Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE ARL-30 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1950 MM Hougom John Imaly City MI
1954 EM Mcelhinney Harold Lathrop MO
1966 BM Kessling Roland Saint Louis MO
1966 EM Kitchens LA
1966 GM Smith James Baltimore MD
1966 SF Pettit Robert Gibbstown NJ
1966 SM Morton Gary Bellevue WA
1966 SM Stevens Gene NC
1966 SN Furth Donald Aberdeen WA
1967 BM Erasmus Paul Farmington CT
1967 CS Daley Orville Orlando FL
1967 EM Bumgarner Roy Pasco WA
1967 EM Davis MT
1967 EM Harris Donald Denver CO
1967 EM Lindbloom Karl Dedham MA
1967 EN Gathers Ron Costa Mesa CA
1967 EN Leinweber Rich Longmont CO
1967 EN Scott John Clinton OK
1967 EN Scott John Clinton OK
1967 ET Mulkins Jerry Whittier CA
1967 FT Moore George Meriden CT
1967 IC Richter Paul Winnetka IL
1967 MR Dirsa Norman Worcester MA
1967 MR Doehring Lee Hebron NE
1967 RD Coker Virgil Phoenix AZ
1967 RD Klosterman Steve Dallas TX
1967 RD Klosterman Steve Cleveland OH
1967 RD Timmerman Donald Rockford IL
1967 SF Bessey Bud Myrtle Creek OR
1967 SF Dewey Bruce Borger TX
1967 SN Cooper John Trenton NJ
1968 Coots
1968 Hernandez
1968 Randell Michael Pasadena CA
1968 EN Fryer Merlin UT
1968 EN Glenn David Columbus GA
1968 EN Hart Thomas NJ
1968 EN Lyman Raymond
1968 EN Mongelli Michael NY
1968 EN Stanley Henry MA
1968 EN Yaninas William Mountain Top PA
1968 ET Osborn Robert Richmond CA
1968 GM Harris Charles Glens Falls NY
1968 MM Beaman Bob Watsonville CA
1968 RD Rich Hodson KS
1968 RD Hoover Max York NE
1968 RD Warren Ken Corning IA
1968 RM Howard Jerry Muscatine IA
1968 SF Manley Rodger Flushing MI
1968 SGT Ward Robert Blaine ME
1969 BM Goddard William Joplim MO
1969 CPO Recorded In Error Ken Meridian ID
1969 Diver Hadley Marvin Laverne OK
1969 EM Powell William Viola KS
1969 EN Bennett Jack San Angelo TX
1969 EN Bennett Jack San Angelo TX
1969 FN Mcpherson Byron East Peoria IL
1969 MM Stevens Ralph East Hampton, L.i., N.y. CA
1969 RM Dale Ron Asheville NC
1969 SF Kliewer Larry El Cerrito CA
1970 BT Creed Ricky Oklahoma City OK
1970 BT Kennon Alfred Desloge MO
1970 CPO Nelson Darrell Red Wing MN
1970 Diver Dagata Tony E. Brewton AL
1970 EM Dotter Ken Albany OR
1970 EN Clark Steven Ephrata WA
1970 EN Curtis Louis Brilliant AL
1970 EN Deguzman Jose San Diego CA
1970 EN Honeysett Phil Plainwell MI
1970 HT Mcpeak Mike Boise ID
1970 LT Norton David
1970 QM Sessions Dee Ogden UT
1970 RD Scott Clyde Seguin TX
1970 SF Dixon Raymond Vinton IA
1970 SH Halverson Rick Seattle WA
1971 EN Kowalczyk Joseph Chicago IL
1971 FN Wells Gary Evansville IN
1971 RM Abbott Roger Hawarden IA





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