Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE FFG-58 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 GM Herr Dave PA
1977 RM Guy Greg Hammond IN
1984 EN Blade Michael Milan MI
1984 EN Cook Glenn Brandenburg KY
1984 MS Pike Benjamin Greenfield MA
1985 BM Norbert Rios Clinton CT
1985 BM Pilliod Richard Swanton OH
1985 BM Segovia Eddie Miami FL
1985 BM Watford Earl (mike) SC
1985 CPO Moulton Gregory Brunswick ME
1985 CPO Shafer Pat Falling Rock WV
1985 EM Chaffin Lester Huntington WV
1985 EN Heath Darryl Jacksonville FL
1985 EN Starks Ron San Antonio TX
1985 EN Tichy John Middletown NY
1985 EN Tilley Mike Bonne Terre MO
1985 ET Aston James Deltona FL
1985 EW Cruz Fernando Yonkers NY
1985 FC Menzer Gary Sussex NJ
1985 FC Preston John Craig CO
1985 FC Ramkumar Robby Brooklyn NY
1985 GM Reinert Thomas Hackensack NJ
1985 GM Velez Javier Aguadilla PR
1985 GS Perez Alex San Antonio TX
1985 GS Raymond Mike C ID
1985 HM Oconnor Thomas Easton MA
1985 HT Warix William Woodriver IL
1985 IC Nares Roberto E Sterling IL
1985 LT Sorensen Eric Plattsburgh NY
1985 OS Carey John Irving TX
1985 OS Dalton Ken Prineville OR
1985 OS Mowry Tom Auburn ME
1985 OS Raymond Rick Spotswood NJ
1985 OS Smetak John Westchester IL
1985 PC Timm Herman Waterbury CT
1985 PN Morin Charles San Diego CA
1985 QM Seals Michael Madison WI
1985 RM Mccarey Michael Philadelpha PA
1985 RM Thomas Doug Slocomb AL
1985 SCPO Grafing Robert Charleston SC
1985 SH Baybayan Edgardo Long Beach CA
1985 SH Schmitt Willard Saint Peters MO
1985 SH Schmitt Willard Saint Peters MO
1985 SM Moore Billy Manalapan NJ
1985 ST Fisk John (Fozzy Bear) Blaine MN
1985 ST Menard Mark Williamstown VT
1986 CPO Wallingford Michael Berwick ME
1986 DK Siler Rufus Ramseur NC
1986 ET Muehlberg Jim Minneapolis MN
1986 FC Winchester Randal Beaver OH
1986 GM Lewis Robert New Castle DE
1986 GS Tatum Randy Howell MI
1986 MS Frank Scott Meredith NH
1986 YN Hass Paul West Monroe NY
1986 YN Walton Don Atlanta GA
1987 CPO Rajotte Mark North Kingstown RI
1987 EM Dodson William Pulaski TN
1987 ET Deem Larry Vermilion OH
1987 EW Laycock Dave Providence RI
1987 GM Phillips Marshall Jonesborough TN
1987 MR Aiken Bill Altoona PA
1987 MS Doctor Antonio Batangas PI
1987 OS Helms Nevin Lebanon PA
1987 OS Valarik Matt Pittsburgh PA
1987 RM Deitert Shane Champaign IL
1988 AT Ross Billy Albuquerque NM
1988 AZ Lehman Daniel L Corning NY
1988 BM Ramos Juan El Paso TX
1988 EM Oster Jeffrey Patuxent River Md MD
1988 ET Lajudice Joe Akron OH
1988 ET Mccarty Bill Marion IL
1988 HM Lambert Jim MD
1988 LTJG Chambers --
1988 ST Patterson Lance New Orleans LA
1989 BM Pesesky Edward Elmira NY
1989 DC Lynch Kenneth Monroe NY
1989 ET Odgers Bill Alameda CA
1989 GS Livingston Timothy South Glens Falls NY
1989 GS Tanguay Scott Maxfield ME
1989 IC Schauf Dean Menomonie WI
1989 PC Parker Randy Maynard AR
1989 RM Coyle Dennis Mt. Laurel NJ
1989 ST Wyrick Bill St Joseph MO
