Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE FFG-15 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1979 SK Jeffery Maine ME
1980 BM Heimbach Jamie Catasauqua PA
1980 BM Hollingsworth Rickey Pineville KY
1980 BM Vallance Ray Scott Rison/212 Dragons AR
1980 BM White James Susquehanna PA
1980 CMDR Todd John East Boothbay ME
1980 CPO Glover Michael Buffalo NY
1980 CPO Robinson Rick Jacksonville AL
1980 CPO Shadden James TX
1980 CPO Webb Randy Cincinnati OH
1980 EM Carson Charles Montville ME
1980 ET Harris Bud Selma AL
1980 ET Mcgee Richard Chicago IL
1980 ET Schupner Glenn St. Petersburg FL
1980 EW Orebeaux Lawrence Buffalo NY
1980 FC Berggren Carl Westfield MA
1980 FTM Clark Bruce Endwell NY
1980 GM Malloy Andria Maxton NC
1980 GS Sands John Chicago IL
1980 GS Wrightson Timothy Newark DE
1980 LCDR Schwier Edward Cincinnati OH
1980 LT Collis Jerry Chesapeake VA
1980 LT Humitz Norman Argentine MI
1980 MCPO Bishop Hubert Louisville KY
1980 MS Munson Leslie Austin TX
1980 OS Loftus Steven Hershey PA
1980 OS Stockdale Howard Stone Richmond Kentucky KY
1980 PC Harmon Charles Memphis TN
1980 PN Robinson Doug Detroit MI
1980 PN Townsend Samuel Lumberton NC
1980 RM Johnson Anthony Bedford IN
1980 RM Pitman Mark Canby OR
1980 RM Youngberg Dave Jacksonville FL
1980 SK Peterman Craig Philadelphia PA
1980 SM Cochran Steve Delaware OH
1980 SM Witcher Darrell Elberton GA
1980 ST Hanrahan Paul Springfield OH
1980 ST Van Horsen Steven Adrian MN
1980 ST Wolfer Lee Monterey CA
1981 CT Richlin Brad Boise ID
1981 EW Silevicz Vitold Brockton MA
1981 EW Silevicz Vitold Brockton MA
1981 GS Brien Patrick Racine WI
1981 GS Vickerson Thomas Schenectady NY
1981 HT Jacobs Edward Daytona Beach FL
1981 MS Scott James Scotty Haw River NC
1981 OS Talbott Keith Danville VA
1981 SH Decuna Sh-2 Andy Philippineslipa Citybatangas IL
1981 ST Smith James Sacramento CA
1982 AM Huot Victor Providence RI
1982 BM Willard Joseph Holland MI
1982 EM Lindsey John Lenox GA
1982 EM Walker Doug St. Augustine FL
1982 EN Coyle Matthew Cocoa FL
1982 EN Paulus Wayne Rootstown OH
1982 EN Shapiro Michael Rio Rancho NM
1982 EN West Chuck Philadelphia PA
1982 EW Ely Jeff St.johnsbury VT
1982 EW Shimmin Kelly Faribault MN
1982 FC Johnson Larry Houston TX
1982 FC Waag Micheal Buffalo NY
1982 GM Morin Joseph Lowell MA
1982 GS Bily Peter Huntington NY
1982 GS Coulter Duane Longview WA
1982 GS Mullins Timothy Hudson NY
1982 GS Mullins Timothy Hudson NY
1982 MS Krause Ms1 Edward Lancaster PA
1982 OS Wilson Wil Waco TX
1982 PN Rhodes Donald Ft Lauderdale FL
1982 SH Pickett
1982 SK Iannace Enrico Mahopac NY
1982 SK Kelley Frank Clearwater FL
1982 SM Haire John Quincy FL
1983 John
1983 BM Guzman Jose Nyc NY
1983 BM Sackmaster Jeff Spokane WA
1983 CMDR Maloit Jr. Robert --
1983 EM Jones Arlee Pine Bluff AR
1983 EM Thibideau Joe Merritt Island FL
1983 EN Everson Warren Richton Park IL
1983 EN Reichard Tom Cleveland OH
