Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DD-850 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1945 -- Ferry Thomas Philadelphia PA
1945 FN Whitten Harry Mineral City OH
1945 QM Davis Harold Fredericksburg VA
1946 -- Trahan Laurent New Bedford MA
1946 AS Trahan Laurent New Bedford MA
1946 CPO Liebert Charles Louisville CA
1946 CPO Liebert Charles Louisville KY
1946 PFC Weiland George Boston MA
1946 RM Simmons Dave Oneida KY
1946 SK Lucas Bill Fontana CA
1946 TM Marble Robert Fitchburg MA
1949 QM Gordon Kenneth Erie PA
1949 RD Cormett Richard Fairmont WV
1949 RD Helmboldt """Bruce """"Hymie"" Fenton MI
1949 SM Cook Charles Orange NJ
1950 ENS Jackson Franklin P Wellesley Hills MA
1950 ENSN Hussey Lawrence Newburyport MA
1950 FC Love James P. Philadelphia PA
1951 FT Curtis Elmer B. Harrington ME
1951 PC Price Lewis Bill New Bern NC
1951 SM Dorman Danny Crisfield MD
1951 SN Dalessio Carmine Bronx NY
1953 LTJG Seidman Gilbert Brooklyn Ny NY
1954 EN Wenner Don Green Bay WI
1955 ET Ashcraft Wyche Monroe LA
1955 RM Beinstein Willard Wilkes-barre PA
1955 RM Beinstein Willard Wilkes-barre PA
1956 BT Nelson Edward (jim) Waterford MI
1956 BT Nelson Jim Waterford MI
1956 ET Hall Kenneth (ken) Braintree MA
1956 FT Ferraro Ron Corning NY
1956 SN Alexander William Gastonia NC
1957 BM Williams Thomas Detroit IN
1957 FT Navin Jack Pittsfield MA
1957 MM Mcilvaine Walter Bridgeton NJ
1957 RM Kane Bob Sharon Hill PA
1957 SM Perici Fred NY
1958 Perici Fred NY
1958 BT Sayre Charles Newfield NY
1958 FT Frechem Terry Newtown PA
1958 MM Birch Ronald Pipestone MN
1958 SM Heller Wayne Syracuse NY
1958 SM Heller Wayne Syracuse NY
1958 SM Taft Steve Rockford MI
1958 YN Hawkins Robert Audubon NJ
1959 BT Stovall Richard (Dick) Phoenix AZ
1959 CPO Blanchette Henry Northbridge MA
1959 DK Smeltzer John R. Harrisburg PA
1959 EM Steinbrook W.e. Rick Salem OR
1959 EM Witteveen Roger Kalamazoo MI
1959 FT Long William Helena MT
1959 OM Dominick New Castle PA
1959 QM Faraone Dominick New Castle PA
1959 RM Mccashin John Robbinsdale MN
1959 RM Roberts Thomas Charleston MO
1959 RM Strohmayer Edward Syracuse NY
1959 RM White John Waterford NY
1959 SC Brunelle Raymond Mancester N.h. NH
1959 TM Ted Ellia Fitchburg MA
1960 FT Klock Ronald Johnstown NY
1960 FT Rodrigues John Cambridge MA
1960 GM Renshaw Winfield Newark NJ
1961 BT Schroeder Jon St. Louis MO
1961 BT Schroeder Jon St. Louis MO
1961 BT Sweet Sreve Pittsburg TN
1961 BT Sweet Steve Columbus IN
1961 CS Daniells John Bronx NY
1961 CS Kobialka Ray Philadelphia PA
1961 CS Kobialka Ray Philadelphia PA
1961 ET Hernandez Richard Brooklyn NY
1961 FT Lewis Dexter Melrose MA
1961 HN Horohoe Jack Kenmore NY
1961 LT Dowd Jack Salem MA
1961 MM Cox Billy J (bj) Holland OH
1961 MM Ling Michael Warwick RI
1961 MM Peters Ronald Salem OH
1961 RD Sterling Jr. Hugh Washington NC
1961 RM Barrett James Miami FL
1961 RM Lowe James Frederick MD
1961 RM Smith Bill Cleveland OH
