Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AGTR-1 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1949 CT Rohrer Bruce Chicago IL
1949 CT Schaff Edwin Pensacola FL
1961 CT Ayers John Spartanburg SC
1961 CT Hitchcock Jim Portage WI
1961 CT Joy Len Chicago IL
1961 CT Mac Donald Peter Quincy MA
1961 CT Oloughlin Dennis Miami OK
1961 ET Felgate Allen Minneapolis MN
1961 LTJG Hull David East Lansing MI
1961 RD Tubbs Dan Reseda CA
1961 RM Fortun Chet Bethlehem PA
1961 RM Letendre William Pawtucket RI
1962 BT Kanonik Mick West Mifflin PA
1962 BT Mulkern Mike Portland ME
1962 MM Horton Jesse Smithtown NY
1962 MM Horton Jesse Smithtown NY
1962 MM Horton Jesse Smithtown NY
1962 SF Pilak Wayne Milwaukee WI
1962 SM Masaitis James Tamaqua PA
1963 CS Muller Richard New Port Richey FL
1963 CT Brand Jim Silver Creek NE
1963 CT Cameron David Ottumwa IA
1963 CT Franklin John H Peterborough NH
1963 CT Kelley Ronnie Greenville SC
1963 CT King James R Palisade CO
1963 EM Parsell Chuck Caro MI
1963 EN Smith Donald OK
1963 EN Smith Donald OK
1963 EN Smith Donald OK
1963 ET Franklin Albert Port Monmouth NJ
1963 ET Franklin Albert Port Monmouth NJ
1963 ET Holloman Toby Portsmouth VA
1963 MM Gilpin David Pittsburgh PA
1963 MM Webb James Sharon PA
1963 PC Scaife George Shreveport LA
1963 PC Scaife George Shreveport LA
1963 QM Spence James Stuart VA
1963 RD Shan Richard Bridgeport CT
1964 Ruffini Charlie Waterbury CT
1964 BM Walter Joseph Baltimore MD
1964 CS Dahmer Robert New Orleans LA
1964 CT Oneil Brian Darien CT
1964 CT Pedersen Chris Miami FL
1964 CT Pesula Edward Barrington RI
1964 CT Polgar Thomas Lincoln Park MI
1964 CT Ross Freddie Big Spring TX
1964 CT Slack Bill Boulder CO
1964 CT Umphres Lee Carrizo Springs TX
1964 FN Marx John Seattle WA
1964 RM Fry David Roanoke VA
1964 RM Leidy Victor Perkasie PA
1964 SN Delgado Francisco Bronxnew York NY
1965 BM Wilson Lester Cumberland MD
1965 BT Gagne Ron Lewistown ME
1965 BT Gagne Paul Lewiston ME
1965 BT Letendre Fred Rochester NH
1965 BT Letendre Fred Rochester NH
1965 CM Farricker Rich Jersey City, Nj NY
1965 CPO Dorough Mckinley Elk City Oklahoma OK
1965 CT Buchignani John Weissport PA
1965 CT Fox Gerald Lake Pleasant NY
1965 CT Fox Gerald [jerry} Lake Pleasent NY
1965 CT Galvin Eugene Boston MA
1965 CT Galvin Eugene Boston MA
1965 CT Hines Robert Waldron IN
1965 CT Kemp Robert Colorado Springs CO
1965 CT Limkemann Steve Birmingham MI
1965 CT Nord James AL
1965 CT Oftedal Bob Seaford NY
1965 CT Roth Robert Minden City MI
1965 CT Walsh John Binghamton NY
1965 FC Cunningham Dennis Granada Hills CA
1965 GM Mccoy Parker Elizabeth City NC
1965 SK Vaughan William Springfield MO
1965 SN Thompson David El Dorado AR
1966 BM Grutzius George Tucson AZ
1966 BM Haug Terry Wa - Burien WA
1966 BM Napper Glenn Camden SC
1966 BM Napper Glenn Elgin SC
1966 BM Napper Glen SC
1966 CT Allen Tom Garden Grove CA
1966 CT Botkin Deryl St. Charles MO
1966 CT Curtman Charles Stanton MO
1966 CT Lovegrove Kenneth North Vernon IN
1966 CT Mello Ed Arlington VA
1966 CT Mello Ed Arlington VA
1966 CT Mello Edward J Arlington VA
1966 CT Schuman Joe Honesville PA
1966 CT Special Robert Cicero IL
1966 CT Special Robert Cicero IL
1966 CT Special Robert Cicero IL
1966 CT Special Robert Cicero IL
1966 CT Unipan Earl Ojai CA
1966 CT Wenner David Brunswick MD
1966 CT Williams James Redding CA
1966 EM Nelson Rodney Denton TX
1966 EM Nelson Rodney Denton TX
1966 EM Nelson Rodney Denton TX
1966 EN Waggoner Jim Richmond MO
