Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AN-9 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1942 BM Richardson Donald Altadena CA
1946 PFC Brittain Wilburn Granite Falls NC
1948 SC Page James Puerto De Luna NM
1951 BM Evans Bryant Rayville LA
1952 RD Hartung Del Fremont NE
1952 SM Mcglaughn Kenneth Clyde Gadsden AL
1956 ENS Whitson Ron La CA
1957 SM Michaelis David Paxico KS
1957 YN Pinson Ed Boise ID
1958 RM Beckett Richard Edina MO
1959 EM Yearwood David Tulia TX
1962 EN Lattimer William Casper WY
1965 EM Petilli William NY
1965 LTJG Granger Roger Springfield Ma MA
1965 RD Kennedy Jack Huntsville AL
1965 YN Puhl Michael Pomona CA
1966 BM Benson Brent Oakland CA
1966 CPO Crews Jack
1966 CPO Harlan Carl
1966 CPO James Raymond A
1966 CPO Pennington Ewin
1966 CS Achim Francis
1966 CS Hazen Harvey M
1966 DC Baker Gerald
1966 EM Cowdery Donald L
1966 EM Goodrie David Minneapolis MN
1966 EM Stanley Caryle M
1966 EN Brenner Robert
1966 EN Fuller Theodore
1966 EN Gaston Kermit
1966 EN Olsen Carl
1966 ET Pruner
1966 FN Phillips Richard Pierre SD
1966 LCDR Solomon Donald L
1966 LT Dunham D.t.
1966 MN Tribon James
1966 QM Carter F E
1966 QM Mcquire R A
1966 RD Cassell Mike P
1966 RM Ernsberger Lawerence
1966 RM Jones Virgil D Holdrege NE
1966 TM Payne William
1967 BM Blaine Billy
1967 BM Egrin Evan Detroit MI
1967 CPO Rochrabacher Richard
1967 CPO Rochrabacher Richard
1967 CPTN Engman David Santa Rosa CA
1967 CS Quick James T
1967 ET Fowler Wayne Baltimore MD
1967 FN Agurela Agie CA
1967 FN Beacham Roger SD
1967 SK Jimenez Benjamin
1967 SM Bowling Robert
1967 SN Brown Charles
1967 SN Deitz
1967 SN Every Bruce
1967 SN Schock Michael
1967 SW Cataby Felipe PI
1968 CWO Little David John
1968 ENS Guelpa Edward Seal Beach CA
1968 ET Ding Clyde Hebron ND
1968 LT Blount Douglass Palos Park IL
1968 LT Phillips
1968 SN Chance Jessie
1968 SN Willis John
1968 YN Graf Carl





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