Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE APA-235 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 LT Purcell Heriberto San Juan PR
1943 CPTN Thompson "Albert ""Tommy""" Monmouth OR
1944 Hinson Larry Kannapolis NC
1944 -- Bratton Richard Las Vegas NV
1944 BM Miller Lawrence Moberly MO
1944 BM Saponare Frank East Hartford CT
1944 CPO Haslam James Adams MA
1944 CPO Kobetsky Bernard Thief River Falls Minn MN
1944 ENSN Dean John Milwaukee WI
1944 ENSN Schwartz Joseph Huntington Beach CA
1944 MM Hernandez Art Santa Paula CA
1944 SC Linder Jimmie D. Augusta KS
1944 SF Day Edward Coleman TX
1944 SM Barnum Nile Glasco Kansas KS
1944 SM Robinson John Dedham MA
1945 BM Jennings Victor Abbeville SC
1945 BM Jennings Victor Abbeville SC
1945 FC Comlin Alfred Brockton MA
1945 SC Moehrle James So.St. Paul MN
1945 SM Powers Robert Los Angeles CA
1945 SM Wetzig John Turtle Creek PA
1946 CPL Cone Charles Castalia NC
1946 SC Moehrle James So.St. Paul MN
1946 SH Janek Edward A. Galveston TX
1946 SN Taylor Fred New Franklin MO
1949 Fitzgerald Gerald WI
1949 BT Brady Albert Douglas AZ
1950 RD Jack Grovier Des Moines IA
1951 Prince TN
1951 SH Velleca Earl Boston MA
1951 SK Hopkins W. D. MO
1951 SK Stisher Thomas Lawrenceburg TN
1951 SK Toups Larry MS
1952 DK Woy Charles Chattanooga TN
1952 RD Healey Edward Newburyport MA
1952 RM Maddox Wally --
1952 SM Greenwald Harold Indianapolis IN
1953 CWO Smith Bert Lexington KY
1954 FT Rauls James Buffalo NY
1954 LTJG Kimmel Steve Staten Island, New York City NY
1954 QM Walsh Donald Chicago IL
1954 RM Hoblin John Brooklyn NY
1955 -- Blasing Robert Cincinnati OH
1955 YN Fennell Walter Youngstowns OH





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