1961 SM Bringhurst Marvin Salt Lake City UT
1961 SM Ling James R NY
1961 SM Reed Ned Shelby OH
1961 SN Lee Harry Staten Island NY
1961 SO Cutrara Robert Pittsburgh PA
1962 BT Scharer Gerald Trenton NJ
1962 BT Scharer Gerald Trenton NJ
1962 BT Statkus Charles Chicago IL
1962 IC Hascher Stan Cincinnati OH
1962 LTJG Smith Richard Boulder CO
1962 LTJG Womeldorf Jack Washington DC
1962 MM Fickes Bill Gary IN
1962 MM Mcmanus Bob Albany NY
1962 MM Nolan Harry Nyack NY
1962 QM Curtis Paul Clermont FL
1962 RM Chapman Larry Hillsboro OH
1962 SM Carmody Tim Great Neck NY
1963 BM Sideris Stratis Southington CT
1963 GM Allen John Phoenix AZ
1963 GM Blankenship Jessie J Indianapolis IN
1963 GM Day Bill
1963 GM Freethy William Va Beach NC
1963 LT Straight Bill Fairmont WV
1963 SF Lindholm Ron Richmond NY
1963 ST Chase Roy Pawyucket RI
1964 BM Borders James Riverside CA
1964 BM Dambrosio Mario Yonkers NY
1964 BM Napoli Carmine Brooklyn NY
1964 BT Glass Roger Columbus OH
1964 EN Tanner Chuck Altamont NY
1964 ET Lindsay Kern Boonville IN
1964 FT West John Traverse City MI
1964 FT White Joseph Cookeville TN
1964 IC Hoagland Michael Dorothy NJ
1964 MM Babcock Roger Tonawanda NY
1964 SH Bartolomey Willie Queens NY
1964 SH Dupre Ronald Morgan City LA
1964 SM Shoulders Walter Macon GA
1965 Jones Dewey TN
1965 EM Clifford Joe Upper Darby PA
1965 EM Upton James Mooresboro NC
1965 EN Hansen David D Luck WI
1965 FT Chernowsky Rich Washington Twsp MI
1965 FT West John Rahway NJ
1965 MM Masseo Andrew Wingdale NY
1965 QM Leibold Phil Buffalo NY
1965 RM Nivison Dave Ithaca NY
1965 ST Mcintyre Franklin Port Orange FL
1965 TM Maxey Jack Durant OK
1966 Ross James MT
1966 BM Stallings Ed Detroit MI
1966 BT Lynk Franklin Hayward WI
1966 CPTN Nygaard Christian Atlanta GA
1966 ET Hummel Theodore Lebanon PA
1966 FT Miller Harold Bayville NJ
1966 FT Wohlrab Jim Califon NJ
1966 MM Spittler Dan Marshall IL
1966 QM Litzenberg Nelson Centerburg Ohio OH
1966 RM Anderson Paul MT
1966 RM Bernard Roger Fall River MA
1966 RM Carlson Ed
1966 RM Jackson Guy NY
1966 RM Jackson Guy NY
1966 RM Nivison David Itheca NY
1966 RM Snow Jack ME
1966 RM Straight Robert PA
1966 SK Ihle Craig Bethlehem PA
1966 SK Martin Bobby Walla Walla WA
1966 SK Porreca Paul Drexel Hill PA
1966 ST De Canio John Sandy Hook CT
1967 BT Bailey Robert Holmes NY
1967 BT Bassham Rick Redding CA
1967 BT Bushey Jim Pittsfield MA
1967 BT Dorsey James Alton IL
1967 GM Maccartney John West Pittston PA
1967 GS Skoug Rod Eau Claire WI
1967 MM Jordon Vincent Semouy CT
1967 RD Kanze David West Milford NJ
1967 RM Dorothy Michael Langley Park MD
1967 RM Frazee Thomas Benson AZ
1967 RM Lucas Frank Chicago IL
1967 SK Sisti Frank Hendersonville NC
1967 SN Young Barry Beverley MA
1967 ST Rains Billy Albertville AL
1968 BM Stoneburner Thomas Schoolcraft MI
1968 BT Bydlowski Ralph Garden City MI
1968 BT Frisby Kevin St Louis MO
1968 BT Hallenbeck David Gloversville NY
