Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DD-838 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1943 Arpan Calese (Frenchy) Algonac MI
1944 GM Rierdon Rollynn Suring WI
1945 BM Caldwell Frederick Philadelphia PA
1945 CM Drohan Richard Gloucester MA
1945 MM Beatrice Thomasl Shelton CT
1945 MM Beatrice Thomas Shelton CT
1945 MM Flint Herman Sturgis MI
1945 MM Turner Richard Cumberland MD
1945 MM Turner Richard Deceased MD
1945 RD Collins Robert (Bob) Ocala (BuffaloNy) FL
1945 SF Nero Peter Cranston RI
1945 SM Mcdonald John Collinsville IL
1946 ENSN Bruening Paul Chicago IL
1947 -- Hillman Wally M. Ronoke VA
1947 ET Johnson Robert Atlanta GA
1947 LTJG Chadima Robert Cedar Rapids IA
1947 MM Dury Lawrence Orlando FL
1949 BT Musgrove Robert Roanoke VA
1949 CPO Davis Joseph Rockville MD
1949 ET Jordan Donley Sv Fortuna CA
1949 MM Blalock Blalock Mt. Pleasant SC
1949 PN Smith Mike El Cajon CA
1949 RD Erdner Thomas Bakerstown PA
1949 RD Wayman Donald Webster MA
1949 RM Glogowski Richard Natrona PA
1950 BM Marlatt Thomas Glendale CA
1950 BM Marlatt Thomas Glendale CA
1950 GS Hare George Philadelphia PA
1950 RD Ludwig Johnnie Lewisville TX
1950 SN Doyle John Lexington KY
1951 LTJG Brown Arnold Oakland CA
1951 SN Felisiano Delbert . Fresno CA
1952 PFC Defreese Robert Calhoun GA
1952 QM Mitchell James Fresno CA
1953 -- Anderson Charles Fresno CA
1953 -- Runnells Charles MS
1953 BT Lee Kent D. Morgan UT
1953 EN Cramer Darryl Polk NE
1953 ET Dunbar Dan Owensboro KY
1953 FN Foster James Reno NV
1953 FT Martin Herbert Hummelstown PA
1953 QM Snow Bill (Hank) Oklahoma City OK
1954 MID3 Blayden Georrge Homer AK
1954 RD Mitchell Robert [ Mitch ] Altoona PA
1955 BT Gordon Buddy San Luis Obispo CA
1955 ENS Miller Robert Chicago IL
1955 GM Bock Orval Bell Gardens CA
1955 RD Olding Lee Minster OH
1956 BM Walden Donald Dean CO
1956 DC Bush Bobby Gene Kennett MO
1956 DC Collinsworth Kie Pensacola FL
1956 DC Hall Harold Charleston WV
1956 IC Santos Ted San Jose CA
1956 PR Manning Curtis Florala AL
1956 QM Griffin William Manila PI
1956 YN Winburn John Washburn IA
1957 BT Suchomel Leon Cedar Rapids IA
1958 EM Rasmussen Keith Racine WI
1958 FT Patchen Gregory San Gabriel CA
1958 FT Wilson Dalton Camarillo CA
1958 RD Crockett David Boston MA
1958 RD Stockton Bob Trenton NJ
1959 ET Dunaway Clifford Birmingham AL
1959 GM Stafford Galen Newcastle WY
1959 RD Burd John Chicago IL
1959 SK Closson Russell Great Falls MT
1959 TM Parker Thomas MS
1959 TM Stout Ronald Greeley CO
1959 YN Young Dick Wichita KS
1960 BT Highfill Larry Woodlaand CA
1960 BT Mitchell Allen Checotah OK
1960 BT W. Allen Checotah OK
1960 BT Zimmerman Bill Lewiston NY
1960 CPO Pearson Tom --
1960 EN Rogers. Harold El Cajon CA
