Registration For Hullnumber


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IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AO-143 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 LCDR Hambright Thomas --
1941 Hardwick James Fort Worth TX
1949 BM Roy William [Bill ] Manchester NH
1949 CPO Jones Robert Mebane NC
1949 ET Jones Stephen Phoenix AZ
1949 MM Mcallister Tom Allentown PA
1949 MM Ray James Detroit MI
1949 SK Yeager George Philadelphia PA
1949 YN Hetrick Hugh Port Orchard WA
1950 SM Pope Stanley Depoy KY
1953 Clark James Noblesville IN
1953 RD Shaughnessy Frank Hartford CT
1954 GM Mello Raymond Cambridge MA
1954 RM Pilz Bruce Stamford CT
1954 SN Woolard Robert Dayton OH
1955 ET Kretzmer Richard Glastonbury CT
1955 SN Benoit James --
1956 CS Martin Bill Cleveland OH
1956 DC Mcinnis Allan Riverside RI
1956 DK Wyman Robert Chester VT
1956 EM Rogers Cliff Colchester CT
1956 IC Chipman Bill Rising Sun IN
1956 IC Green Larry Bellingham WA
1956 QM Inquagiato Joe Rochester NY
1956 RM Hosmer Chester Norfolk NY
1956 RM Mazzola Frank Cambria CA
1957 BT Carlson Robert Morgantown WV
1957 CS Scott Paul Harlan KY
1957 HM Diberardinis Tom East Rochester NY
1957 RM Flood Jim Ithaca NY
1957 RM Gray Fred Meridian MS
1957 RM Passarella Tom Chicago --
1957 RM Passarella Tom Chicago IL
1957 RM Ruggiers Thomas Kane PA
1958 CS Boyette Lewyn Live Oak FL
1958 ET Little Allan Geneseo NY
1958 IC Bounds Jim Lincoln NE
1958 LTJG Kilthau Bob Patchogue NY
1958 RM Kerkemeyer Jim Chicago IL
1958 SH Barbee William Summner GA
1958 SN Stary Gary Green Bay WI
1959 BM Borise George Ed Belair Md AL
1959 BM Gifford John Kenosha WI
1959 BM Gifford John Kenosha Wi MS
1959 BM Thompson Ronald Upton MA
1959 FN Coen Oran Macon IL
1959 GM Knavel Jan Alum Bank PA
1959 MM Bayes William Royal Oak MI
1959 MM Brown Norman Peabody MA
1959 RD Carney Earl Rome GA
1959 RD Luther John Chicago IL
1959 RM Passarella Thomas Chicago IL
1959 SF Lehan Tom Rock Island IL
1959 SK Akridge Robert Carroll Cairo GA
1959 SK Pron Pete Pottsville PA
1959 SM Byrne Richard Westford MA
1959 SN Case James Norwalk OH
1959 SN Vincent Richard Newburgh NY
1959 YN Hall John Greenville SC
1960 BT Nicholson William Chauncey OH
1960 BT Opper Rich Sandusky OH
1960 GM Logue Richard Bedford PA
1960 HM Imhoff Robert Baltimore MD
1960 MM Gomez Noe Wyandotte MI
1960 MM Jackson Bill Cincinnati OH
1960 MM Mcfarlin Jerry Nashville TN
1960 MM Peck Basil Eugene Bowen KY
1960 MM Reaves Curtis Woods NC
1960 MM Reaves Curtis Woodsdale NC
1960 MM Roberts Herbert Monck SC
1960 MM Roberts Herbert Moncks Corner SC
1960 RM Lovett George Bensalem PA
1960 SM Hall Donald Carmi IL
1960 SM Ricks Bob Grenada MS
1960 SM Warman Maynard Stockton ME
1961 BM Eiche George Moonachie NJ
1961 BM Mc Gowan William Philadelphia GA
1961 BM Steptoe Billy Swainsboro GA
1961 BM Vaughn Gilbert Americus GA
1961 DK Daniels Roy Brooklyn NY
1961 GM Armbruster Bart Philadelphia PA
1961 IC Davis Ron Champaign IL
