Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AD-1 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1945 EM Mcgivern John Tacoma WA
1946 Conners Carlton Daisetta TX
1946 SC Faulk John Crowley LA
1948 QM Bennett Neil Wilmington NC
1949 SK Young Mike Columbus OH
1951 SN Otero Robert Albuquerque NM
1953 CM Donnelly Rochard Great Falls MT
1953 ET Ashby Ron Arlington VA
1954 SN Leslie Fred Sanford NC
1955 OS Snell William Dothan AL
1955 SN Cardwell Cn Knoxville TN
1955 SN Ensley John Kewanee IL
1955 SN Ensley John Kewanee IL
1955 SN Gentry Earl Cookville TN
1956 SH Covington Kenneth Fayetteville NC
1958 YN Mathis (staff-comcrudespac) Albert North Little Rock AR
1959 SF Jacobus Harold Grand Rapids MI
1960 SF Dementz Richard Sacramento CA
1961 SO Weld Sherman Sweet Home OR
1961 SO Weld Sherman Sweet Home OR
1963 BM Lake Joe Phoenix AZ
1964 PN Lowe Howard Russell (russ) Billings MT
1965 SN Osborne Roger Fort Lauderdale FL
1965 TM Mcgarity Walter Spartanburg SC
1966 CS Leslie Sam MT
1966 RM Loper Bob Seymour IN
1966 SCPO Lancaster Bobby Roanoke VA
1967 PFC Zubi Michael Chicago IL
1967 RM Loper Robrt Seymour IN
1968 SF Keyt Ron Dallas OR
1968 SK Morse Ken Carso N CA
1970 BT Wearmouth Walter Lorimor IA
1970 EN Gibson Marc Wilsonville OR
1970 MM Ward Wardrc1 Knoxville TN
1970 RM Metzler Dennis Colby KS
1970 RM Metzler Dennis Colby KS
1971 CPO Brown Gene Bellefonte PA
1971 SCPO Barbee David Tulsa OR
1975 BT Robinson George New Orleans LA
1975 ML Armeli Michael Phoenix AZ
1979 ET Henson Paul Rolla MO
1980 BT Thomas Bryon Arcadia CO
1980 IC Sullivan Don Lake Jackson TX
1980 SCPO Scott Carl Grandrapids MI
1981 BM Jimoh Ganiyu Houston TX
1983 MM Ephlin James Las Vegas NV





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