1960 IC Mccutchen Mac Long Beach CA
1960 PVT Wilhelm William L. Raymond
1960 RD Sporleder John Rogers AR
1960 RD Turner Ray Burlingame CA
1960 RD Wilshire James Virginia Beach VA
1960 SK Closson """Leo R. Jr. """" Tacoma WA
1960 SK Mcguire Jerry Hutchinson KS
1960 SN Graff George Passadena CA
1960 SN Miller """Ronald Paul """"R Olympia WA
1960 SN Starling Rod Denver CO
1961 BT Brown Jim Atlanta GA
1961 FT Plant David Hartford CT
1961 FT Scott David Lawndale CA
1961 FT Scott David Fresno CA
1961 MM Walters Harold Eau Claire WI
1961 QM Sears Winton (wyn) Santa Monica CA
1961 RD Depue Glenn St Louis Park MN
1961 RM Simmons John Omaha NE
1962 BM Hernandez Luis Az - Tucson AZ
1962 CS Pangelinan Victor Eugene OR
1962 FN Hummel William ( Bill ) Schaller IA
1962 LTJG Mcgovern William Milwaukee WI
1962 ST Vinson Dennis Florence MT
1963 AB High Hawk Wayne Porcupine SD
1963 AT Deats Thomas Bow Mar CO
1963 EM Hummel Willim Schaller IA
1963 ET Dussmann William C. New Jersey NJ
1963 ET Niekerk Herb Denver CO
1963 MM Resneder Joe Hobart OK
1963 RD Lee Bobby Abilene TX
1963 RM Besse Michael Rayne LA
1963 SH Shaffer Larry Dubois PA
1963 SM Toohey Kenneth Santa Ana CA
1964 Robbins James OR
1964 BT Dettmer Paul Columbus IN
1964 CPO Arthur Roger Cleveland OH
1964 CS Walkowiak Thomas Philadelphia PA
1964 DC Jack Frank --
1964 EM Olmeda Cruz Los Angeles CA
1964 ET Dussmann William C. New Jersey NJ
1964 FT Plant David RI
1964 GM Cisco Wayland Fort Worth TX
1964 GM Taylor William Lily KY
1964 MM Ridgway Lanny Rosamond CA
1964 RM Abbott Don Aberdeen WA
1964 SF Cole Bob Lorain OH
1964 SF Stansburry Maylor IA
1964 YN Fisher Steven Pasadena CA
1965 Devine Raleigh AL
1965 Super Charles --
1965 BM Lake Joe Phoenix CO
1965 BT Murphy John (rick) East Falmouth Ma. 02536 MA
1965 CS Noel James Red Tacoma WA
1965 EM Gomez Phillip San Antonio TX
1965 ET Gagnon Roger Nashua NH
1965 ET Simpson David Flint MI
1965 FN Blakeslee Perry Corsicana TX
1965 LTJG Banta Robert Sarasota FL
1965 LTJG Mather James Verona NJ
1965 MM Pearson Arnold Onia AR
1965 MM Trepany Douglas New Buffalo MI
1965 PC Garland Lynden Richmond VA
1965 QM Houston Carl Rockledge FL
1965 RM Garnett Joseph Seattle WA
1965 RM Garnett Joseph Seattle WA
1965 SK Rocklage Gary San Mateo CA
1965 SM Garrison Michael Verona NY
1965 ST Morrow Gerald Saratoga CA
1965 TM Kieren Ray Pahrump NV
1965 YN Mckenna Richard Lewiston ID
1966 BM Longley Mitchell (mitch) Honolulu HI
1966 GM Green William Bakersfield CA
1966 LT Mairs Lee Babylon NY
1966 LTJG Mairs Lee Babylon NY
1966 MM Weathers Kenneth Mountain Home ID
1966 MR Seebold Steve Torrance Ca CA
1966 RD Conway Richard Altoona PA
1966 RM Mccowan Michael Norman OK
1966 SH Murch Bill Fort Lauderdale FL
1966 SN Seagrave Terence San Antonio TX