1961 QM Zampella George Plainfield NJ
1961 RM Manditch Edward Boca Raton FL
1961 RM Transue John Quakertown PA
1961 SM Gough Wayne Ponca City OK
1961 SN Byrwa Robert Buffalo NY
1961 SN Moon Edward Gadsden AL
1962 BM Rude Charles Indianapolis IN
1962 BT House Larry Kansas City MO
1962 BT Koehler George Jackson MO
1962 DC Stevenson John San Diego CA
1962 ET Mandeville Edward Belvidere IL
1962 FT Reay Ross Howe OK
1962 GM Wiegman Tom Troy OH
1962 MM Olson John Decorah IA
1962 RD Morrison John Chicago IL
1962 SM Eckes Arnold Rice Lake WI
1963 ET Menchen Gary Yonkers NY
1963 IC Wells Joe Clarksville IN
1963 MM Crisp Edward Miami FL
1963 RM Lusk Louis Williamsport PA
1963 SN Hughes Marvin (john) Arnoldsville GA
1963 SN Hughes Marvin (john) Arrnoldsville GA
1964 ET Kunz Roger Washington DC
1964 FT Tracy Ray Lyndhurst NJ
1964 RM Nicander Arthur H Flint MI
1964 RM Wantuck David Bethel Park PA
1964 RM Wise Ronald Arbutus MD
1964 RM Wise Ronald Arbutus MD
1964 SM Edwards Roy Brockton MA
1964 SN Davis Tom Leetonia OH
1965 BM Bane Sr James Bridgeport OH
1965 BM Chapman Gregory Canal Fulton OH
1965 BM Ruth Joseph Mechanicsburg PA
1965 ET Williams Allen Saranac Lake NY
1965 FN Emery Ervin Fairfield ME
1965 GM Myers Larry Lima OH
1965 MCPO Buchanan Daniel New York City NY
1965 MM Mason Jerry Newport News VA
1965 MM Mclain Brian St. Louis MO
1965 MM Miles Kent Gothenburg NE
1965 RD Scarpone Ron Philadelphia PA
1965 SM Dennison Curtis Hull MA
1966 Lea Robert
1966 BM Black Don Pittsburgh PA
1966 BM Gandara Rene El Paso TX
1966 BM Quast Wally Charlottesville VA
1966 BM Tabor Doug Yreka CA
1966 BM Tomlin Lonnie Buena Vista VA
1966 BT Massicotte William Manchester CT
1966 DC Latimer Richard Denver CO
1966 DK C;Ampbell Dudrow Charleston SC
1966 EM Bertini Al Boston MA
1966 EN Peele Robert Laurel Hill NC
1966 FT Crockett John Skippack PA
1966 MR Anneken Donald Burlington KY
1966 PN Boone Daniel New York City MD
1966 QM Caldwell William Phila PA
1966 RD Dow Gary Denver CO
1966 RD Lea Robert AR
1966 SM Carroll Bill Jersey City NJ
1966 SN Lorraine Robert Suitland MD
1967 Robert Brantley
1967 BM Lyle David Rock Hill SC
1967 BM Reese Steve Charlottesville VA
1967 BT Brantley Robert Lakeland FL
1967 BT White Walter Sumter SC
1967 BT Wozniak Joe Loganville GA
1967 BT Zimmer Barry Rochester NY
1967 CPO Roe Ralph Crafton PA
1967 DC Quinn Terry Biringham AL
1967 DK Campbell Dudrow --
1967 ET Allen Mark Floyd VA
1967 GM Kotawitz Vincent Pittsburgh PA
1967 GM Vogel Roy Arvada CO
1967 GM Vogel Roy Arvada CO
1967 LT Barker Ernest Gail Raleigh NC
1967 MM Bucher Greg South Bend IN
1967 MM Wheeler Jim Winston-salem NC
1967 RM Craven William Kernersville NC
1967 RM Dow Gary Denver CO
1967 RM Nyberg Barry Fairview PA
1967 RM Runnels Gary Lakeland FL
1967 RM Runnels Gary Winter Haven FL
1967 SH Ballentine Garry Charlotte NC
1967 SK Blackwood James AR
1967 SK Winkel Richard Chilton WI
1967 SN Mack Edward Cranford NJ
1968 BM Irving Stevean Charlottesville VA
1968 BT Boutsikaris Michael J. Harper Woods MI
