Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AT-92 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1943 Diver George David Lloyd Enderlin ND
1952 EM Weaver Clifton Denison TX
1953 BM King Ashton Somerset PA
1957 SN Smithson Rc Durant OK
1958 EN Maclean Don (mac) Riverside CA
1960 EN Williams Scottie Odessa TX
1961 BM Christopher Jeffrey Minneapolis MN
1961 SF Rosenkranz Ernie Seattle WA
1962 SF Garcia Levi Tuscson AZ
1962 YN Elliott Francis J (frank) Worcester MA
1965 EM Markworth Larry Los Angeles CA
1966 SK Papazian Steve North Hollywood CA
1967 EN Dodds Robert Sandiego CA
1967 EN Nelson Raymond Lincoln NE
1967 QM Buss Dave Mchenry IL
1967 SK Papazian Steve North Hollywood CA
1967 SK Welsh Edward Rensselaer NY
1968 SH Buzzard Randy Buena Park CA
1969 EM Fox John Poquoson VA
1969 EM Mills Ken Emmetsburg IA
1969 EN Nelson James Lincoln NE
1970 EN Nelson Jim Lincoln NE
1970 SN Medley Steve Fredericksburg VA
1971 EN Bramer Michael Schertz TX
1971 ET Dorn Larry Ottawa OH
1971 QM Cowan Charles Anderson CA
1971 RM Moen William Hamilton MT
1972 SK Martz Jeff Ashley ND
1973 BM Franklin David Oxnard CA
1973 BM Franklin David Palmdale CA
1973 EM Eldridge David Milford MA





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