Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DD-873 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 SO Sullivan Dennis Buffalo NY
1944 EN Epps Richard Livermore CA
1944 ENS Davis Donald Ogden UT
1944 GM Griffin Thomas Marshall NC
1944 SM Doll Nroman Slinger WI
1944 SM Doll Norman Slinger WI
1945 CMDR Cope Alfred Savannah GA
1945 FC Rigdon John Tallahassee FL
1945 RD Coopersmith Gerald Newark NJ
1946 Rameriz Joey CA
1946 -- Ramerez ? Not Remembered 46-48 CA
1946 BT Wortz Lloyd (Louie) Flint MI
1946 ET Markling Bill Brawley CA
1946 FC Weaver Clifton Beaumont TX
1946 ST Holeman Arlington Danville VA
1946 ST Mckee Merrill Morton Fithian IL
1946 ST Mckee Merrill Fithian IL
1948 Triplett Monte CA
1948 EM Mitchell Fred B. Pensacola FL
1948 FT Mitchell Basil L. Danvers MT
1948 SM Coker Loy Harrison AR
1949 CPO Smith Clayton Hinton WV
1949 RM Reedy Jearl D Quitman AR
1949 RM Sanchez NM
1949 SM Coker Lo(gene) Harrison Ar AR
1949 SN Halter John Pittsburgh PA
1950 BT Dancy James A North Little Rock AR
1950 BT Hammock Glen Gallatin TN
1950 BT Woodman Charles A. Rockford IL
1950 GM Mitchell Paul C. Cisne IL
1950 GM Wage William Jewell OR
1950 QM Tanski - Deceased Louis Albany NY
1950 SO Lawrence Howard Bronx NY
1951 Westmoreland Wes TX
1951 EM Palmer Jr John M. Derry NH
1951 FTM Kirby Estel Mountain City TN
1951 GM Wood Leonard Phoenix AZ
1951 RM Muldoon Warren Lowell MA
1952 BT Alkema David Jenison MI
1952 BT Baker Paul Hartford CT
1952 EN Gilbert Gerald Jsaper GA
1952 GM Callahan Arthur NY
1952 GM Deats John Bethelham PA
1952 GM Gual Vernon Ford KS
1952 GM Hamilton Burrell Pockatellia ID
1952 GM Oconner Kevin ME
1952 GM Singleton Thomas UT
1952 GM Wage Eugene OR
1952 PN Yonkin Arthur Dushore PA
1952 RD Chapman John Perrysburg OH
1952 SN Frey John Paterson NJ
1954 BT Allen Bud Coldwater MI
1954 MM Augustine Robert Clairton PA
1955 BM G Udat Richard Amityville Li NY
1955 ET Mader David Lock Haven PA
1955 GM Airaudi Dave West Bend WI
1955 GM Williams Edward B. Taunton MA
1955 GM Williams Everett A. Taunton MA
1955 RD Crepps Charles Collinsville IL
1955 RD Crepps Charles Collinsville IL
1955 RD Gates Robert Altoona PA
1955 RD Norcross William
1955 YN Herrmann Jerome Staten Island NY
1956 FT Tuffley Mike Brea CA
1956 QM Erzinger Kenneth Kankakee IL
1956 RD Merwede Don Hackensack NJ
1956 RM Distefano Tom Sioux City IA
1956 SK Bomar George Rock Hill SC
1957 CPO Castleberry William South Charleston WV
1957 CWO Castleberry William South Charleston WV
1957 DK Ostrander Terry Ballston Spa NY
1957 SK Dixon Alden Queensbury NY
1957 SO Graybill Harold R Manheim PA
1958 CMDR Anastasion Steven New Haven CT
1958 EM Vroom Walter North Branch NJ
1958 FT Gustafson John Ny NY
1958 MM Briggs Forice Tampa FL
1958 SN Jones Donald Pottstown PA
1959 FT Laiewski Stan Greenville SC
1959 GM Bekaert Keith Bill Lansing MI
1959 LT Weaver Larry Los Altos CA
1959 MM Wood Errol Bay City MI
1959 SM Miller Michael Ellettsville IN
1959 SN Costello Bob Geneva OH
1960 Sullivan William NY
1960 BM Martin Stanton Wilton WI
1960 BM Martin Stanton Wilton WI
1960 BT Lashua Auburn Seattle WA
1960 BT Stallings Ormand Palatka FL
1960 ET Fallows Tom Belton TX
1960 FT Ott Kenneth West Hazleton PA