1968 CS Fear John Phillipsburg NJ
1968 CS Nowak Mel Fort Wayne IN
1968 CS Nowak Mel Fort Wayne IN
1968 EM Munson Charles Buffalo NY
1968 FT Stiles James OH
1968 IC Frederick Edward Montvale NJ
1968 MM Whitney Michael Lansing MI
1968 MM Whitney Michael Lansing MI
1968 RD Blackader Bob Mansfield MA
1968 RM Frazee Thomas Benson AZ
1968 RM Ruckdeschel Jack Rochester NY
1968 SH Day John Dexter ME
1968 SH Trout Gene Bushnell IL
1968 ST Carter Stynor Prospect Park PA
1968 ST Gray Steve Cedar Rapids NE
1969 BM Aeschliman Dan Bellingham WA
1969 BM Bettinger Gil Dearborn Hts. MI
1969 FT Hollman Michael St. Petersburg FL
1969 IC Carvell James Boston MA
1969 IC Willis Steve Los Angeles CA
1969 MM Sloat Bryan Freeport ME
1969 RD Helmboldt Bruce (hymie) Fenton MI
1969 RD Schwartz Ray Irvington NJ
1969 RM Danenberg Nathan Grand Rapids MI
1969 SM Condon Joseph Chicago IL
1969 SM Hanson Rick Worcester MA
1969 SN Bettinger Gilford Dearborn Hts. MI
1969 ST Curry Robert Walton IN
1969 ST Raynor Lynn Deep Run NC
1970 BM Bellerive Lester Putnam CT
1970 BM Jackson William Atlanta GA
1970 BM Schnebel Jeffery Michigan City IN
1970 BT Nicolo Tony Philadelphia PA
1970 CS Grano Tom Cleveland OH
1970 EM Nicolosi Michael Palisade Park NJ
1970 EN Wenger Larry Leola PA
1970 EN Wenger Larry Leola PA
1970 LTJG Lewis Robert Cave Junction OR
1970 MM Cox Ron Ft. Worth TX
1970 MM Sloat Bryan Freeport ME
1970 PC Chappell David Saginaw MI
1970 QM Kaminsky Michael Massapequa Long Island NY
1970 RD Conley Michael Warsaw IN
1970 RD Gwozdz Richard Acushnet MA
1970 RD Morrison John Revere MA
1970 RM Marquez John Pueblo CO
1970 RM Yanz Dale Bishop CA
1970 SH Lapierre David Spencer MA
1970 SM Lemieux Jim Haverhill MA
1970 ST Ellis Charles Lockport NY
1970 ST Sokoloski Jerry Marysville CA
1970 ST Vergara Ed San Diego CA
1971 Kelly Charles Boston MA
1971 Kenny Michael New Orleans LA
1971 AS Beasley Sherman Clay WV
1971 AS Chauflate Ernie
1971 AS Schneider Lynn
1971 AS Watkins William
1971 BM Eley James Corpus Christi TX
1971 BM Johnson Dan Worcester MA
1971 BT Hood Jimmy (peach) Stockbridge GA
1971 BT Nicolo Anthony Philadelphia PA
1971 CPO Burman Gary
1971 CS Grano Thomas Cleveland OH
1971 CS Valentzas George Worcester MA
1971 EN Newton Boyd Portsmouth NH
1971 ET Staub Mike Rochester NY
1971 QM Kaminsky Michael Massapequa NY
1971 ST Leavy John Scott Pittsburgh PA
1971 YN Lodi Dick Natick MA
1972 BM Newsome Ed St .louis MO
1972 BT Baird Tom Stonybrook NY
1972 BT Vasquez Ronald Bayshore Li NY
1972 EM Holmes Ken Plymouth MA
1972 ET Fahnestock Robert Butler MO
1972 GM St.cyr Richard Milford NH
1972 HT Curry Clint Kansas City MO
1972 IC Flienge MN
1972 IC Malpass Dannie Lakeland FL
1972 OS Blount Alvin Jacksonville FL
1972 QM Murray Dennis Watervliet NY
1972 SN Jackson Donnie Amarillo TX
1972 ST Pillie Dan Pottstown PA
1973 CS Brown Kenneth Pawtucket RI





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