Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DE-1021 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1949 FT Barton James Detroit MI
1956 BT Mcdonald Don Cedar Rapids IA
1956 ET Yost Phillip Racine WI
1956 FT Yanke Marvin Warner Robins GA
1956 MM Holt Bill Gainesville FL
1956 QM Becker William Phila. PA
1956 QM Presley Jerry Stilwell OK
1956 RD White David Peoria DE
1956 RM Nigro Charles Orchard Park NY
1956 SCPO Kelley /Ee Charles E. Winter Springs FL
1957 AG Nelson James (Jim) New York NY
1957 CPO Hayes Johnny Buzzards Bay MA
1957 EM Trout Robert Allentown PA
1957 ENS Leach Ronald Springfield IL
1957 ENS Mcgarvey John Yonkers NY
1957 MM Blalock Melvin Chester SC
1957 RD Blalock Thomas Goose Creek SC
1957 SM Hearsey Richard Hamilton Beach - Lon NY
1957 SM Neokleous Hercules Astoria New York NY
1958 ET Wade Garth Elmira NY
1958 MM Albright William Fremont OH
1958 PN Marlin Richard Birmingham AL
1959 BT Groves Ronald Hominy OK
1959 EW Pridmore Ronald Charlotte NC
1959 RD Mckinney Wayne Memphis TN
1959 SO Jones Kenneth Nashville MI
1960 EN Caldwell Richard New Florence PA
1960 RD Treasure Hayes Bolivar PA
1960 ST Cordner Robert Pitman NJ
1961 BM Gendreau Richard Southbridge MA
1961 EN Patrizi Leonard Runnemede NJ
1961 IC Valerioti William New Rochelle NY
1961 LTJG Collins Peter Burlington VT
1961 LTJG Collins Peter Great Neck NY
1961 MM Hale Dennis Cincinnati OH
1961 MM Houlihan Jack Boston MA
1961 MM Moller Al Bemidji MN
1961 MM Raskevitz Robert Amherst MA
1961 SH Wysokowski Donald Brooklyn NY
1961 SM Leary William Holyoke MA
1961 SN Vokoun Stephen Chicago IL
1962 BT Bagge Richard Manchester CT
1962 BT Glavis George Ocean City NJ
1962 DC Clark James Boston MA
1962 EM Ingersoll Max Kalamazoo MI
1962 EM Ingersoll Max Kalamazoo MI
1962 MM Pete Wooddell VA
1962 RM Dice David H Oswego NY
1962 RM Goodwin Howard Edenton NC
1962 RM Venanzi James Monongahela PA
1962 RM Venanzi James (ace) Monongahela PA
1962 RM Witt Robert Buffalo NY
1962 RM Witt Robert Hamburg NY
1962 SN Dinapoli Dino Bronx NY
1962 SN Williams Gary Baldwinsville NY
1963 BM Bullivant Wilson Metuchen NJ
1963 DK Wackman John Milwaukee WI
1963 FT Johnson Frank Towanda PA
1963 QM St. Germain Joel Michigan City IN
1963 RD Haslop Earl New Port Richey FL
1963 RD Kent Richie Nampa ID
1963 RD Kent Richard Nampa ID
1963 RD Smith Dan Chattanooga TN
1963 RM Ellsberry Roy OH
1963 RM Ellsberry Roy OH
1963 SM Cousins James Baltimore MD
1963 SN Friedlander William Seekonk MA
1963 SN Thurber Robert Foster RI
1963 SN Thurber Robert Smithfield RI
1964 GM Driskill James Osceola AR
1964 RM Husch Rich Chicago IL
1964 RM Husch Rich Chicago IL
1964 RM Johnson John (jack) Duluth MN
1964 ST Fertal George Rockaway Park NY
1965 LTJG Schuller David Rock Island IL
1965 MM Buchanan Lowell Waynesville NC
1965 QM Kelley John Liberal KS
1965 ST Blizzard David Southport NC
1965 TM Gatford Malcolm Milwaukee WI
1966 BM Cullen Robert Belleville IL
1966 BM Eckert David Buffalo NY
1966 BM Eckert David Buffalo NY
1966 BM Eckert David Buffalo NY