1990 BM Bollinger Jim ME
1990 DC Vilardi Eric Oriskany Falls NY
1990 EM Stare Bill Hopedale MA
1990 GS Baier Michael Montrose PA
1990 GS Brandt Robert Moss Point MS
1990 GS Peddycord Richard Winston-salem NC
1990 OS Dahl Jarrod St. Louis MO
1990 OS Dahl Jarrod Chicago IL
1990 RM Barkey Jeff Taylor MI
1990 RM Owens Tom TX
1990 SM Garza David Houston TX
1990 SN Kain RI
1991 -- Figueroa Jose Miami FL
1991 BM Chicas M. Bronx NY
1991 DC Gogan Jeff Marlboro MA
1991 EM Belden Andrew Winona TX
1991 EN Bagni Jonathan
1991 EN Knorowski Scott Piscataway NJ
1991 EN Martin Keith Brooklyn NY
1991 ET Hyder John Marshfield MO
1991 SM Calahan Alex Jonesboro LA
1992 BM Stewart Matthew Houston MO
1992 BM Stewart Matthew Houston MO
1992 FN Perugini Anthony Waterbury CT
1992 FN Perugini Anthony Waterbury CT
1992 GM Shirey Darrin Reedsville PA
1992 HM Lofton David Jackson MS
1992 MR Tannehill Daniel Eldon MO
1992 OS Burger Paul Greenbelt MD
1992 OS Garner Thomas Lancaster OH
1992 QM Miller Dave Tonawanda NY
1992 RM Gilbert Eric Elizabethtown KY
1992 SM Grealish John Hull MA
1993 BM Ketterer Michael Bethalto IL
1993 DC Scoville Ryan Winchendon MA
1993 EM Alrick Mckoy Queens NY
1993 EW Nowicki Timothy North Weymouth MA
1993 FN Hull Charles New Milford CT
1993 GM Cox Troy Decatur OH
1993 HT Buckmaster Jason Parker City IN
1993 QM Enger Jay Minneapolis MN
1993 SM Williams George Pearl City HI
1993 SN Tilley Jason Houston TX
1994 Pupkis Brian ME
1994 BM Kinser Roy
1994 BM Rayborn Jeremy Livingston LA
1994 CPO Holmes Ben Va Bch VA
1994 GM Renner Mike
1994 MS Grubba Matthew Shelby Township MI
1994 MS Lopez Anthony Girardville PA
1994 RM Crowder Michael Colorado Springs CO
1994 RM Stelmak Scott Stafford Springs CT
1994 SK St John Robert Chelsea OK
1994 SM Wolford Rick Orangeville OH
1995 CPO Turner Brad Eden NC
1995 EW Myers Andrew Horsheads NY
1995 IC Anzalotti Joseph Springfield MA
1996 Koo Jimmy --
1996 CMDR Genulias Louis --
1996 FC Mcarthur Chris Kanab UT
1996 SK Paula Joel Bronx NY
1996 SN Anderson Christopher Manchester PA
1997 CPO Moody Joseph Norfolk VA
1997 EN Fisher George Rupert VT
1997 GS Barrett Johnny Bronx NY
1998 ET Guerrero Cesario White Sands NM
1998 GS Smith Stacey Summerville SC
1998 OS Uhlmann Douglas Bay City MI
1998 PC Desenburg Walter Warren OH
1999 CPO Prayner Todd Allentown PA
1999 SN Lowery Christopher San Diego CA
2000 GS Foster Mark Greencastle IN
2001 BM Reed Anthony Alexandria LA
2001 FC Lamping Jedediah Randle WA
2001 MA Nirdlinger Brian Union Brach NJ
2001 MA Nirdlinger Brian Union Brach NJ
2003 EW Sechrist Jeremy Manchester PA
2003 SN Stain Seann San Antonio TX
2004 EN Mingo Ken Albany GA
2004 OS Shute Joe Lancaster SC
2004 SN Myers David Brazoria TX
2006 OS Gaines Mike Bakersfield CA
2008 EN King Devin Athens PA
2008 ENS Finleon Kyle Austin TX
2009 CPO Recio Kenneth Jefferson City MO





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