Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CA-32 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 SN De Lelo (Killed In A Edward Denver CO
1940 WT Park Frank Ramona OK
1941 Atkins Edward Decatur IL
1941 BM Brayfield Samuel Springfield MO
1941 BM Collins John Chester WA
1941 CPO Ballew (grandson -deceased ) James Greenville SC
1941 CPO Burbank (deceased 2016) Warren Portland OR
1941 CPO Licurse Joseph Far Rockaway NY
1941 CPO Pike Robert Altus HI
1941 EM Brown Herbert CA
1941 EN Smith (grandson-deceased) William R. Sullivan IN
1941 GM Landry Fred Mesa CO
1941 GM Overman (deceased) Fred Los Angeles CA
1941 PC Spears Lee Houston TX
1941 QM Eastlick George Fort Jones CA
1941 RT Gura (deceased) Andrew Bridgeport CT
1941 SC Bernatowicz Lawrence Cleveland OH
1941 SK Chapman John Provo UT
1941 SM K. Parker Joe/Son Joe Stockton CA
1941 SM Swensen(deceased) August Austin TX
1942 -- Christiansen Peter Elmer Kimballton IA
1942 AS Reinoehl (deceased) George Green Island NY
1942 BM Watchous Tex Eureka KS
1942 BM Watchous Tex Eureka KS
1942 CS Jones (deceased) Glen Fort Bragg CA
1942 GM Panks Gerald Sault Ste Marie MI
1942 PH Holman Sam Plattsburg MO
1942 PM Holman Sam J Plattsburg MO
1942 RM Bellando William San Francisco CA
1942 RM Bellando (deceased 2009) William San Francisco CA
1942 SH Roberts Bobs Son Mark Stockton CA
1942 SH Roberts (Son) Bob Stockton CA
1942 SN Cain Archie Birmingham AL
1942 SN Cain (deceased) 2005 Archie Birmingham AL
1943 Cain Archie Birminham AL
1943 -- Welch Clifford Oklahoma AZ
1943 BM Rascoe (deceased 1984) Charles A Beaumont TX
1943 EM Gage John UT
1943 EM Gage John UT
1943 EM Rech Tom Tahlequah OK
1943 ENS Cast William L Boston MA
1943 GM Petty Howard Boyd TX
1943 IC Vasquez Robert Stockton CA
1943 LT Burk Chester U. Enid OK
1943 LTJG Fellows James Los Angeles CA
1943 SM Blaylock Avery Fairland OK
1943 SM Mondragon Lino Questa NM
1943 SN Cain Floyd Houston TX
1943 WT Ghion Alvin Sutersville PA
1943 WT South Maynard Milwaukie OR
1944 BM Vehrs John Mccomb OH
1944 BM Vehrs John Mccomb OH
1944 ENS Harmon Richard Saco ME
1944 FC Stern George Brooklyn NY
1944 GM Meyer Leslie Indianapolis IN
1944 MM Fox John Pittsburgh PA
1944 SM Rummell Donald Missoula MT
1945 EN Cast William Boston MA
36 RM Monfort William Tampa FL





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