1960 GM Sharp Allen Saint Clair Shores MI
1960 IC Novak Leonard Northampton PA
1960 IC Novak (deceased) Leonard Egypt PA
1960 RD Schultz J. Roderick Phoenix AZ
1960 SF Oliver Eddie Amory MS
1960 SN Carson Joseph Topeka KS
1960 YN Sullivan William Oyster Bay NY
1961 BM Bradley Billy Norris City IL
1961 BM Bradley Billy Herald IL
1961 BT Cisero Dominick Shelton CT
1961 BT Sleeger William York PA
1961 EM Russell Darrell Schenectady NY
1961 LTJG Turner Charles Detroit MI
1961 LTJG Turner Charles(chuck) Detroit MI
1961 MM Clutter Lee Sanford FL
1961 MM Herndon James Paducah KY
1961 RD Sodders Ronald New Braunfels TX
1961 SO Clute Buz NY
1961 SO Clute Buz NY
1962 Basey OH
1962 BM Brannon GA
1962 BM Groate WI
1962 BM Mcmurtry Carl Madison TN
1962 BM Schreiber Hendric Midland MI
1962 BM Simmons Joseph Muncie IN
1962 BT Stallings Ormand Palatka FL
1962 CS Smith Allen West Columbia SC
1962 ET Glines Thomas Merrillville IN
1962 FT Allen Johney Middletown OH
1962 FT Bailey Glenn Dallas TX
1962 GM Powell Roger Morgantown WV
1962 IC Quinn Frank Delray Beach FL
1962 MM Coale James Palm Beach FL
1962 MM Gardner Barry NJ
1962 MM Mueller Carl Pecatonica IL
1962 MM Traylor Jerry Brownwood TX
1962 MM Walters Charles Hampton GA
1962 RD Clute Ray Waterford NY
1962 RD Ford Harvey Austin TX
1962 RD Perry ? New Bedford MA
1962 RD Sarnoski Steve Eynon PA
1962 RD Truckermiller ? Reading PA
1962 SN Frost Carl Sumiton AL
1962 SN Johnson James Gadsden AL
1962 SO Sanor N/a N/a
1963 EM Krzos John Brookfield IL
1963 ET Markevicz John Fredericksburg VA
1963 FT Barli John California PA
1963 GM Miller Pat Massapequa NY
1963 RD Faulkner ? New York NY
1963 RD Sincere Terry Milwaukee WI
1963 SO Higgins Leonard Detroit MI
1964 BM Leone Guy Detroit MI
1964 BM Mintz Mike Bronx NY
1964 BT Allen Bud Coldwater MI
1964 BT Baldwin David Detroit MI
1964 BT Brown Everett Sewell NJ
1964 BT Payne Van Mount Vernon OH
1964 ET Estey Larry Ypsilanti MI
1964 ET Rockwell Phillip Troy PA
1964 ET Uber Jim Niagara Falls NY
1964 FT Butler Michael St. Louis Park MN
1964 FT Butler Michael St. Louis Park MN
1964 FT Fiorani Donald Algonac MI
1964 GM Vinci Santo Portland CT
1964 IC Doucette Raymond Sagamore MA
1964 MS Mcgillicuddy James Yonkers NY
1964 MS Mcgillicuddy James Yonkers NY
1964 PN Berman Stuart Brooklyn NY
1964 RD Allgeier James Louisville KY
1964 RD Brown Harold Woodside NY
1964 RD Brown Harold Woodside NY
1964 RD Maguet Larry Decatur IL
1964 RD Mullen Larry Delanco NJ
1964 RD Mullen Larry Delanco NJ
1964 RD Webster Arthur Baltimore MD
1964 RM Rader Walter Brooklyn NY
1964 SH Reed Charles Fairlea WV
1964 SN Harris Theodore Philadelphia PA
1964 SN Harris Theodore Philadelphia PA
1964 TM Dellolio Michael Texas City TX
1964 TM Fraley Ron OH
1964 TM Mcshane Jim Stratford CT
1964 TM Roberts Dave Lexington NC
1965 AD Yablonski Joseph Jr. Gardner MA
1965 BT Sweatland Adrian St Charles Mich MI
1965 BT Wolcott Larry Ticonderoga NY
1965 EN Rahe Bob Earlville IA
1965 ET Christensen Robert Burlington IA
1965 RD Williams Frederick Utica NY
1965 SH Diaz Joe Jersey City NJ
1965 SK Kelley Jack Greeneville TN
1965 TM Doyle Martin New Brighton PA
1966 BT Aurand Kenneth Geneva IL
1966 CS Colosi Victor Warren MI
