ronnie Louisville KY
1988 BM Isabel Benedict Hilo HI
1988 BM Walag Carl Seattle WA
1988 BT Creveling Skip Norman OK
1988 BT Creveling Skip Norman OK
1988 BT Mullins Patrick Ohio OH
1988 DC Shiftling Walter
1988 EO Jennings Allan Saylorsburg PA
1988 HT Lopez Isidro Sells AZ
1988 LCDR Doucette Paul Erie PA
1988 MCPO Taylor William Xenia OH
1988 MM Maines Jeff Kingston NY
1988 OS Bennett Rob Elyria OH
1988 OS Harris Trent Miami FL
1988 OS Hartt Andrew Lawrence PA
1988 RM Kline Darrin Hollidaysburg PA
1988 SGT Wilchek Scott Poplar Bluff MO
1988 SH Blystone David Chicora PA
1988 SK Kauffman Ronald Altoona IA
1988 SM Applegate Dennis Cle Elum WA
1988 SM Farrell J.t. Cleveland OH
1989 BM Fair Dean Augusta ME
1989 BM Yanno John Orlando FL
1989 DP Hagan Charles Louisville KY
1989 HT Hill Henry Plano TX
1989 HT Kuehl William Yakima WA
1989 HT Stucker Ryan Hotchkiss CO
1989 LTJG Franz Michael Charles Town WV
1989 OS Hernandez Charles CA
1989 RM Brooks Michael Oxnard CA
1989 RM Cayo Shawn Oregon City OR
1989 RM Paker Lawrence (sonny) Henderson KY
1989 SH Lazzaretti Peter Seattle WA
1989 SM Cooper Mark Wichita Falls TX
1989 SM Cooper Mark TX
1989 SN Cummings David Sandersville GA
1989 SN Cummings David Sandersville GA
1990 AB Koglin Steven Roswell NM
1990 BM Bambach Thomas Kinde MI
1990 DC Davis Sean Worcester MA
1990 GM Poplaski Joe Harrison NJ
1990 IC Torville Richard St. Louis MO
1990 MM Santiago Joel Bulacan PI
1990 RM Hale Kelcey Fayette AL
1990 RM Mounier-suzuki Kurtis Kent WA
1990 RM Noble Christopher --
1990 SN Earsley Monroe San Jose CA
1990 SN Eckenrod PA
1990 SN Green Kyle Rahway NJ
1991 AB Ibarra Carlos San Antonio TX
1991 AB Nelson Dean Clatskanie OR
1991 BM Hawk Richard Okeechobee FL
1991 BM Reed Thim Fort Wayne IN
1991 BM Varela John Orlando FL
1991 CPO Schultz Steve Pensacola FL
1991 CPO Scigliano John Plantation FL
1991 DC Williams Andre E St. Louis Il IL
1991 EM Annis Arthur Vincennes IN
1991 MM Abbey Phillip Peoria IL
1991 MM Slade Shawn Lincoln NE
1991 MS Engler Tim Tampa FL
1991 MS Mcguinness Jim Lakewood OH
1991 RM Smith Jeff Durham NC
1992 AB Hiltz Iii Donald Dover Nh NH
1992 CPO Reaster Jack Cincinnati OH
1992 GM Smith Roger Camden NJ
1992 MM Isaacs Rich Baytown TX
1992 MM Smith Marc Cleveland OH
1992 MS Servis Fred Coleman MI
1992 RM Champlin Paul Pittsburgh PA
1992 RM Howerton TX
1992 SK Kieser Richard --
1992 SN Montano Christopher Albuquerque NM
1993 AN Shook Jason Athens OH
1993 BM Militello Anthony Fort Lauderdale FL
1993 BT Harlow Steven Drayton ND
1993 EM Kadon Erik Cincinnati OH
1993 EM Turner Jerry L Milwaukee WI
1993 IC Brockinton Stan Palatka FL
1993 MM Neal Thomas Dededo Guam GU
1993 MM Reaster Jack Cincinnati OH
1993 MR Hill Bobby Detroit MI
1993 OS Sherman Scott Brooklyn NY
1993 QM Woolley Rodney Remer MN
1993 RM Gondeck Scott Michigan City IN
1993 RP Simkovsky Andrew Miami FL
1993 SN Chapman Jason Enid OK
1994 BM Barnett Kenneth Dallas GA
1994 BM Lee Jeffrey Fort Wayne IN
1994 BM Manning Carnell. Kansas City MO
1994 BM Maruska Michael Virginia Bch VA
1994 BM Maxey Stephen Albiquerque NM
1994 BM Maxey Stephen Albiquerque NM
1994 BM Rupert Lance Salina KS
1994 BT Johnson John Birmingham AL
1994 DC Duvall David Boise ID
1994 DC Erbe Christopher Avon NY
1994 EW Goodman Tommy Dayton OH
