Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AOG-56 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1946 EM Picard Maurice San Rafael CA
1946 HM Henderson Arno "Hank" Warroad MN
1946 QM Darnell John Bradenton FL
1946 YN Greiner Hal Pinellas Park FL
1948 -- Traynham Paul Charleston SC
1948 -- Traynham Paul Charleston SC
1949 DC Valcik August Palacios TX
1949 GM Gryniewicz Paul Cleveland OH
1949 GM Wilson Paul (leroy) Harrington DE
1949 LTJG Van Sant Jim Oakdale CA
1949 QM Middleton Darrell Haddon Heights NJ
1950 MCPO Barber Dick Jackson Heights NY
1950 RM Fox Kenneth Spanaway WA
1950 SN Carter Roy Bedford VA
1952 GM Farley Bobbie Smithfield VA
1952 RM Johnson Hubert W. (Lucky) Nashport OH
1952 SM Ferrugia Raphael Nyc NY
1952 SM Rocklyn Rocky Bronx NY
1952 SN Durant Richard Dick Plainville CT
1952 SN Rocklin Sheldon (rocky) Bronx NY
1953 CS Harding Homer Bakersville NC
1955 EN Barlow Floyd Peoria IL
1955 FT Wood Bob Burlington NJ
1955 SN Vantassel Lynn Adams WI
1958 SN Kent Wayne Athens GA
1966 BM Thedell Erine Ogden UT
1966 CPTN Kuhn Rik Seattle WA
1966 EN Gosnell Emet Cisco TX
1966 EN Weaver Thomas San Gabriel CA
1966 FN Henson Jerry Kalamazoo MI
1966 FN Nelson Herbert (Tom) Joliet IL
1966 PN Black Harold --
1966 QM Burr Ray Clearwater FL
1966 QM Wise Jerry Akron OH
1966 RM Angeloff Edward Phoenix AZ
1966 RM Angeloff Ed Tacoma WA
1967 BM Smith Lawrence Watertown NY
1967 SF Beall Terry North Canton OH
1967 SK Caine Randy Stockton CA
1967 SK Washam Harry Midland TX
1967 YN Clexton Art Niles IL
1968 GM Lunsford Larry Pollok TX
1968 LTJG Scott Jan Arcadia IN
1968 SK Bernal Jose Philippines CA
1968 SM Sevorin FL
1968 SN Hardel Daniel Oshkosh WI
1969 BM Cooper Steven Brooklyn NY
1969 EM Gaspord Bruce New Richmon WI
1969 EN Boyden Thomas Warwick RI
1969 SN Carroll Gary Yoakum TX
1970 CPO Prettyman Douglas Price UT
1970 DC Piester Dennis Cheyenne WY
1970 DC Valcik August El Campo TX
1970 ET Gabrisch Jim Anaheim CA
1970 GM Abramowitz Leonard Indio CA
1970 SM Wise Edward Baltimore MD
1971 BM Johnson Charles Pittsburgh PA
1971 ET Potter Doug Fort Worth TX
1971 GM Hoover Ted Osage City KS
1971 GM Mass Dan Washington PA
1971 LTJG Shepard Rick Rome Italy DE
1972 BM Ratliff H. Mark Petal MS
1972 BM Wiedman Bill Philadelphia PA
1972 EN Blackler Mike Peterborough NH
1972 EN Deluca Vincent Watertown MA
1972 EN Neumann David Bristol CT
1972 EN Rapp David Oakdale PA
1972 EN Zimmerman Phil Richmond VA
1972 ET Kovar Steve Omaha NE
1972 MS Blonkowski Eugene Ballston Spa NY
1972 SN Braxton James Jamaica NY
1973 EM Vaughn Charles Eloy AZ
1973 EM Vaughn Charles Eloy AZ
1973 EN Wright Dan Bladensburg MD
1973 IC Simpson Ken Woodstown NJ
1973 RM Epps Junius Farmville VA
1974 SN Arrogante Rene Philippines VA
1974 SN Arrogante Rene Philippines VA
1974 SN Winski James Jane Lew WV
1975 SN Esch L. Dave Perrington MI





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