Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DD-713 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Rozelle Rex --
1944 QM Gregg NJ
1945 -- James Festus Warrenton VA
1945 SC Ross William Parkersburg WV
1945 SC Squires Richard Chapel Hill NC
1946 IC Tudor Pierce C. Monticello FL
1948 BT Grubb James Columbus OH
1948 SM Bernazani Henry Revere MA
1949 IC Irwin Milt Pittsburgh PA
1949 IC Schillinger Joe Queens NY
1949 MM Levine Robert H Boston MA
1950 GM Kalechman Robert Hartford CT
1950 PN Weston Jack Oregon WI
1950 SM Geerlings John Flushing NY
1950 SM Mariani James Milford DE
1950 SM Mariani James Milford FL
1951 LTJG Liwovitz Bernard --
1951 QM Nowak Robert Chicopee MA
1951 RM Gauvain Frank Salem NH
1951 SN Morrow Elmer Bufalo NY
1952 GM Hanna H. Gene Burbank OH
1952 LTJG Liwovitz Bernard --
1953 EM Strickland Curtis Wiggins MS
1953 ET Isabelle Fred Battle Creek MI
1953 QM Coghlan Edmond(pete) Beulah MS
1955 BT Ulshoeffer Elbert Brewster MA
1955 RM Johnson
1955 RM Schussman Charles
1955 RM Schussman Chuck WA
1955 RM Smith Albert Madison CT
1955 RM Tatro Ward Inver Grove Hts MN
1956 ET Smith Leroy Gouldsboro PA
1956 IC Pritchett Sanford Midland TX
1956 LT Reeks Richard Watervliet NY
1956 MCPO Budzynski Edward Stafford VA
1956 SM Smith Chester Celina OH
1956 SO Steidler John Pennsauken NJ
1957 MM Earle Loren Lockport NY
1957 MM Hovious Smokey IN
1957 YN Hayes Bob Phoenix NY
1958 Smith Smith --
1958 EM Noble Larry Naples FL
1958 GM Hollstrom Carl Wisconsin Rapids WI
1958 GM Santana John --
1959 BT Grams Alvin H. Grams Janesville MN
1959 YN Aurand Marvin Shauck OH
1959 YN Aurand Marvin Shauck OH
1959 YN Pina Ernie Cumberland RI
1960 EM Leach Tommy Julesburg CO
1960 ET Bakum John New York NY
1960 ET Kudia James ?????
1960 ET Smit Robert Summit IL
1960 FT Rogers Jerry Kermit TX
1960 MM Langley Jack Sioux City IA
1960 RM Cote Donald Wilmington DE
1960 RM Handley James Topeka KS
1960 SO Wishart John Utica NY
1961 BM O Connell Dennis Jersey City NJ
1961 BT Messing Henry Philadelphia PA
1961 EM Cameron Tom Green River WY
1961 EM Cameron Tom Green River WY
1961 MM Pierce John Bridgport CT
1961 SM Wilder Forrest D. Lagrange GA
1962 BM Mcdaniel Prentice Briggs TX
1962 BM Thaxton Mike Ashland KY
1962 BT Thomas Reginald Street MD
1962 ET Caines (lar) Lawrence Ashland KY
1962 ET Whitlock Russell (pappy) Ashland KY
1962 HM Day James Ashland KY
1962 LTJG D Entremont John Boston MA
1962 MM Bailey Donald Punxsutawney PA
1962 MM Smith Claude Hindsdale NY
1962 RD Elias Tom San Dimas CA
1962 SN Letto Ben Chicago IL
1962 SO Barricklow Bruce Blanchester OH
1962 YN Peterson Rod Rockford IL
1963 BT Debiak Glen (?)
1963 BT Sadis David Houston TX
1963 CS Toellner Daryal Victoria TX
1963 ET Kaluza Frank Chicopee MA
1963 MM Maricque William Green Bay WI
1963 MM Mcguire Robert NY
1963 MM Nelson Jim Blue Island IL
1963 SF Figueroa Joseph (fig) San Jose CA
1963 YN Fleegle Burton Cumberland MD
1963 YN Hampton Bill Tavernier FL
1964 EM Tiase A Remembered Friend IL
1964 MM Mckenzie L AR
1964 SN Gillam Micheal Mishawaka IN
1964 SN Martin John Urbana IN
1964 SN Spence David Houston TX
1964 SN Spence David Houston TX
1965 GM Borski Roger Stevens Point WI
1965 GM Zielinski Frank Niagara Falls NY
1965 IC Helms Frank Attalla AL
1965 RD Fraley Jerry Arkansas City KS
1965 SM Early George Pittsburgh PA
1965 SN Gillam Micheal Mishawaka IN
1965 SN Reynolds Richard Fenton MI
1965 ST Mussmon Robert Pequea PA
1966 BM Cunningham Jasper Meridian MS
1966 BM Cunningham Jasper Meridian MS
1966 BM Cunningham Jasper Meridian MS
1966 BM Cunningham Jasper Meridian MS
1966 BM Hightower Bill New Town Square PA
1966 BM Larkin James Wilmington DE
1966 LI Larkin James Wilmington DE
1966 SK Ortiz Richard Tampa FL
1967 BT Coburn Kenneth Santa Paula CA
1967 BT Griswold Michael T (gris) Fort Madison IA
1967 BT Woods William Spangler VA
1967 EM Akin Roy Van TX
1967 EM Worthy Mick St. Louis MI
1967 FT Traylor David Boise ID
1967 GM Dressman Joe Sidney OH
1967 GM Harris Michael Clarksville IN
1967 GM Hawk Larry Allentown PA
1967 GM Kruse John Center Point TX
1967 GM Merrithew Douglass --
1967 GM Nachimson Bernie Milwaukee WI
1967 GM Ryan Pat --
1967 GM Shutz John New Orleans LA
1967 HM Weisman Stanley --
1967 RM Collins George Burgettstown PA
1967 SK Fowler Jerry Tyler TX
1967 SN Borski Roger Stevens Point WI
1967 ST Kelly Larry IN
1967 YN Zeman Philip Wilmington NC
1968 BM Wells Brian Kansas City Mo. MO
1968 BT Rodgers Douglas Waterbury CT
1968 CPO Smith Thomas Flora IN
1968 EN Toth James Cleveland OH
1968 GM Hays Roger E Hays Peoria IL
1968 HM Wanamaker Jim --
1968 MM Mcnamara Dan El Monte CA
1968 SK Englert Alfred Rochester NY
1968 ST Kerr Bob Buffalo NY
1968 TM Kerr David Deer Park TX
1969 BT Spinelli Patrick Brooklyn NY
1969 ET Mecham William Salt Lake City UT
1969 FN Smith Al Staten Island NY
1969 GM Koon Dennis Lexington MO
1969 GM Koon Dennis Lexington SC





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