1966 EN Wieringa Dennis Overland Park KS
1966 ET Lamoreaux Hal Marissa IL
1966 IC Swapp James Kanab UT
1966 LT Ingram Rodney Eugene OR
1966 PN Gerdes Robert Minneapolis MN
1966 QM Knudsen John Anchorage AK
1966 QM Tweedy Charles WA
1966 RM Cooper Gary Harrisburg AR
1966 SM Christensen Perry Price UT
1966 SM Goudge Robert Price NV
1966 SM Montoya Gilbert Salt Lake City UT
1966 SN Adler Lonny Bismarck ND
1966 SN Swain Dennis Anicoco LA
1967 BM Digangi Ed Brooklyn NY
1967 BM Lyons Ray Elizabethton TN
1967 BM Riddle Edward E Sacramento CA
1967 CPO Smith Thomas Flora IN
1967 CT Becker John Cincinnati OH
1967 CT Bischoff Gregory Staten Island NY
1967 CT Brown George Annapolis MD
1967 CT Dement David San Marcos TX
1967 CT Hoke Ken Trotwood OH
1967 CT Lamb Robert Dayton OH
1967 CT Murphy Mike Conshohocken PA
1967 CT Pittman Donald Pontiac MI
1967 CT Rogers Jerry Aurora IL
1967 CT Rucker Marion San Diego CA
1967 CT Syvrud George Alexandria MN
1967 CT Zonkoski John Tiltonsville OH
1967 EM Hazel George Tewksbury MA
1967 EM Hunter Martin Oxford NY
1967 EM Jones Carl Alpine CA
1967 EM Temple Tommy Marysville KS
1967 EN Jack John Elizabeth NJ
1967 EN Jack John Elizabeth NJ
1967 ENS Conley Eric Merced CA
1967 MM Boulton John Santa Fe NM
1967 MS Jackson Joel NY
1967 SF Sanderson David Cincinnati OH
1967 SK Call James Roseville CA
1967 SM Cox Elyan Imperial TX
1967 SM Elliott Ken Elliott Pt WA
1967 SM Elliott
1967 SM Tritt Lois Alamo TN
1968 BM Rogers James Boston MA
1968 BM Rogers James Boston MA
1968 CMDR Vail Harold Buffalo NY
1968 CS Torza John Hartford CT
1968 CT Breckenfelder David Manchester IA
1968 CT Dyson Jackie Gatesville TX
1968 CT Evans Al Bay City MI
1968 CT Evans Al Bay City MI
1968 CT Evans Albert Essexville Michigan MI
1968 CT Gmetro Jerry Cleveland OH
1968 CT Graham Art (goofy) Townsend MT
1968 CT Hillier Elwood Chicago IL
1968 CT Hoke Ken Trotwood OH
1968 CT Hyatt William Batavia NY
1968 CT Kocis Jerry Johnstown PA
1968 CT Kravitz Fred Orlando FL
1968 CT Luepkes Mike Kirkland IL
1968 CT Mymo Anthony Niles OH
1968 CT Parker Tom Pennsauken NJ
1968 CT Parker Tom Pensauken NJ
1968 CT Philip Stan San Carlos CA
1968 CT Post William Clifton NJ
1968 CT Rooney James Stamford CT
1968 CT Rooney James Stamford CT
1968 CT Shaw Robert Shrewsbury MA
1968 CT Taylor Cary Amarillo TX
1968 CT Taylor Cary Amarillo TX
1968 CT Watson Gordon Glasgow MT
1968 IC Cost Jack Forest City PA
1968 IC Fudala David Lodi CA
1968 LTJG Ota Roy Honolulu HI
1968 MR Wentling Randy Ventura CA
1968 PC Bronco Raymond Newark NJ
1968 QM Dunkle Ralph Adena OH
1968 QM Dunkle Ralph Adena OH
1968 RM Warren John Knoxville TN
1968 SK Garcia Virgil Austin TX
1968 SK Grubbs Doug Winston Salem NC
1968 SK Preseren Rob Cleveland OH
1968 SM Preseren Rob Cleveland OH
1968 SM Preseren Rob Cleveland OH
1969 AE Kopp Paul Seattle WA
1969 CMDR Saberson Lee Evanston IL
1969 CS Finney Leonard Manhattan KS
1969 CS Kopp Paul Seattle WA
1969 CT Beach Marvin Spartanburg SC
1969 CT Jurnell Nick Lima OH
1969 CT Kerr Rick Akron OH
1969 CT Moody Tom Pittsburgh PA
1969 CT Schaff Edwin Gardena CA
1969 CT Shirey Earl El Dorado AR
1969 MM Wright James Fortmill SC
1969 QM Bailey Alan Los Angeles CA
1969 QM Ely Jack Columbus OH
1969 RM Logsdon Rjchard Santa Cruz CA
1969 RM White Stephen Kent OH
1969 SN Dwire Earl Hudson NH
1969 SN Saffle Gary Santa Maria CA
1971 CT Johnson Mark Antwerp NY
1984 MR Marx John Seattle WA





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