Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE APA-215 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Reyes Nemitz Whitter CA
1940 Sparwasser IL
1943 PM Morgan Doit Marshall IL
1944 Eitel Raymond TX
1944 -- Halsey Kenneth Joseph OR
1944 -- Shrader Murray L Litchfield IL
1944 BM -apken martiniiiiiiiiiiiiii99p0- New Orleans LA
1944 BM Schwartz Sheldon Brooklyn NY
1944 CPO Grandbois Francis La Porte CA
1944 EM Box Raymond Houston TX
1944 ET Morales Ignatius New Orleans LA
1944 GM Sweigard Monte Palmyra PA
1944 HM Huston Wilbur Union City PA
1944 HM Huston Wilburjay Union City PA
1944 LT Rom William Ely MN
1944 LTJG Morgan Travis Tyler TX
1944 MM Monroe David Upland CA
1944 MM Stephens Darrell S. Parkersburg WV
1944 PM Hutchinson Harry Emmaus PA
1944 PM Lewry Robert Hudson Falls NY
1944 PM Morgan Doit Marshall IL
1944 RD Vannest Hal Cedar Rapids IA
1944 RM Wolfe Stanley San Francisco CA
1944 SF Smith Robert L Bridgewater MA
1944 SK Lyons John Ardmore PA
1945 BM Riser Howard Monroe LA
1949 EM Lyons Howard Westville IN
1949 ET Walker Theodore Portland OR
1950 BM Atchison Jerry Redondo Beach CA
1950 BM Phibbs
1950 BM Phipps T
1950 CS Garland Robert Calwell ID
1950 CS Robison Robert Macon MO
1950 CS Stealy Bob WA
1950 EM Marsenkowski --
1950 EM Welborn Raymond --
1950 EN Myers Richard Cheyenne WY
1950 LT Thomas Averil Stockton CA
1950 YN Levin Raymond Los Angeles CA
1951 Talbott Jack East Liverpool OH
1951 -- Talbott Jack East Liverpool OH
1951 MM Bell Kenneth San Mateo CA
1951 MM Calderini Robert Haledon NJ
1951 MM Elliott Richard Cleveland OH
1951 RD Vitale Ralph Baltimore MD
1951 RM Baker Gerald Bullhead City AZ
1951 SN Reese Henry Chillicothe OH
1952 MCPO Jackson Vernon Crookstom MN
1952 MM Lobianco Pasquale York PA
1952 SN Fine Harry Plymouth PA
1953 BT Walls Donald Mifflinburg PA
1953 CS Davis James Detroit MI
1953 EM Perrello Anthony New York City NY
1953 EN Broussard Donald Long Beach CA
1953 EN Winters Paul Huntington WV
1953 ENS Birmingham James G. Dorchester MI
1953 ENS Pandaleon Alec Brooklyn NY
1953 HM Pyser Philip Holyoke MA
1953 HM Pyser Philip Holyoke MA
1953 LCDR Gerber William Unknown --
1953 MM Talbott Jack East Liverpool OH
1953 SK Crump Kenny J. Connelly Springs NC
1953 SN Mccabe John (jack) Brooklyn MI
1954 BT Hall John Vernon TX
1954 CPO Huebner Paul Milwaukee WI
1954 EN Cook Charles Syracuse NY
1954 RD Schweers Ron Hondo TX
1955 BM Hicks Paul Salem VA
1955 LTJG Earley Joseph Lindsay CA
1955 RM Brooks James Oakland CA
1955 RM Reynolds Wayne Huron SD
1956 BM Muniz Carlos A San Antonio TX
1956 ET Lum Richard Davis CA
1956 FN Downs David Scott AR
1956 MM Clouthier Ron Ogdensburg NY
1956 QM Ellison William San Antonio TX
1956 RD Brown Raymond Nampa ID
1956 RD Mcmanus Frank Kalamazoo MI
1956 SK Kaiser Myron Crookston MN
1956 SM Moreno Gergorio Midland TX
1957 EN Bissitt Robert Ontario CA
1957 EN Brawl Charles Livingston TN
1957 HM Crittenden Steve Baldwin Park CA
1957 HM Crittenden Steve Baldwin Park CA
1957 LT Sleeper Bradford Rockland ME
1957 PN Tucker Clyde Knoxville TN
1958 Hoosier Earl Vidor TX
1958 Simmons Arthur GA
1958 BM Rhudy Walter Houston TX
1958 EM Cobb Sam Brownsville TX
1958 EM Mac Isaac Mike Citrus Heights CA
1958 HM Crittenden Steve Los Angeles CA
1958 HM Lacewell Thomas Long Beach CA
1958 HM Pearson Michael Murrieta CA
1958 RD Guerrero Abelardo Austin TX
1958 RD Jones Gary Bakersfield CA
1958 SN Nash Johnnie S. North Charleston SC
