Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DE-169 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Harris John Laurens SC
1941 Harris John Laurens SC
1943 Ciejka Ted Adams MA
1943 2LT Hogg Bruce New York NY
1943 BM Higgins Porter Danville VA
1943 CPO Kelley Charles Nashua NH
1943 CPO Kelley Charles Nashua NH
1943 CPO Rawlings Albert Dallas TX
1943 CS Wright Alan Pittsburgh PA
1943 EN Bolger William Akron OH
1943 GM Johnson Walter Baltimore MD
1943 GM Lydon John Dorchester MA
1943 LT Ehrhardt John Spokane WA
1943 LT Stevens Ross D. Indianapolis IN
1943 MM Toney George Richmond VA
1943 QM Greendale Horace Wilbraham MA
1943 QM Winslow H Elizabeth PA
1943 SC Jones Harry Brainerd MN
1943 SGT Atherton Robert Palm Bay FL
1943 SM Barth Carl Louisville KY
1943 SM Barth Carl Louisville KY
1943 SM Homberger Kenneth Quincy IL
1943 SN Gahren Francis Bronx NY
1943 SO Delisle Jerry Malone NY
1943 TM Lemoine Kerrville TX
1944 EM Beman Luther Thurman OH
1944 EM Best John Shenectady NY
1944 FTM Clark George Wilmington DE
1944 GM Lydon John Boston MA
1944 PM Ciaccio Tom Montgomery NY
1944 QM Tallman Sterling Parkersburg WV
1944 SN Huyer Joe Chicago IL
1945 -- Bogdon John Plymouth Pa. PA
1945 GM Davis Preston Arlington VA
1945 GM Davis Preston Arlington VA
1945 GM Davis Preston Arlington VA
1945 GM Davis Preston Arlington VA
1945 GM Oegema Casey Grand Rapids MI
1945 MM Terry Robert Carson City MI
1945 RM Langone Eugene Utica NY
1945 SM Bodgon John Severna Park MD
1945 SM Roll Frank Cornng NY
1945 SN Burnap Charles Westminster MA





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