1966 BM Huffman Larry Victoria IL
1966 ENS Watson David Virginia Beach VA
1966 HT Matuszewski Bob Staten Island NY
1966 MM Chandler Dana Norwalk OH
1966 MM Foster Kenneth Dunnellon FL
1966 MM Masterson James New Hope KY
1966 MM Olson Gary Litchfield MN
1966 MM Wheeler Pug Erie PA
1966 PC Colucci Richard Pennsauken NJ
1966 SM Story David Lincoln IL
1966 SN Haskell Christopher Canaan NH
1966 YN Provencher Frederick Enfield CT
1967 BT Oldt Charles Williamsport PA
1967 QM Leonnig George Portland OR
1967 RD Gibson Troy Wiley TX
1967 SK Whiddon William Perry FL
1967 SM Martello Brian Franklin MA
1967 SN Bolduc Edward Swansea MA
1967 SN Knoll Mike New Cumberland PA
1968 BT Florio John Chicago IL
1968 GM Thomas Kenneth Pitman NJ
1968 GM Weed Ray Burlington VT
1968 LTJG Figueira Russell Somerville MA
1968 SN Nields Kirk Christiana PA
1968 ST Squires Charles Orlando FL
1968 SW Squires Charles Orlando FL
1969 Dokus Robert Bayonne NJ
1969 BM Lane Dennis Pittsburgh PA
1969 BM Mcmeans Howard Stephen Winston Salem NC
1969 BT Manda Jack Canal Fulton OH
1969 BT Swisher Dale St Louis MO
1969 BT Swisher Dale St Louis MO
1969 EN Rivard David Augusta ME
1969 HT Beden Gerald Byron MI
1969 LT Breagy
1969 LTJG Figuera
1969 MID1 Dokus Robert
1969 MID1 Dokus Robert
1969 MM Wroolie Clarence Ft. Ripley MN
1969 RM Gay Michael Chicago IL
1969 RM Hurst Jon Penn Township PA
1969 RM Hurst Jon Lancaster PA
1969 SK Craig Raymond Bowerston OH
1969 SM Nale Charles Absecon Highlands NJ
1969 YN Reinhart John Brooklyn NY
1969 YN Smeland Bruce NY
1970 BM Johnson Steve Cape Girardeau MO
1970 BM Lacina Glyn Lacina Sweeny TX
1970 BM Lacina Glyn Sweeny TX
1970 BM Lacina Glyn Sweeny TX
1970 BM Lacina Glyn Sweenytexas TX
1970 BT Horner Scott South Bend IN
1970 CPO Rooney Ralph Milford MA
1970 FN Shorter Frank Charleston SC
1970 LTJG Hammerick Rusty
1970 LTJG Hamrik Rusty
1970 MM Haworth Roy Newportville PA
1970 OT John Brennan Pittsburgh PA
1970 OT Kendall Steve
1970 OT Stouffer Jim IL
1970 RD Varisco David Medina OH
1970 RM Andersen Lon Cadillac MI
1970 RM Simpson Jack Northumberland PA
1970 SM Morgan Clade Morgantown WV
1971 BM Kemp Phillip Shandon CA
1971 BT Wilcox Dan Cleveland OH
1971 BT Wilhoit Jack Davenport IA
1971 CPO Mihalko Dick
1971 CS Brown Carl Louisville KY
1971 ET Lauridsen Fred Omaha NE
1971 GM Newell Bruce Dallas TX
1971 MR Boyles Dan Glendora CA
1971 OS Miska Chuck
1971 OS Rodgaard John Perth Amboy NJ
1971 OS Silverthorn David Kenmore NY
1971 OT Moran Tom
1971 OT Schuster Charlie
1971 OT Whetstone Dick Tallmadge OH
1971 PC Edwards Tony Hammond IN
1971 RM Cocos Rich St. Louis MO
1971 RM Magistro Steve Topeka KS
1971 SH Lacey Nick Bham AL
1971 ST Dallner Mark Milwaukee WI
1972 Hursh Paul CT
1972 CN Allen Chester Dayton, Ohio OH
1972 LTJG Rusty
1972 MM Bever Tim Saginaw MI
1972 MM Bisner Art (Biz) Va Beach VA
1972 OS Krajewski Dennis Branford CT
1972 OT Johnston Tom Cleveland OH
1972 SK Rathel Donald Salisbury MD
1973 ET Schulmeister Joseph Coraopolis PA





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