1958 SN Nash Johnnie S. North Charleston SC
1958 YN Hamner Kenneth El Reno OK
1959 ET Kaplan Joel Miami FL
1959 ET Kaplan Joel Miami FL
1959 HM Mckay Ron Fernley NV
1959 QM Scott Fred Mesquite TX
1959 SN Williams Richard Belzoni MS
1960 BM Arnold George Bayard NM
1960 BM Arnold George Bayard NM
1960 BM Cozart Kennith Nagadoaches TX
1960 BM Gideon Wayne Fontana CA
1960 BM Graham George Bastrop LA
1960 BM Roberts Kenneth Miami FL
1960 BM Roberts Ken --
1960 BM Roberts Ken --
1960 BM Timmons Truman Centrallia IL
1960 EN Wescovich Wallace Biloxi MS
1960 ET Clark IL
1960 ET Clark IL
1960 ET Clark Ron IL
1960 HM Register James Exeter NH
1960 LTJG Gehring Donald Asbury Park NJ
1960 MM Enk Jim Paulden AZ
1960 MM Mullen Raymond Mt. Gilead OH
1960 MM Shaw Jim Houston TX
1960 MR English Michael Sacramento CA
1960 PFC Stragliati Victor St. Louis MO
1960 PN Pyle Robert Tulsa OK
1960 QM Burkett Glenn Santa Ana CA
1960 RD Jones Melvin Georgetown TX
1960 RM Christopher Gene Springfield OH
1960 RM Jack Donald ? CA
1960 SK Hagemoser Daniel J Hagemoser Lincoln NE
1960 SN Holmes Richard Minneapolis MN
1960 SN Holmes Richard Minneapolis MN
1960 SN Timmons Truman Centralia IL
1960 SN Tipton Guy Greenville TX
1961 Davis Robert Belzona MS
1961 -- Ditzler Dave CA
1961 LTJG Ryan Joseph F. Haverhill MA
1961 LTJG Ryan Joseph Haverhill` MA
1961 MM Bryan Jimmy Grapevine TX
1961 MM Davis
1961 SN Buck Ray Fresno CA
1961 SN Shepherd George Houston TX
1961 YN Hershman Bruce Sepulveda CA
1962 -- Vaught Melvin Story AR
1962 BM Brown Paul Shreveport LA
1962 BM Ditzler Dave Los Angelus CA
1962 BM Mccallister Rich Seattle WA
1962 BT Williamson Roderick Crandall TX
1962 CS Stoddard Ronald Red Clinton IA
1962 EM Bates Robert (Bob) Vancouver WA
1962 EM Rotan Charles San Antonio TX
1962 EN Richards
1962 EN English Billy NY
1962 EN Haley James Lake Jackson TX
1962 EN Haley James Lake Jackson TX
1962 EN Vaught Melvin El Toro CA
1962 EN Voight Melvin El Cahon CA
1962 FN Stanton Lawrence (larry) Sherrard IL
1962 FT Montoya Tobias(toby) Red Cliff CO
1962 IC Bauers David Fremont NE
1962 IC Turnage Harold Kosciusko MS
1962 LTJG Garver Bruce Worthington OH
1962 PN Waid Peter Federal Way WA
1962 RM Holden Leonard. Jr. Santa Monica CA
1962 RM Holden Leonard Santa Monica CA
1962 RM Liptak Andrew Cleveland OH
1962 RM Mckeithen John Baton Rouge LA
1962 SM Morgan Jerry Texarkana TX
1962 SN Cain William Lumberton NC
1962 SN Everitt James Hattiesburg MS
1962 SN Gambell Bruce Los Alamos NM
1962 YN Barreras Trinidad Anthony TX
1963 BM Dirschl Edward Denver CO
1963 BM Gay Richard La CA
1963 BM Gilmore Billy CA
1963 BM Malone Michael Joplin MO
1963 BM Malone Michael Joplin MO
1963 BM Vice Beven Denver CO
1963 BT Singleton James(Jim) New Bern NC
1963 EM Morris William B Las Vegas NV
1963 ET Kurbat Robert Phoenix AZ
1963 HM Brown Jim Taylorville IL
1963 LTJG Parsons Floyd Harrisburg PA
1963 RD Ashbrook Larry Sedalia MO
1963 RM Dasch IL
1963 RM Liptak Andrew Cleveland OH
1963 RM Park Joel Bakersfield CA
1963 SK Hildreth Joseph Modesto CA
1963 SK Kennedy Lawrence Long Beach Ca CA
1963 SN Hulsing Donald Parkersburg IA
1963 SN Noblett Kenneth Southgate CA
1963 SN Singer Ronald Utica MI
1963 YN Courtney Robert La Puente Ca CA
1964 Benz Bernard Chaska MN
1964 BM Davis Gordon Torrance CA
1964 BM Freiley Michael Weatherford TX
1964 CPO Morris William Las Vegas NV
1964 DT Cosgrove Edward Newburgh NY
1964 EM Skinner Eugene South Haven MI
1964 EM Webster Dale Barryton MI
