Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CL-42 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 CPO Smith Allen Edward Buffalo NY
1941 AO Hemingway Herbert Richmond VA
1941 AO Hemingway Herbert Richmond VA
1941 AO Mullin Peter Philadelphia PA
1941 ENSN Rubino Joseph Wilmerding PA
1941 GM George Massetti George Sparks NV
1941 MM Kelly Thomas Wellesley MA
1941 PFC Creasey James Heber Springs AR
1941 PN Fife Robert Highmore SD
1941 SF Tinnel Junior St John WA
1941 YN Riley George Lockport IL
1942 -- Jorgensen Arthur Lynn MA
1942 AS Blalock Jack Alvin Atlanta GA
1942 AS Van Alst James Indianapolis IN
1942 BT Chopp Joe Virginia MN
1942 EM Gordon George Amherst OH
1942 ENSN Reasinger Elvie Clearfield PA
1942 GM Blankenship Cecil Cooper TX
1942 GM Delio Albert J. Philadelphia PA
1942 GM Uphus Robert Cincinnati OH
1942 LT Greenland John East Williston NY
1942 QM Halverson Richard Garibaldi OR
1943 BM Andrion Albert Baltimore MD
1943 LTJG Towle Paul Melrose MA
1943 MM Tomlin John Ray Trenton TN
1943 PH Watt Wilbert West Lafayette IN
1943 SF Campbell John Brooklyn NY
1943 SN Whitehead Jordan Courtland VA
1944 AS Given Andrew Chester PA
1944 BU Given Andrew Chester PA
1944 CPO Pearce James Pittsburgh PA
1944 FTM Kline George Winchester VA
1944 GM Hunt Jr Marshal Sussex NJ
1944 MM Griffiths Thomas Salt Lake City UT
1944 SC Kotwa Edward Pittsburgh PA
1944 SC Waxham Owen Lake City [north Girard] PA
1944 SN Cloud Leon Norristown PA
1945 QM West Clarence South Bend IN





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