1966 EN Allen John Hannibal MO
1966 EN Berglund Richard Emmett ID
1966 FT Mccarter Ronald Riverside NJ
1966 FT Whiting William Brooklyn NY
1966 GM Keller Donald Catonsville MD
1966 GM Keller Donald Catonsville MD
1966 GM Legdon Frank Colver PA
1966 RD Durbrow Bill Underhill VT
1966 SCPO Marshall Freeman Portland ME
1966 SD Ramos Romeo Parañaque PI
1966 SH Gillette George Muskegon MI
1966 SN Miller David B. Lehighton PA
1966 ST Conaway Linn La Grande OR
1966 ST Ernst Allen Cheyenne WY
1967 BM Clark James Barre VT
1967 BM Macnamara James Pittsburg PA
1967 BT Horton Mike Nashville TN
1967 BT Schweitzer Dennis Sebewaing MI
1967 BT Wilson Lance East Syracuse NY
1967 ET Wilreker Victor Baltimore MD
1967 GM Bunner Larry Cuyahoga Falls OH
1967 LTJG Herring David Fort Lauderdale FL
1967 LTJG Sargent Bill San Francisco CA
1967 MM Spaetti Leonard Willow Grove PA
1967 RD Greene Ronald Winston-salem NC
1967 RD Oneal Norman Scranton PA
1967 RM Faivret Wilfrid Menifee CA
1967 RM Mccutchen Terry Portland OR
1967 SK Waldrop Joe Pittsburgh PA
1967 SN Bove Michael Wappingers Falls NY
1967 ST Walter Mike Winneconne WI
1968 BM Williams Les Cookeville TN
1968 BT Poole Bob Parma OH
1968 CPO Tripp Robert Acushnet MA
1968 CS Bailey Ken (beattle Bailey) Coeur Dalene ID
1968 FT Carrot John
1968 IC Labree Brian Salem NJ
1968 LTJG Joules
1968 LTJG Mcmackin F. J. Garden City NY
1968 MM Bumb Patrick St. Louis MO
1968 PC Nichols Russ (nick) New Haven CT
1968 QM Day Myles East Hampton CT
1968 RD Ferrara Daniel Teaneck NJ
1968 RD Lewis Robin Ambridge PA
1968 SF Cook Robert South Portland ME
1969 BM Connery Lawrence Revere MA
1969 BM Fulton Gary Carthage MS
1969 BM Halter John West Mifflin PA
1969 CS Sinkovich Joe Youngstown OH
1969 DC Vargas Thomas Taunton MA
1969 EM Bloomdahl Steven Roundup MT
1969 EM Butler Robert Holyoke MA
1969 EM Butler Robert Holyoke MA
1969 ET Keil Chuck Pittsburgh PA
1969 FT Spain Dennis Louisville KY
1969 FT Spain Dennis Louisville KY
1969 HT Smith Clayton Hinton WV
1969 HT Woodruff Roger Russellville AL
1969 LTJG Sachs Edward Glencoe IL
1969 MM Dangerfield Harold Sprague WV
1969 MM Haizlip Joe Greensboro NC
1969 MM Haizlip Joe Greensboro NC
1969 MM Harden Donald Middletown OH
1969 MM Lorenz Larry St. Cloud MN
1969 QM (asfar) Nashmy Richard West New York NJ
1969 RD Mamon Thomas Philadelphia PA
1969 RM Mccaughey Gary Ottumwa IA
1969 RM Perkins Rick Wells ME
1969 SF Cook RI
1969 SF Woodruff Roger Russellville AL
1969 ST Draxton Frederick St Paul MN
1970 Cook Robert South Portland ME
1970 Gulycz John Allentown PA
1970 Vargas Thomas Taunton MA
1970 BT Adams Harold Cuyahoga Falls OH
1970 BT Mauger Robert Hopewell VA
1970 BT Miller Ed Egg Harbor City NJ
1970 BT Miller Edward Egg Harbor City NJ
1970 BT Warren Thomas Gilmer TX
1970 DC Otis Ron Newington CT
1970 ET Babb Jerry Painesville OH
1970 ET Moyer Tom Aurora MN
1970 FN Earle Chuck Seminole FL
1970 FN Warren Thomas Lavon TX
1970 FT Abrams Mark New York NY
1970 GM Nadeau Gary Calverton Park MO
1970 HT Fowler Randy Ponca City OK
1970 HT Gulycz John Allentown PA
1970 LT Riva Rob Short Hills NJ
1970 PN Goodwin George Oak Ridge TN
1970 PN Miller Gregg Arlington VA
1970 QM (asfar) Nashmy Richard West New York NJ
1970 QM Nobles Curtis Russell PA