1964 EN Newgord James Minneapolis MN
1964 ET Kinlow Thomas Milwaukee WI
1964 FT Boyles Larry New Castle PA
1964 GM Kelley Patrick Sharon PA
1964 GM Kelley Patrick Sharon PA
1964 HM Hodson Robert Bolivar PA
1964 HM Smith Michael R. Long Beach CA
1964 HM Smith Michael R. Long Beach CA
1964 IC Quick Dick Eau Claire WI
1964 LTJG Heller Stephen St.josephmo WA
1964 LTJG Renolds
1964 MM Herrington Martin Newton TX
1964 MR Bigner Jake Wray CO
1964 QM Ray Maurice Denver CO
1964 QM Workman Jim
1964 RM Liptak Andrew Cleveland OH
1964 RM Mcafee Felton Macon GA
1964 SN De Long Jack Hamburg IA
1964 SN Miller David Dallas TX
1964 SN Miller David Dallas TX
1964 SN Titus William Omaha NE
1964 YN Majors Johnny Melville LA
1965 BM Lochmann John Wichita KS
1965 BM Woolner Robert Sac CA
1965 CS Hernandez Ben El Monte CA
1965 DC Johnson Dennis Marysville WA
1965 DC Teal Stanley ( Byron) Thomaston GA
1965 EN Limas Jesse Manteca CA
1965 EN Schwender William Cincinnati OH
1965 HM Bankson J. B. Mansfield LA
1965 HM Hodson Bob CA
1965 HM Mckindles Norman Warren MI
1965 LT Powers Md I IN
1965 MM Kelly Kenneth Council Bluffs IA
1965 MM Robinson Robbie Oxford GA
1965 MM Robinson Victor Walled Lake MI
1965 RD Rascoe Jon Burleson TX
1965 SK Workman Gene Portland OR
1965 SM Good Edward Kittanning PA
1965 SN Gardner Thurman Not Known
1965 SN Johnson Tall Jersey City NJ
1965 SN Johnson Tall Jersey City NJ
1965 SN Johnson Tall Jersey City NJ
1965 SN King Un-known Not Known
1965 SN Mooney John Bronx NY
1965 SN Williams
1965 SN Willms David Stockton CA
1966 Ikonetta Victor MA
1966 BM Charron Roberto A Mayaguez PR
1966 BM Johnstone Tom Cleveland OH
1966 BM Lorenzini Barry Northvale NJ
1966 BM Stonebraker Gary Melvindale MI
1966 BM Stonebraker Gary Melvindale MI
1966 BT Morrison Monty Burkburnett TX
1966 DC Murray John Redondo Beach CA
1966 DK Conlon Terrance Binghamton NY
1966 EM Diacin H.t. Youngstown OH
1966 EN Disney James Richmond IN
1966 EN Schwender Bill Cincinnati OH
1966 ENSN Rodriguez Johnny San Antonio TX
1966 ET Boggs Bill Massillon OH
1966 LTJG Bivin Steve Drumright OK
1966 MM Newgord Robert Minneapolis MN
1966 PC Dardano Nicholas Vernon NY
1966 PC Dardano Nicholas Vernon NY
1966 RM Mcgraw Robert Mckeesport PA
1966 RM Schoonover Dale Tacoma WA
1967 BM Stone Steven Manhattan Beach Ca CA
1967 BM Tynon Al Wyandotte OK
1967 CWO Engler Donald Aurora IL
1967 DC Mesko Steve Washington PA
1967 ET Ferl Mick Albuquerque NM
1967 ET Goldberg David Chicago IL
1967 ET Reyes Nemits Whittier CA
1967 FT Doyle Kevin New Albany IN
1967 FT Houle Fred Goshen MA
1967 LCDR Powers Md William Ray Lyons IN
1967 LT Buccholtz William Ames IA
1967 MM Von Werder Larry Ft. Smith AR
1967 PC Thomas Daniel Springfield IL
1967 PVT Yettman Harry Terre Haute IN
1967 RM Atkins James Kenosha WI
1967 RM Dorr Harvey Astoria OR
1967 RM Smith John Houston TX
1967 SK Riordan Bill Glendale CA
1967 SM Simmons Ken Muskegon MI
1967 SN Raspperry John San Diego CA
1967 YN Myers Joseph Freeport IL
1968 ET Sonnelitter Gary Lockport NY
1968 FN Karwoski Timothy Tarzana CA
1968 LT Stonecipher Willim Angolaindiana IN
1969 AG Black Tim Hershey PA
1969 DC Whitehead Ellsworth Forks WA
1969 EM Lyons Howard Westville IN
1969 SK Sipowicz Gerald Glens Falls NY
1969 SN Radloff Harry Amarilltexas TX
1969 SN Sherwood Richard Watsonville CA
1969 SN Stafford Wayne Cincinnati OH
1969 SN Totman Larry Minneapolis MN





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