1994 IC Flowers Eric Muncie IN
1994 LTJG Schmit Andrew Belgium WI
1994 MM Christian Jason Las Vegas NV
1994 MM Dunn Gregory Troy AL
1994 MS Husman Justin Dallas TX
1994 QM Edds Kurt Mishawaka IN
1995 Page Corenthal Fort Wayne IN
1995 BM Chesnut Bryan Lafayette LA
1995 BT Bussararungsee Visit Fort Walton Beach FL
1995 EN Kearney Stephen Plymouth MA
1995 FC Kolhagen Chad Vanderbilt MI
1995 OS Betz Aaron Broadalbin NY
1995 OS Marsh Dan Gardnerville NV
1995 RM Bolbotowski Rob Toms River NJ
1995 SM Grab Jeff San Diego CA
1995 SM Roblero Josh Corcoran CA
1995 SM Shaughnessy Robert Sacramento CA
1996 BM Wood Christopher Williamsburg VA
1996 CPL Jones Robert Westchester PA
1996 CPO Tessler Steven Albuquerque NM
1996 EN Bishop Justin Page AZ
1996 EN Pensi Jason Boston NJ
1996 ET Boardley Jeffrey Massillon OH
1996 ET Bryant Michael Pennsgrove NJ
1996 LCPL Miceli Placito Gautier MS
1996 MM Callis Parvin Waynetown IN
1996 MM Helmick Korry Kansas City MO
1996 MM Kennedy Richard Honolulu HI
1996 MM Warner David Three Forks TX
1996 SCPO Denny Thomas Mattydale NY
1997 Martinez Fabian CA
1997 CPO Doman James New Orleans LA
1997 DK Carvajal Ryan San Diego CA
1997 MM Marvin Rosal San Diego CA
1997 PN Medina Eric Pittsburg CA
1997 SN Griffith Dustin New Boston TX
1997 YN Williams Edward Los Angeles CA
1998 AB Smith Joey Lancaster Pa PA
1998 AS Hernandeztobar Javier Chicago IL
1998 RM Villegas Henry Lubbock TX
1998 SK Grace Dustin VA
1998 SM Smith Billy Hazlehurst MS
1999 22 Hampton Douglas Green Bay WI
1999 AB Lewis Michael Jamestown NY
1999 BM Flesher Robert Omaha NE
1999 BM Seal Jeremy Knoxville TN
1999 BM Sherwood Timothy Houston TX
1999 BM Zimmerman Allen Sedalia MO
1999 HM Jackson James Cumberland Furnance TN
1999 LT Saville Jeff Chula Vista CA
1999 LTJG Heckert Steven Lincoln NE
1999 MM Rasmussen Curt C.G. OR
1999 MM Uribe-ixta Jessie Hesperia CA
1999 NC Kimes Terry Streator IL
1999 OS Nusbaum David Honolulu HI
1999 QM Nielsen Jon Logan UT
1999 RM Puzzo Daniel Phoenix AZ
1999 SM Mette Sion Vermillion SD
1999 YN Leftridge Keenan Dallas TX
2000 White Carl IL
2000 AB Morrow Christopher Prescott AR
2000 AB Rubi Steven Miami Springs FL
2000 AS Donecker Duane Scott City KS
2000 BT Mackey David Champion MI
2000 CPO Stockton Trent San Diego CA
2000 DN Tharrington Derjuan Lawton OK
2000 IS Tank Garrett Monroe MI
2000 MM Dickey Bill Lyme NH
2000 MM Kay Robert Concord CA
2000 MM Price Jeffery Victorville CA
2000 MM Stell Sean Tempe AZ
2000 OS Kelley Joshua Loveland CO
2000 SN Hove Rob Red Wing MN
2001 FC Thevenot Dwight Louisville KY
2001 GM Lake Harold TX
2001 GM Maravilla Juan Denver CO
2001 GM Sanchez Nathan Oklahoma City OK
2001 LS Gardner Justin Mechanicville NY
2001 OS Cole Daniel Longview TX
2001 OS Giorgakopoulos Billy Falls City NE
2001 OS Mcgowan Mark Atlanta GA
2001 RM Martin De Andre Detroit MI
2002 BM Washington Jamaine San Antonio TX
2002 CPO Fontimayor Gene San Diego CA
2002 FC Smith Joseph Chicago IL
2003 MS Ellis Danny New Orleans LA
2004 CS Barrera Luis Sacramento CA
2004 MM Lynch David West Lafayette OH
2008 SK Bensang Gerard San Fernando Valley CA
2009 SN Cardenas Abel Sunnyside WA
2010 OS Cascio Michael Elk Grove CA
2010 OS Peters Matthew Basin WY





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