1970 RM Cline Robert Lebanon IN
1970 RM Fischer Bill Chicago IL
1970 RM Fischer Michael (fz) Unknown MN
1970 RM Heisner Alfred Omaha NE
1970 RM Heisner Al Omaha NE
1970 RM Jury Michael Youngstown PA
1970 RM Young Larry Cannelton WV
1970 ST Harris Fred Miami FL
1970 ST Mcintyre Jon Tacoma WA
1970 TM Wolverton Jack Nokomis IL
1970 YN Goodwin George Clinton (near Oak Ridge) TN
1971 BT Benedic Louis Slidell LA
1971 BT Benedic Louis New Orleans LA
1971 BT Bradford Walter Wally Exmore VA
1971 BT Hasson Bruce New Castle PA
1971 BT Hogue Donny Kenton TN
1971 BT Noble David Cheboygan MI
1971 BT Noble David Cheboygan MI
1971 EM Akers Lester Ironton OH
1971 EM Spalinski Robert - Bob Levittown PA
1971 ET Enyert Steven
1971 GM Shaw Buzz Blacksburg VA
1971 IC Truxell Daniel Lorain OH
1971 MM Holland Michael Huntington NY
1971 MM Hurley Michael Jamestown PA
1971 MR Tallman Jacob Suitland MD
1971 OS Rodgers Dan Pittsburgh PA
1971 RM Hazelwood Rick South Boston VA
1971 RM Pickett Loren Madison IN
1971 SM Jenkel Scott Green Bay WI
1971 YN Cox Wayne Buffalo NY
1972 -- Durbin Rodney Hobart IN
1972 BM Brown/brownie Stephen Lexington KY
1972 BM Munz Robert Houston TX
1972 BT Cutlip Dave Matrinsburg Wv WV
1972 BT Haas David F Mechanicsburg PA
1972 BT Haas David F Mechanicsburg PA
1972 BT Ledbetter Richard (fred) Marshall TX
1972 BT Taylor Lewis Bluefield WV
1972 CT Pladsen Glenn White Bear Lake MN
1972 EN Couture Gregory Franklin NH
1972 ENS Frieden Charles West Bend IA
1972 ENS Sheppard Bill Greensboro GA
1972 FT Moore Thomas Mcconnelsville OH
1972 FT Reed Earnest Valdosta GA
1972 HM Burgess Ralph Jordan UT
1972 HM Mccollum Steve Lynn IN
1972 IC Ferguson Mike Virginia Beach VA
1972 LTJG Waltz David Birmingham AL
1972 MM Wilson Harvey Bethesda MD
1972 RM Barber Darrell Pelham NC
1972 SH Runnels Robert Rio Linda CA
1972 ST Anderson Bill Enfield CT
1972 ST Spielman Bob Sioux Falls SD
1972 ST Wilcox Phil Hoffman Estates IL
1972 YN Nichols Robert Tuscaloosa AL
1973 BM Davis Keith Rolla MO
1973 BT Tom Mcgovern NY
1973 BT Bradford Walter Exmore VA
1973 BT Chavez Michael Gallup NM
1973 BT Chavez Mike Gallup NM
1973 BT Lenihan Patrick Saugus~boston MA
1973 BT Lenihan Patrick Saugus~boston MA
1973 ET Van Bibber Tim Evansville IN
1973 GM Carbaugh Terry Chambersburg PA
1973 LT Coleman William Johnson City TN
1973 MM Harris Eddie Anderson SC
1973 MM Mathis Drew KY
1973 MM Tyree Donald Rocky Mount VA
1973 ST Mcpherson Tom Point Pleasant NJ
1974 BM Klos Terry Va. Beach VA
1974 BM Spartichino William Cambridge MA
1974 BM W. Leader Barry York PA
1974 BT Gleason James New Richmond WI
1974 BT Gleason James New Richmond WI
1974 BT Hoff Floyd Pittsburgh PA
1974 BT Mcgovern Tom Bronx NY
1974 BT Moore Cliff Little Rock AR
1974 BT Pixley Joseph San Jose CA
1974 BT Prewitt Orion Denver CO
1974 EN Brahosky Joseph Greensburg PA
1974 EN Brahosky Joseph Greensburg PA
1974 EW Wiebusch Curt Lake City MN
1974 HT Hamsher Jeff Milford MI
1974 MM Dehorney Larry
1974 MM Dewes Edward Schererville IN
1974 MM Hayes Terence Dumont NJ
1974 MM Toews Laurence Hilmar CA
1974 MM Villeneuve Ronald Lowell MA
1974 MM Villeneuve Ronald Lowell MA
1974 MM Villeneuve Ronald Lowell MA
1974 MM Wilkins Edward Oceanport NJ
