Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CVE-114 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 CWO Barefield --
1943 Beck John NC
1945 BM Peterson Howard Evan Priest River ID
1945 ST Hicks Herbert Kankakee IL
1946 BM Smith Meredith Britton MO
1946 EN Mccurley Ellis Medford OR
1946 GM Johnson James Laura OH
1947 -- Chapman Hyrum W. Lakeside CA
1947 AB Johnson James El Paso TX
1947 EM Pugh Kenneth Carnarvon IA
1947 ET Gronert Gordon Niagara WI
1947 GM Lindley Jack L Shawnee OK
1947 PM Skinner Hosea Marianna FL
1948 -- Freeland Freddie Arlington OR
1948 EM Johnson Leo Tequesta FL
1948 SN Rollison William Baltimore MD
1948 SN Rollison William Baltimore MD
1948 SO Austin Stanley Dodge City KS
1949 SN Pennington Carl Sugar Creek MO
1949 SN Simpson Henry Wingate NC
1949 SN Simpson Henry Wingate NC
1950 AB Osborn Robert H. Shandon CA
1950 AB Townsend Hubert Pickton TX
1950 AN Shultz Bert Spirit Lake IA
1950 CPL Karns Marvin Bucklin KS
1950 DK Eckelberry George Columbus OH
1951 -- Batie Billy Gadsden AL
1951 AB Harley Richard Waldport OR
1951 AB Shultz Bert Spirit Lake IA
1951 AD Ward Robert Coquille OR
1951 EM Woods George Philadelphia PA
1951 LTJG Burlingame Luther Albany CA
1951 SH Erb Gerald Ryder ND
1951 SK Weddle August (ed) Oakland CA
1951 TE Hackler Martin Sedali MO
1952 Hartmann Theodore (ted) Louisville KY
1952 AD Dunagan Paul Frazer KY
1952 AK Beals Ronald Spottsville KY
1952 AO Browne William Los Angeles CA
1952 AT Denny Donald Centralia AR
1952 EN White James Torance AZ
1952 ET Garrison William Detroit MI
1952 GM Holloway Robert Holden WV
1952 RD Dickman Philip Detroit MI
1952 RM Graves Lester Richland Center WI
1952 RM Nelson Glen R. Rexburg ID
1952 SCPO Denny Donald Centralia IL
1952 SH Sides Tommy Dora AL
1952 YN Cannon Jim Roebuck SC
1953 EM Walker Hildreth Los Angeles CA
1953 FT Carroll Gene Valley Park MO
1953 MR Wilson Daniel Columbus OH
1953 SM Blake Benjamin Or Benny Centerville IN
1954 AK Nahill Stanley Philadelphia PA
1954 AT Holz Bob Jamaica NY
1954 RM Cox James Lawrenceville IL
1954 TE Langley Glenn Arkansas City KS
1955 AK Nahill Stanley Philadelphia PA
1955 SN Pearson Wayne Freeport IL





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