1966 SO Royster Bert Portland OR
1966 TM Kieren Raymond Pahrump NV
1967 BM Schleyer Kenneth Milford OH
1967 BT Termini William Chicago IL
1967 CMDR Mann Robert Weston MO
1967 DC Case James Norwalk OH
1967 EN Castaneda Albert Oxnard CA
1967 FT Reingardt Merle Iowa Falls IA
1967 LTJG Bartholomew Jim Sacramento CA
1967 MM Cocita Dale (bean) Wimberley TX
1967 MM Pease Robert (bob) Somers CT
1967 MM Vess Jimmy Denton TX
1967 MS Thomton Mark Bemidji MN
1967 PC Palinkas Ronald Trenton NJ
1967 RD Allyn Ralph Lexington KY
1967 RM Gleason Roger WA
1967 RM Lybrand Ray Union SC
1967 RM Sulzbach Jerry Barberton OH
1967 SK Gross Johnnie Jasper AL
1967 SN Edelman Paul Southfield MA
1967 SN Lynch Michael Olympia WA
1967 ST Heintz Mark Beaverton OR
1968 BM Ware Larry Ringo GA
1968 CPO Chambers Chuck Napa CA
1968 CPO Parsons Llewellyn Gridley CA
1968 CPTN Meeker Ted Kaneohe HI
1968 DC Rehberger James Saint Paul MN
1968 DC Rehberger Jim St Paul MN
1968 EM Jarrett Lee ------Bucky Birmingham AL
1968 EM Jarrett (bucky) Lee Irondale AL
1968 ET Rodriguez Joe Odessa TX
1968 GM Bartholomew Efenger Hebron CT
1968 MM Beversdorf Raymond San Antonio TX
1968 MM Blalock Melvin Chester SC
1968 MM Klemm Richard Oklahoma City OK
1968 MM Leslie Larry Nashville TN
1968 MM Rowe Tom Omaha NE
1968 MM Rowe Tom Omaha NE
1968 MM Sweigert John Vancouver WA
1968 PN Sanchez Walt Albuquerque NM
1968 QM Lewis John Vancouver WA
1968 RM Dyer Arnold Granada MS
1968 RM Dyre Arnold Grenada MS
1968 RM Horne Leonard Albuquerque NM
1968 RM Meier Carl Atlanta GA
1968 RM Settle Carroll (bo) Campobello SC
1968 RM Settle Carroll (bo) Campbello SC
1968 SCPO Stjohn Robert Norfolk VA
1968 SF Terry Gary WA
1968 SM Byrd John Chattanooga TN
1968 SN Fetherbay George Morganton NC
1968 YN Whitenight Richard Arlington TX
1969 BM Border John Tonawanda NY
1969 DC Taylor Thomas Bradford MA
1969 EM Griggs Keith Bella Vista AR
1969 ENS Nash Donald Hendrix Norman OK
1969 ENS Nash Donald Norman OK
1969 ET Shaw Dan Beloit OH
1969 FN Yarberough Robert Sacramento CA
1969 FN Yarberough Robert Sacramento CA
1969 FT Calabrese Joe Mechanicsburg PA
1969 MM Novinger Ronald Meade KS
1969 MM Wallace Michael Twin Bridges MT
1969 PC Snock Ronald Philadelphia PA
1969 PN Britton William Lewis KS
1969 PN Smith Mike El Cajon CA
1969 QM Feldmann Gerald C Lunenburg MA
1969 QM Obrien Larry Thousand Palms CA
1969 QM Robinson John Mesa AZ
1969 RD Goodhart Ernest. R. Fort Walton Beach FL
1969 SF Sowers Bobby Houston TX
1969 SK Goddard Glenn Woburn MA
1969 SM Reed John Madison WI
1969 SN Glasby Albert Syracuse NY
1969 TM Lucht John Chestertown MD
1970 RD Gaylord Lynn Defiance OH
1970 ST Broadbent James Eugene OR





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