1974 PN Solomon James Kansas City MO
1974 QM Byrd Ronald Chattanooga TN
1974 RM Golt Thomas Dover DE
1974 RM Newburn David Omaha NE
1974 SH Pirkanen Arne Burlington VT
1974 SK Bernal Leonardo Philippines CA
1974 SK Torres Fernando Silver City NM
1974 SM Estabrook John Grover City CA
1974 SM Ringett Peter
1974 SN Miller Mike Detroit MI
1974 SN Pickering Oscar Midland MI
1974 ST Shepard Steve Lansing MI
1975 Dushane Glen Charlestown NH
1975 Pirkanen Arnie VT
1975 Pirkanen Arnie VT
1975 BM Leader Barry York PA
1975 BM Lee Raymond Akron OH
1975 BM Reilly Tom South Boston MA
1975 BT Gilliam David Millbrook AL
1975 BT Paulk Gary Warner Robins GA
1975 EM Buhl Urie Hamilton MT
1975 EM Gilmour Peter NJ
1975 EM Plachinski Walter Chesapeake VA
1975 EW Castanien Alan Cleveland OH
1975 FT Baker Doug Wooster OH
1975 GM Shatrowskas Charles Wyoming PA
1975 HT Teebo Norman Sparta WI
1975 MM Aviso Bravo 4 Mm2 Philipine Islands --
1975 MM Close Billy Spearman TX
1975 MM Dehorney Larry ? --
1975 MM Franckewich Mike Miami FL
1975 MM Hitchcock Rob Edinboro PA
1975 MM Land Clinton/skip Washington MO
1975 MM Medina Philippines
1975 MM Phelps Officer Of Deck 11- --
1975 MM Royal Elisha Mm3 Peru IN
1975 MM Springer Bravo 4 Work Center --
1975 SK Dionisio Jose Philippines VA
1975 SN Hawkins Mark Indianapolis IN
1975 ST Gonczkowski Stephen New Castle DE
1975 ST Muscarello Richard Hammond LA
1975 YN Chatterton Billy Huntington WV
1976 Pumphery James Baltimore MD
1976 BT Bozeman Steve Ingleside IL
1976 BT Coffea John Pennsville NJ
1976 EM Covault Kris Moline IL
1976 EM Smith Jay Waverly OH
1976 FT Clopper Jeffrey Williamsport MD
1976 GM Dube Eric Augusta ME
1976 GM Szabo John South River NJ
1976 MM Canady Keith Tampa FL
1976 MM Van Scyoc Lyle Colorado Springs CO
1976 PC Johnson Maurice Colorado Springs CO
1976 PN Gandy Stewart Augusta GA
1976 RM Douglas Marvin Del Rio TX
1976 RM Ranes Wayne Henderson NC
1976 SH Henson Raymond Warner OK
1976 SK Lynch Tom Roselle NJ
1976 SN Wagner Dan Norwalk CA
1976 ST Garner Maurice Zephyrhills FL
1977 BM Klos Terry Elizabeth City NC
1977 BT Hallstein Bob Lansdale PA
1977 BT Pabelick Greg (caveman) Milwaukee WI
1977 BT Smith B.j. KY
1977 BT Whitman Gilbert Michigan MI
1977 EM Gilmore Peter NJ
1977 FT Jostand Jeffrey Taylor Ridge Illinois IL
1977 GM Laitala Dave Floodwood MN
1977 HT Olivo Stephen North Providence RI
1977 HT Walker John Pasadena MD
1977 LT Siple Roy Mclean VA
1977 MM Hoffman Rob Winfield Pk NJ
1977 MM Hoffmann Rand Torrington CT
1977 MR Combs Jim Groton NY
1977 OS Carmack Mel Eastland TX
1977 OS Hassler Bob Cincinnati OH
1977 PN Gandy Stewart Augusta GA
1977 RM Kubart Thomas Midlothian IL
1977 SK Melendez Angelo Philadelphia PA
1978 BT Severance Wayne Haddon Hgts NJ
1978 EM Cloud Robert Oaks PA
1978 EM Cloud Robert Oaks PA
1978 HT Roush Ralph Newell WV
1978 IC Lipko Dan Mt.pleasant PA
1978 LT Agostini John New York NY
1978 LTJG Weber Charles Philadelphia PA
1978 MM Clemmons Melvin Lexington KY
1978 MM Demars Jean-maurice Canonsburg PA
1978 MM Hulme Tom Ashland OH
1978 SM Turygan Dan Elwood/ Mullica NJ
1979 MM Butler Michael Houston TX
1979 MM Butler Michael Houston TX





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