1968 BT Hill Ron Bellmawr NJ
1968 CPO JONES Bob Mebane NC
1968 GM Smith David Kennesaw GA
1968 GM Smith David Kennesaw GA
1968 IC Boyles Steve Winston-salem NC
1968 MM Evans William Youngstown OH
1968 MM Jarnagin Justin Chicago IL
1968 MM Reeves Melvin Douglas WY
1968 MM Zedlar Peter Johnstown PA
1968 MR Klammer Mark Mankato MN
1968 PVT Varnadoe Mon Lodge SC
1968 RM Myers Robert Plymouth MI
1968 SF Baldwin Joe Madison WI
1968 SF Jones Larry Washington DC
1968 SH Boles David (odell) Coos Bay OR
1968 SH Brownlow John Binghamton NY
1968 SH Brownlow John Bingamton NY
1968 SH Brownlow John Binghamton NY
1968 SH Cozatt Michael Danville IL
1968 SH Hove Bob Ely IA
1968 SH Hove Bob IA
1968 SH Kelly Thomas ? MA
1968 SH Royer (davy Jones) Steve (hog) Galena OH
1968 SK Mackay (mac) Robert Menahga MN
1968 SK Melton Ron Westfield IL
1968 SK Steve Robinson
1968 SM Oncale Wayne Thibodaux LA
1968 SN Digiacomo Steve Indian Mills NJ
1968 YN Heppel John Syracuse NY
1968 YN Macisaac David Auburn MA
1969 Wall Tom Jefferson IN
1969 BM Ford Gary Archie MO
1969 BM Ford Gary Archie MO
1969 BM Phillips Dennis Mount Vernon OH
1969 EM Nealand Denny Toledo OH
1969 GM Duncan Donald Christiansburg VA
1969 IC Watts Jerry Cordova AL
1969 LCDR Stimis Jack Jacksonville FL
1969 MM Cottrell Jim Oakhurst NJ
1969 MM Freed Richard Sikeston MO
1969 MM Freed Richard Sikeston MO
1969 OS Rappaport Ronald N.y.c NY
1969 PC Kinsley Frank (mailman) Youngstown OH
1969 SH Hancock Phil (basket) S. Hampton NY
1969 SH Sprague Richard (barber) Chester PA
1969 SH Waldrip Bob (wally} Toledo OR
1969 SK Henderson Scott Orlando FL
1969 SK Henderson Scott Orlando FL
1969 SK Mathis Jimmy (drift) Orlando FL
1969 SN Johnson Larry Ashville AL
1969 SN Johnson Larry Ashville AL
1969 SN Summony Mike PA
1969 SN Young Bobby Killen AL
1969 YN Meyers Del New Berlin NY
1970 BM Dunkle James Logansport IN
1970 HT Mcfarlin Tom Prospect Heights IL
1970 LT Chestnut Jim ?
1970 LTJG Carpender Kim NY
1970 MM Mcninch John Columbia SC
1970 MM Shipman Bill Brunswick GA
1971 BM Boggs Hubert Baltimore MD
1971 BM Howell David Richmond VA
1971 BM Jones Henry Lamarque TX
1971 BM Smith Dey PA
1971 BM Yoxall Allen Los Cruses NM
1971 CS Beeman Kurt Plymouth CT
1971 CS Garzo Nick Endicott NY
1971 CS Sullivan Charles Louisville KY
1971 FN Bonacorso Ken Baton Rouge LA
1971 GM Doyle James Goose Creek SC
1971 HM Piergallini Richard Stubenville OH
1971 LT Skirm George Prescott Valley AZ
1971 MM Kruger Richard Urbandale IA
1971 MR Moore Dennis Akron OH
1971 MR Paese Michael Buffalo SC
1971 PN Burns Jack Friendswood TX
1971 RM Johnstone Dennis St.louis MO
1971 RM Tataro John Leeds MA
1971 SD Stanton Jim Watertown SD
1971 SH Dieck Dennis Hillsdale NJ
1971 SM Giaco Vincent Alexandria LA
1972 Mcqueen David Johnson City TN
1972 BM Alexander Warren Dunnellon FL
1972 BM Coco Jeffrey Baton Rouge LA
1972 BM Nash Clyde Blytheville AR
1972 BM Ward William G. Bellamy AL
1972 BM Weith Steve Middletown OH