1983 EN Reichard Tom Cleveland OH
1983 EN Tuckett Andrew Pickerington OH
1983 GS Gonzalez Luis (gonzo) Belmont MA
1983 GS Roy James NY
1983 GS Schaller Kurt Sullivan ME
1983 HM Weldon Mark (doc) Huntsville AL
1983 HT Rekowski Thomas Detroit MI
1983 LT Muir Gregory Princess Anne MD
1983 LTJG Malouin Robert Springfield MA
1983 MR Greenwood Michael Edwardsville IL
1983 RM Archuletta Eric Salem OR
1983 RM Fernandez Steven San Antonio TX
1983 RM Sherman Karl Lewistown PA
1983 RM Young John Atlanta GA
1983 RM Young John Atlanta MD
1983 SH Pickett John Bartow FL
1984 Best Jeff --
1984 DS Mckee Augustus Princeton NJ
1984 ET Barr Dean Seattle WA
1984 FC Fagan Randy Decatur AL
1984 GS Armetta Michael Dover DE
1984 GS Freepartner John Watertown WI
1984 HT Ryzkiewicz Kevin Brooklyn NY
1984 IC Hentrup Mark Jasper IN
1984 SK Carlson Mitchel Charlton MA
1984 SM Larson Peter Grand Forks ND
1984 SM West Greg Rolla MO
1985 BM Fontenot Bradley Ville Platte LA
1985 CPO Mcconaghy Jim Chicago IL
1985 DK Bruce Reynolds Pittsburgh PA
1985 DK Reynolds Bruce Pittsburgh PA
1985 EW Toney David Liberty IN
1985 HT Johnson Bryan Meridian ID
1985 HT Mickler Richard (rick) Lakeland FL
1985 HT Mickler Saxby (rick) Lakeland FL
1985 HT Mickler Richard (rick) Lakeland FL
1985 HT Mickler Richard (rick) Lakeland FL
1985 HT Mickler Richard Lakeland FL
1985 LT Babcock Bruce South Brunswick NJ
1985 MS Knowles Jeff (zig) Belleville NJ
1985 QM Whitton Bret Conroe TX
1985 SM Mihalik Vincent Scranton PA
1986 CPO Smith Terry Negley OH
1986 CPO Wall Lawrence (larry) Nixa MO
1986 EM Henry Randy Monocacy PA
1986 GS Cooper William Minneapolis MN
1986 HT Airola Michael Perry ME
1986 LT Petersen Tim Cambridge NE
1986 LT Thigpen Duke Birmingham AL
1986 MS Cobb Bill Lafayette LA
1986 RM Burkland Keith Riverside PA
1986 RM Thomas Christopher Inglewood CA
1987 BM Morgan Raynold West Bend KY
1987 CPO Emrick James (jim) NJ
1987 CPO Kohnen Kenneth (ken) Wapakoneta OH
1987 EM Deavers Raymond Cincinnati OH
1987 EN Smith Matthew Bedford KY
1987 ET Barclay Rick Clinton NJ
1987 ET Kowieski Mark Chicago IL
1987 GM Nelson Todd Cambridge MN
1987 LT Booker Allen
1987 LT Lepp Stephen Harrisburg PA
1987 LT Williamson Brad Levittown PA
1987 SH Rosemayer Michael Midland MI
1987 SM Ohanlon William Sewell NJ
1988 BM Merritt Jason Lebanon CT
1988 BM Peddigree Shawn Harrisburg PA
1988 CPO Enos Fred Norristown PA
1988 ET Barclay Rick Clinton NJ
1988 GM Christman Peter Pawling NY
1988 GM Hathaway Ernest Lewisville OH
1988 GS Mitchell Robert Phila. PA
1988 LTJG Cassidy Jeffrey Gardineer ME
1988 ST Van Auken Jeffrey Endicott NY
1989 BM Kelly Shawn Easton PA
1989 BM Pulkrabek David Pine City MN
1989 CPO Crowley Willis Huntsville TN
1989 CPO Holmes Ben Va Bch VA
1989 EN Lorden Chris Boston Mass NH
1989 GS Tilson Henry Sanford FL
1989 LTJG Hadden Todd Minnepolis MN
1989 MA Hess Thomas A Easton PA
1989 MS Schenkel John Bronx NY
