A new Navy Blue T-Shirt ( Gildan Ultra Cotton - 100% cotton - 6 oz./yd2 )
CHEST: "NAVY" in 3" white block letters
LEFT SLEEVE: White ME rating symbol.
LEFT SLEEVE: Rating symbol only - no crow, chevrons or stripes.
RIGHT SHOULDER ROCKER: Is in 1/4" white block letters and reads:
RIGHT SHOULDER ROCKER: DOES NOT include Hull / Squadron number
Automatically entered ordering code = ME/DE-331
Ensure you order the correct size, click on Size Guide
Sales into OHIO have 7.50% sales tax added.
$23.95 + S&H
Shipping & Handling: Merchandise total less than $27, S&H = $5 Merchandise $27 - $85, S&H = $8.00 Merchandise $85 or More - S&H = FREE
To a single address - US Destination