1972 BT Resavage Daniel Bethel Park PA
1972 GM Cain Larry Shreveport LA
1972 HM Alexander Richard Lakeville CT
1972 HM Piergallini Richard Steubenville OH
1972 HT Dekock Don Pella IA
1972 MM Brulport Steve Kenosha WI
1972 MM Burroughs Carl Cincinnati OH
1972 MM Dotson Douglas (bud) Knoxville TN
1972 MM Hubbell Kenneth Ithaca NY
1972 MM Kelsey (kelso) Jake Bristol TN
1972 MM Nooney Bill Plainwell MI
1972 MS Stanton Jim Naples SD
1972 OS Schimmel David Niles MI
1972 SH Corns Mike Cincinnati OH
1973 Mixon John --
1973 BM Benton Tom Faihaven OH
1973 BM Cannon Mark Billings MT
1973 BM Torregano Kermit Slidell LA
1973 BT Jones Frank Boston MA
1973 BT Jones Frank Boston MA
1973 EM Novakovic Milan Schenectady NY
1973 GM Hall James Shirley MA
1973 IC Sizemore Danny Weldon IL
1973 LT Mcgarry Thomas Glenview IL
1973 MM Feazell Frank Cross Lanes WV
1973 MM Malone Bill Arlington MA
1973 MM Nooney Bill Plainwell MI
1973 MM Porter Clyde Martins Ferry OH
1973 MR Marshall Dennis Butler PA
1973 QM Mach Chuck West Mifflin PA
1974 BM Torregano Kermit Slidell LA
1974 BT Stevens James Columbus OH
1974 EM Hays James Pittsburgh PA
1974 EM Mason William Louisville KY
1974 EM Stabnow Dave MN
1974 FT Poole Richard Tehachapi CA
1974 IC Malecha Lyle Faribault MN
1974 MM Fleming Randy Ridgway PA
1974 MM Lewis 2nd William Huntington WV
1974 PN Burch Patrick Kings Park NY
1974 SN Nadeau Gerard Clinton ME
1974 SN Perry Edward Grayling MI
1974 YN Krueger Billy Wichita Falls TX
1975 Shoemaker Rick Emmittsburg MD
1975 BM Donohoe Jack Akron OH
1975 BM Mulholland Roger Jackson MI
1975 BM Page Marvin Tahlequah OK
1975 BM Page Marvin Tahlequah OK
1975 BM Wilhelm Christopher Buena Vista Virginia VA
1975 CWO Patnaude Bosn Stockton C
1975 EM Turner Richard Phenix VA
1975 HM Beasley Mark Webster TX
1975 HM Phillips Alexander Kahnawake Indian Ter NY
1975 MM Reeder Rick Carson CA
1975 MN Miller Robert Belford NJ
1975 MR Shaffer Arley Blairsville PA
1975 MS Shoemaker Rick Emitsburg MD
1975 PN Harrell Paul Newark DE
1975 RM Loehr Craig Devils Lake ND
1975 RM White Robert Atlanta GA
1976 BM Thiel Toby Normal IL
1976 BT Huddleston Tim Sparta IL
1976 EM Brown Raymond Columbus OH
1976 FT Hardman Charles Syracuse NY
1976 HM Graydon Robert Brownsville TX
1976 HT Rulo Stephen Nuthouse CA
1976 RM Ferguson Randy Mani LA
1977 BM Lillico Brian Houston TX
1977 BM Sharp Rick Connelly Springs NC
1977 CPO Oakley James Chattanooga TN
1977 HT Kuhn Dan Goffstown NH
1977 HT Kuhn Dan Goffstown NH
1977 HT Sronce Johnny Pinckneyville IL
1977 MM Coomber Doug Williamson NY
1977 MM Nichols Terry Washington D C DC
1977 RM Bartz Jerry Summit NJ
1977 RM Jackson John Montgomery AL
1977 SK Leduc Jim Massena NY
1977 SN Perry Clarence Buffalo NY
1977 YN Kendrick Robert Seat Pleasant MD
1988 ET Fether Phillip Bowling Green OH
1988 ET Vahey Jack Erie PA
1989 ET Brown Mark Winter Haven FL
1989 RM Berdahl Sheila Roland OK
2003 SM Hall Donald Carmi IL





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