Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE FFG-61 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 OS Tookes Curtis Jacksonville FL
1954 CPO Bazzel Joe Panama City FL
1988 EM Christopher Markley Remington VA
1988 EN Porter Walt Hawthorne NV
1988 MS Smith Jeff Westminster CO
1988 OS Hodges Sean Wenatchee WA
1989 BM Melker Paul Oakland CA
1989 BM Om Roger La Palma CA
1989 CPO Benson Dan Laguna Beach CA
1989 DS Hurley Glynn Nutsac CA
1989 DS Layer David --
1989 EN Medina Juan Yuma AZ
1989 EN Rader Scott Oxford OH
1989 ET Fowler Scott Philadelphia MS
1989 ET Herr Edward Oroville CA
1989 ET Miller Kevin Butte MT
1989 ET Rogers Ricky Nutsac CA
1989 FC Barnette Paul Columbus OH
1989 IC Mondshine Glen Houston TX
1989 IC Sullivan Donald Lake Jackson TX
1989 MR Funez John Oakley CA
1989 MS Pangilinan Nestor La Mirada CA
1989 OS Curtis Jon Tempe AZ
1989 OS Snow Don Fremont CA
1989 PN Evans Ronnie Miller SD
1989 SH Hill Darren Baton Rouge LA
1989 SN Bermudez Manuel Rincon NM
1989 ST Bisignano Bill Medford NJ
1989 YN Tate Anthony Waterloo IA
1989 YN Tate Anthony Waterloo IA
1990 BM Om Roger La Palma CA
1990 CPO Raney Charles Wheatridge CO
1990 FC Rhinesmith Steve Pompton Lakes NJ
1990 FC Ziegler Chris Monrovia CA
1990 GM Peterson Dale Sugarland TX
1990 GS Harden Craig South Lyon MI
1990 IC White Paul Houston TX
1990 OS Crowle Michael Elizabeth NJ
1990 OS Wetzel Jerry Cincinnati Ohio OH
1990 SD Michalak James Babylon NY
1991 EN Davis Berry Wewoka OK
1991 EN Newcomer David Kent OH
1991 QM Crocco Rick Sacramento CA
1991 RM Michalak James Babylon NY
1991 SH Mcgee John Lebanon TN
1991 SN Mcdavid Jim Joliet IL
1991 SN Monk Brian Lebanon PA
1991 SN Monk Brian Lebanon PA
1991 SN Monk Brian Lebanon PA
1992 -- Stanley Richard Laurel MD
1992 DC Stanley Richard Laurel MD
1992 EM Vassel Carl Brooklyn NY
1992 EN Hanson Randy Hermiston OR
1992 ET Green Jeff Kalmazoo MI
1992 OS George Kelly Prairie City IA
1992 OS Iams Grant Mansfield OH
1992 SH Hollis Bryant Spartanburg SC
1992 SM Fetchak Larry Pittsburgh PA
1992 ST Webber Kenneth Fitchburg MA
1992 TM Hodges James Haven KS
1992 TM Tucker Richard Nampa ID
1993 DC Sizer --
1993 OS Acevedo Edgar Covina CA
1993 OS Lopez Mario Long Beach CA
1993 PN Alman Ronell Brooklyn NY
1994 BM Schmiedel Chris Worcester NY
1994 CPO Wilson Brian Ponca City OK
1994 DC Buettner Macdennis Washington Island WI
1994 DK Isom Jody Savoy TX
1994 IC Sullivan Don Lake Jackson TX
1994 MS Inman John Washington Dc DC
1994 OS Feliciano Dennis Perth Amboy NJ
1994 RM Hayman Floyd Newark NJ
1994 SCPO Marotta Michael Baldwin NY
1995 DC Colley Jeff Estacada OR
1995 OS Drouillard Joseph Bay City MI
1995 OS Glanz Aaron Seattle WA
1995 OS Kramer Clayton Jacksonville FL
1995 OS Kramer Clayton Jacksonville FL
1995 ST Monroe James Portland OR
1995 TM Norton Keefe Abilene TX
1996 BM Oaklief Larry Coshocton OH
1996 CPO Willard James Wichita KS
1996 LTJG Smith Roy Olympia WA
1996 MS Bottoni Angelo Rochester NY
1996 MS Platon Mario Romeo Philippines WA
1996 OS Unger Todd Cape May NJ
1996 YN Sternick Christopher Bernardsville NJ
1997 BM Moran Michael Kingston WA
1997 MCPO Finley Robert Tonasket WA
1997 RM Braunger James Pittsburgh PA
1997 RM Jimenez Luis Bethlehem PA
1997 SN Crow James San Antonio TX
1997 ST Johnson Tim Vian OK
1998 CMDR Garbesi Gregg Santa Rosa CA
1998 CPO Tallman David Portland OR
1998 EW Hill Eric Mt. Carmel IL
1998 FN Major Mack Philadelphia PA
1998 MS Taylor John Shreveport LA
1998 SGT Lee Shewmake Mckeesport PA
1999 GS Mayor Travis Conneaut OH
1999 MS Declouet Clyde Baldwin LA
1999 MS Macalino Robbie Riverside CA
1999 OS Ervin James Belvedere SC
1999 OS Haldiman Steve New Glarus WI
1999 OS Mcalister Bill Darrington WA
2000 CMDR Dinobile Steven (Steve) Detroit MI
2000 LTJG Diaz Nathan Sioux Falls SD
2000 OS Klein Dan Fremont NE
2000 SN Hurtado Robert Peublo CO
2001 CPO Reeves Daniel Pensacola FL
2001 PN Holtz Billy West Covina CA
2001 SN Jackson Brian Mancelona MI
2002 ET Weintraub Carlos Mayaguez PR
2003 CMDR Colby Mark Sandusky MI
2003 CPO Kamppi Glenn Yakima WA
2003 OS France Ferneal Cleveland OH
2004 EN Diaz Benjamin Los Angeles, California CA
2004 SK Hawley Jeremiah Sterling MA
2005 GS Taylor Wesley Northport WA
2005 MCPO Gibson Jeremy Buffalo NY
2007 BM Gonzalez Rodriguez Enrique New York City NY
2007 GM Maurer Jason Hood Rver OR
2007 HM Paul Christopher Marine City MI
2007 IC Lanterman Todd Freeburg IL
2009 CT Roysdon Justin San Diego CA
2009 RM Cano David Jamaica NY





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