Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DE-1029 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 CPO Delorenze William --
1957 EN Mozingo Stanley Washington DC
1957 EN Mozingo Stanley Washington DC
1957 MM Bruckmoser Lou Milwaukee WI
1957 MM Uhl Bob Holcomb NY
1957 MM Williams Donald Russell MN
1957 QM Hillman Camillo Thomas Atlantic City NJ
1958 BM Petz Arthur Brooklyn NY
1958 ENS Joslin Ivan Raleigh NC
1958 IC Kleiss Barry Hicksville NY
1958 MM Hennessy Thomas Rochester NY
1958 RD Finazzo Tony Philadelphia PA
1958 SO Riehle Brian Columbus OH
1958 SO Tribula Joe Detroit MI
1959 BT Meadows Dennis Odd WV
1959 BT Smith Ronald E Newark OH
1959 BT Wood James Gum Springs VA
1959 MM Cooney Jim Jersey City NJ
1959 MM Hennesey Tom Rochester NY
1959 MM Hennesey Tom Rodcchester N.y NY
1959 MM Hoover Dean Fort Myers FL
1959 MM Hoover Dean Fort Myer FL
1959 RD Boyle Gerald J. Lowell MA
1959 RM Dispensa Frank Wappingers Falls NY
1959 SF Winnett Amos Warrior AL
1959 SK Beck Kenneth Reading PA
1959 SO Tribula Joseph Centerline MI
1960 Burgess Ed --
1960 Servedio Michael Patchogue NY
1960 EM Remmick Martin Bud Erie PA
1960 EM Rohrbacher Stephen San Leandro CA
1960 ET Arsenault Marc Charlton MA
1960 RD Hopewell Paul Cocoa Beach FL
1960 RD Proudfit Gary Iron Mountain MI
1960 YN Pina Ernie Cumberland RI
1961 Colca Frank Staten Island NY
1961 Halverson Richard WI
1961 Joe Billy OH
1961 Kingston Kenneth Quincy MA
1961 Sousie John Lynn MA
1961 FT Longenecker William Allentown PA
1961 IC Courtney Robert Brooklyn NY
1961 QM Mcbride John (Jack ) Seal Beach CA
1961 SN Jacobsen Bob Brooklyn NY
1961 SN Wright Alfonza Baltimore MD
1962 ENS Schuller David Rock Island IL
1962 ENS Schuller David Rock Island IL
1962 QM Franklin Ray Louisville KY
1962 RP Fry John Mesa AZ
1962 SN Digati Russell Buffalo NY
1962 TM Curlander John Long Beach NY
1963 EM Haimes Arthur Poway CA
1963 EM Haines
1963 MM Howard Dale Newport AR
1963 RM Foley William Pittsburgh PA
1963 SF Musselman Donald Imler PA
1963 SH Kieklak Bill Wattsburg PA
1963 SN Meehan William College Park MD
1964 BT Hodge Robert West New York NJ
1964 CS Horton John Deephaven MN
1964 ET Weyandt David Reading PA
1964 MM Culbertson Joe Media PA
1964 PN Peterson Richard Horseheads NY
1964 RD Hyde Robert Herkimer NY
1964 SK Papia Stephen Waltham MA
1965 BT Healy Tom East Hampton CT
1965 EM Wolfe Robert Phila PA
1965 ET Hoover Randall Highspire PA
1965 ET Mcgowan William Long Beach CA
1965 ET Wharton Ralph West Palm Beach FL
1965 LTJG Litzler William Cleveland OH
1965 MM Callicoat Harry Springfield OH
1965 MM Goodpaster Paul Detroit MI
1965 RM Legg Richard Clearfield PA
1965 SN Wharton Ralph West Palm Beach FL
1966 BM Lloyd Allen Morgantown WV
1966 BM Mcneilis William (bill) West Warwick RI
1966 CS Victor Versace Garrison NY
1966 ET Elchin Ron Severna Park MD
1966 GM Weed Ray Burlington VT
1966 MM Leonard Richard Cincinnati OH
1966 MM Sullivan Greg Brandon FL
1966 ST Beckett Douglas Ellsworth ME
1966 ST Vrionides Peter North Babylon NY
1967 Camden Robert Kokomo IN
1967 DC Tucker Terry Dayton OH
1967 EM Humphrey Raymond Frederick MD
1967 EN Camden Robert Kokomo IN
1967 FN Mccullough William Petoskey MI
1967 GM Kelley James Crossett AR
1967 GM Kelley James Crossett AR
1967 MM Callicoat Larry Pittsfield NH
1967 MM Harvey Larry Muskegon MI
1967 QM Gordon Ken Erie PA
1967 SF Shanks Leroy Alexandria VA
1967 ST Phelps Paul Henrietta NY
1967 ST Phelps Paul Henrietta NY
1968 HM James Register Exeter NH
1968 SK Luroe Barry Philadelphia PA
1969 BM Donald Columbus OH
1969 BM Elgin Larry Greenville SC
1969 BM Wilson Michael Maywood IL
1969 BT Barnet Nate Chicago IL
1969 EM Spindler Ernest Astoria NY
1969 ET Graham Robert Memphis TN
1969 ET Newell Steve St. Louis MO
1969 ET Sliney George Nashua NH
1969 ET Sliney George Nashua NH
1969 ET Waters Charles Houston TX
1969 RD Broadbent Dale Attleboro MA
1969 RM Tregea Dave Perkiomenville PA
1969 SCPO Azarian Paul Sharon Hill PA
1969 SN Mack Willie Bolton MS
1969 SN Szabo John Treton MI
1969 SN Szabo John Trenton MI
1970 BM Broman Donald Brooklyn NY
1970 BM Quist Carl Westfield MA
1970 ET Graham Robert Memphis TN
1970 GM Scheidel John Sheboygan WI
1970 MM Galloway Gary Aurora IL
1970 MM Pacheco Thomas New Bedford MA
1970 MM Pacheco Thomas New Bedford MA
1970 RD Franklin John Chillicothe OH
1970 RD Lindberg Carl Cavendish VT
1970 RD Mendonca George New Bedford MA
1970 RM Gantz Ronald Salem OH
1970 RM Henriksen David Moline IL
1971 BM Joyce Timothy Boxborough MA
1971 ET Grubbs Glen Sheffield AL
1971 MM Johnson Roger Chattanooga TN
1971 MM Margan John Rock Island IL
1971 MS Mcmunn James Bethlehem PA
1971 YN Kobiec Steve So. Bend IN
1972 ST Langstaff Lawrence Columbus OH





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