1989 SK Chilton James El Cerrito CA
1989 SK John Andrew Phila PA
1990 BM Maritt Jason CT
1990 EW Rudbart Lee Fairfield NJ
1990 GS Fenderson George Fairbanks AK
1990 PN Webber Paul Butler PA
1990 SCPO Davidson Chuck Chandler AZ
1990 SH Ruiz Eddie Buffalo NY
1990 SN Lemieur Todd Petoskey MI
1991 DC Miller Jeffery Bensenville IL
1991 DS Abduk-khaliq Amyn Queens NY
1991 EM Thompson Dave Clarksburg WV
1991 ET Jarlenski Brian Roanoke VA
1991 FC Chatters Richard Portland OR
1991 GS George Fairbanks AK
1991 HM Holley James Huntington WV
1991 HM Kotz Chris Augusta GA
1991 IC Quenzer Gary Amity Harbor NY
1991 IC Quenzer Gary NY
1991 OS Juneau Kevin Portland ME
1991 PM Ridgway Art Irvine CA
1991 QM Chapman Tshambi Columbia SC
1991 SK Ramsey Rick Altoona IA
1992 BM Kelly MD
1992 GS Augustin Jose Philadelphia PA
1992 GS Demersman David Rochester NY
1992 IC Squalls Kanius Raeford NC
1992 QM Heldenbergh Scott Millville MA
1992 ST Ermer Corey Portage WI
1993 BM Chicas Marco Bronx Ny NY
1993 BM Hirsch --
1993 BM Hirsch Michael North Miami Beach FL
1993 GM Lowney Thomas Fall River MA
1993 GM Rhoades William Scott Frederick MD
1993 LCDR Cooper Timothy Marshfield MA
1993 LT Svensson John Glen Rock PA
1993 TM Baird Kermit Kirksville MO
1994 CPO Matthews James Star Lake NY
1994 DC Jinks Edward Jonesboro GA
1994 EM Brandt Curt Birmingham AL
1994 EN Peterson David Perth Amboy NJ
1994 GS Earnest Tom Boston MA
1994 IC Hix Chris Dalton GA
1994 LTJG Fagan Brad Naples FL
1994 OS Arias Jesse Brownsville TX
1994 SN Taylor Ronnell Tuscaloosa AL
1995 CPO Schrader Leonard Summerville GA
1995 ET Terry Parker Fayetteville NC
1995 EW Floyd Chris Shreveport LA
1995 GM Cook Willie Clio SC
1995 GS Bruce J.D. Seymour IN
1995 LTJG Haley Jay Portland ME
1995 PN Townsend Samuel Lumberton NC
1995 SM Rogers Thomas Martinsville VA
1996 BM Dunmore Roosevelt Franklinville NJ
1996 DC Beagling Dennis Ormond Beach FL
1996 DC Southworth Levi Emlenton PA
1996 EN Williams Donald Coulumbus GA
1996 FC Brown Michael Stratford IA
1996 HM Kasey Darrick Roanoke VA
1996 SN Maye Eugene Schenectady NY
1997 Burns Dan
1997 BM Heise John Everett PA
1997 CPO Armstrong Dave Dallas NC
1997 EN Little Jason Winters CA
1997 EN Miller John
1997 GM Ames Richard Louisville KY
1997 LT Kirby Matthew Atlanta GA
1997 QM Greene Jared Coxsackie NY
1997 SH Burns Dan North Stratford NH
1998 LT Ross --
1998 MS Dankert David Saginaw MI
1998 YN Shelton Chris Asheville NC
1999 FC Poplin Donald Charlotte NC
1999 MR Hickle Lynn Elizabeth City NC
2000 GM Hulse Doyle Fairhope AL
2000 GS Cruz Benjamin Chicago IL
2000 ST Shelley Patrick Lancaster PA
2001 DS Montoya Ramon Raton NM
2001 SCPO Lee Michael Montgomery AL
2002 CPO Murray David Sidney NY
2002 OS Moore Michael Jacksonville FL
2002 SK Spears Lawrence Columbus OH
2002 YN Gunn Adam Portland OR
2003 EN Biondo Andrew Buffalo NY





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