Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CVE-118 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 NC Lowell Junior (Tex) Carter Abline. Tex TX
1944 FC Tolley Willis Tucson AZ
1944 LTJG O Brien James Binghamton NY
1944 SCPO Yates George Marion AL
1945 AE Mirka Harold International Falls MN
1945 AK Kline Robert Cleveland OH
1945 CWO Swigert Harry Port Orchard WA
1945 RM Jones Edward Elmhurst IL
1945 SC Galt Robert Indianapolis IN
1945 SM Salamone Angelo Schenectady NY
1945 SN Abrams Ralph Malverne NY
1946 BM Mckenna James Lamar MO
1946 RM Maddox Edward San Leandro CA
1946 SC Goltz Henry Los Angeles CA
1946 SK Parsons Charles Greely NE
1946 SM Salamone Angelo Schenectady NY
1946 SM Thompson Robert Blaine WA
1946 YN De Groot Robert C. Rochester NY
1947 IC Bennett Charles Fayetteville NC
1948 AB Stairs Cleve V. Westfield ME
1948 AB Stairs Cleve V. Westfield ME
1948 AD Donohue Thomas Newy York NY
1948 AD Donohue Thomas New York City NY
1948 AN Stairs Cleve V. Westfield ME
1948 AO Shober David Sandy Spring MD
1948 BT Hoyt Leonard Arlington MA
1948 RM Linek Edwin Taunton MA
1948 SH Stephanski Charles Lockport NY
1948 SN Mallinger Don St. Paul MN
1948 TE Hagan Fred Starke FL
1949 AB Patrick Marshall Alpine AL
1949 AC Bergtold James Westby WI
1949 AM Bridgewater John Detroit MI
1949 AM Huff John Toledo OH
1949 DK Kellam James Peshtigo WI
1949 EN Parent Bruce Worcester MA
1949 ET Cost Lamar Clanton AL
1949 RD Dalton Weatherby Harris Americus GA
1949 RD Palmer Samuel Long Beach CA
1949 RD Shaffer Lyman Marble Falls TX
1949 RD Whaley Robert Decater --
1950 AB Padgett James Kingsport TN
1950 AD Campbell David San Bernardino CA
1950 AD3 Lipscomb Bill Williamsburg VA
1950 AE Kaiser Carrol Cameron Atlanta GA
1950 AG Walton Wilbur Gooding ID
1950 AN Bennett Joseph New Albany IN
1950 CPO Alfont Dale Muncie IN
1950 DC Blancher Mark Los Angeles CA
1950 DC Tufts Bill Columbus OH
1950 EM Day Ivan Parkersburg WV
1950 EN Keohane Joseph Danvers MA
1950 ET Foll Richard Missouri Valley IA
1950 GM Adams Ira Denver CO
1950 LTJG Smith Edward Centreville MD
1950 QM Karentz Varoujan Cranston RI
1950 SN Griffin Vaudie Eubank KY
1950 SN Mitchell Ray Cedar Rapids IA
1951 AT Mace Ed --
1951 BM Mace Edward --
1951 BT Beavers Maurice Bedford IN
1951 BT Blair Milton Longbeach CA
1951 BT Trujillo Larry Brighton CO
1951 BT Trujillo Larry Brighton CO
1951 BT Trujillo Larry Brighton CO
1951 CM Davis William Terre Haute Ind. IN
1951 EA Ray Jc Katy TX
1951 HM Taber Collins Independesnce MO
1951 IS Benton Harold Bartow FL
1951 LTJG Sullivan Francis Belleville IL
1951 MM Webber Donald Summerfield FL
1951 QM Kelsey Jim Braintree MA
1951 QM Mccauley Sterling Caldwell OH
1951 QM Mccauley Sterling Caldwell OH
1951 RD Nelson Glen R. Rexburg ID
1952 AB Bieri Bob California MO
1952 AB Daste Ferrell New Orleans LA
1952 AB Degrasse Sheldon Fort Wayne IN
1952 AB Kiddie Andrew Denver CO
1952 AB Kiddie Andrew Denver CO
1952 AB Neubig Henry Plaquemine LA
1952 AD Taylor Matthew Port Monmouth NJ
1952 AD Thomas Marvin Anniston AL
1952 AM Lack Ron Lowry City MO
1952 AM Null Gene Endicott NY
1952 AM Pool William Colfax IA
1952 AM Pool William E. Peoria IL
1952 AM Prince William Spartanburg SC
1952 AM Walker Conchie
1952 AT Hooke Leslie Florence SC
1952 AT Sardo Robert Elmira NY
1952 BT Brooks Jerry Atlanta GA
1952 EM Doubrava Richard (dick) Cleveland OH
1952 ET Blankenship Dwight Greenback TN
1952 ET Manson ? Muscatine IA
1952 ET Nelson ? ?
1952 ET Paige Robert Dallas TX
1952 ET Tefft ? ?
1952 ET Wallace George Fort Worth TX
1952 RD Mcmillen William E. (bill) Woodland CA
1952 SC Shipe Skip Laporte IN
1952 SCPO Hostetler Herbert Rosemead CA
1952 SH Fuda Donald (Don) Everett WA
1952 SK Schiller James (Jim) Arroyo Grande CA
1953 Blair Bt3 Milton Longbeach CA
1953 AB Daste Ferrell New Orleans LA
1953 AN Hebert Dale Nahma MI
1953 MM Lawler Daniel Joliet IL
1953 RD Goeppner Jim Jasper IN
1953 SC Jackson Howard Ecorse MI
2002 AB Patrick Marshall Alpine AL





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